audyty interzero

Do you need an environmental audit? It's so easy with Interzero!

audyty interzero

Do you need an environmental audit? It’s so easy with Interzero!

Discover another of our services – environmental audits . We will check the condition of your company in terms of meeting legal requirements related to environmental protection. You can book an audit online today via our website:

We perform audits in the field of:

  • waste management,
  • impact on the cleanness of the atmosphere,
  • impact on the water and ground environment,
  • introducing products in packaging to the domestic market,
  • placing certain products on the domestic market.

We identify the company’s environmental obligations, assess the degree of compliance with environmental law, and indicate specific corrective or corrective actions.

Get an objective opinion on your projects and develop your business stress-free.

Przemysław Kuna

The most common mistakes made in the implementation of obligations arising from environmental protection regulations

Przemysław Kuna

The most common mistakes in the implementation of obligations arising from environmental protection regulations – an article in the journal Chemia i Biznes

In the latest issue of the magazine Chemia i Biznes, a statement by Przemysław Kuna, Managing Director at Interzero, regarding the most common mistakes made by entrepreneurs in the scope of obligations arising from environmental protection regulations.

Most enterprises operating in Poland are related to the production and provision of services that generate the so-called environmental waste. Environmental awareness in our country is growing, but business owners do not always know what specific obligations apply to them as part of their business.

The biggest area causing problems for entrepreneurs is waste management. The problem starts with choosing the right receiving entity, and ends with the decision, entry in the BDO and the storage itself. Waste, packaging and air emissions are key areas that should be formally regulated.

We encourage you to read the entire article HERE .

dzien baterii

International Battery Day 2023

dzien baterii

On February 18, we celebrate International Battery Day

Most of us have at least one battery-powered device at home. This is a solution that has been helping to reduce energy consumption and bills for years. However, it also has its downsides. Batteries are harmful to our planet and become hazardous waste when they run out. They contain many harmful substances that can poison water and land. One small button battery can contaminate a cubic meter of the environment!
How to celebrate this day? It is worth considering whether there are any items with used batteries in our homes that we should dispose of. Let’s check if your batteries are still functional. Let’s consider whether we don’t buy too many disposable batteries instead of rechargeable ones.
On the occasion of this holiday, we would also like to remind you that we do not throw batteries into mixed waste, but into dedicated containers or to PSZOK. By returning used batteries to designated collection points, we protect the environment.
We encourage you to watch a short animation explaining why battery recycling should be important to each of us:

Interzero Paweł Sosnowski

Share of recyclate in introduced packaging

Interzero Paweł Sosnowski

The share of recyclate in the introduced packaging – an article for the bi-monthly magazine Plastics in Przemyśl

We encourage you to read the article on the share of recyclate in the introduced packaging in the latest issue of the bi-monthly magazine Tworzywa Sztuczne w Przemyśl, in which Paweł Sosnowski, Management Board Representative for Environmental Regulations, Interzero mentions the Single Use Plastics Directive and the draft regulation on packaging and packaging waste.

The share of recyclate will be calculated as an average of beverage bottles for which such a share will be required, placed on the market in a given year. The directive therefore does not require the share of recyclate in each introduced bottle. Mandatory recyclate in beverage bottles is an important step in creating a circular economy. – recalls Pawel Sosnowski.

The new regulations will therefore be a major challenge for those introducing packaged products, but also for the recycling industry. They will improve the quality of recyclate, where the quality is currently insufficient, but will also force further investments in recycling installations that will ensure that the demand for recyclate is covered at least at the level of the required shares in packaging. A big challenge will be to provide recyclate that will meet the stringent requirements for its use in the production of packaging sensitive to contact. –
sums up Pawel Sosnowski.
We encourage you to read the entire article HERE.

You're looking for a job? We'll make it!

Develop your skills at Interzero!

At Interzero, we will focus on you and your talents. Expand them by joining us.

We are currently looking for candidates for the following positions:

  • Key Account Manager | Warsaw | Read more HERE.
  • Key Account Manager | Lodz | Read more HERE.
  • Key Account Manager | Krakow | Read more HERE.
  • Accountant / accountant | Warsaw | Read more HERE.
  • Specialist Administration and Settlements | Lodz | Read more HERE.

What kind of employer are we?

– we care about a good atmosphere and direct relations,
– we focus on close cooperation and exchange of experience,
– we consistently invest in development, strengthening our talents.

Want to know more? See our full profile on,oyehqf3,pl

We invite you to apply!

Entrepreneur! Fee for entry in BDO only until the end of February

Entrepreneur! Fee for entry in BDO only until the end of February

Przypominamy, że zgodnie z art. 57 Ustawy o odpadach (Dz. U. 2013 poz. 21 ze zm.) przedsiębiorcy wpisani do rejestru BDO zobowiązani są w terminie do końca lutego wnieść opłatę roczną za utrzymanie wpisu w rejestrze BDO za dany rok.

Only entrepreneurs are subject to the registration and annual fee:

    • introducing batteries or accumulators,

    • introducing electrical and electronic equipment and authorized representatives,

    • producer, importer and intra-Community buyer of packaging,

    • introducing vehicles,

    • introducing products in packaging into the territory of the country,

    • introducing tires into the territory of the country,

    • introducing lubricating oils into the territory of the country.

    • Opłatę roczną należy uiścić na konto urzędu marszałkowskiego właściwego dla siedziby firmy lub miejsca zamieszkania. Numery kont znajdują się na stronach internetowych urzędów.
      Opłata roczna wynosi odpowiednio:
      100 zł – dla mikroprzedsiębiorców
      300 zł – dla pozostałych przedsiębiorców

      Attention! The annual fee is not paid in the year in which the registration fee was paid.

      Failure to pay the annual fee may result in removal from the register and the inability to continue operations.


paweł sosnowski

Entrepreneur! Do you know how changes in the waste law will affect your business?

paweł sosnowski

Entrepreneur! Do you know how changes in the waste law will affect your business?

Amendments to the law often affect the current functioning and obligations of entrepreneurs. What should entrepreneurs prepare for this year?

We invite you to read the latest interview with Paweł Sosnowski, the representative of the management board for environmental regulations at Interzero, for the Teraz Środowisko portal, in which it corresponds to the changes awaiting entrepreneurs.

First of all, work on the draft act on limiting the use of single-use plastic products is nearing completion. It is a transposition of the provisions of the directive commonly referred to as single use plastics (SUP). These regulations are likely to enter into force at the turn of the first and second quarters of this year. Companies introducing selected types of single-use plastic products will have the greatest impact. – said Pawel Sosnowski

In addition to the directive regulating SUP, it is worth considering the deposit system that will come into force in Poland from 2025.

The premise of the act is to leave as much freedom to entrepreneurs as possible in creating a deposit-refund system. The boundary conditions included in the draft assume, however, that the system is to cover the entire country and is to be open to all entrepreneurs introducing products in packaging covered by the deposit and commercial entities that will want to join it. – convinces Pawel Sosnowski

Link to the full article HERE.

New Format Test


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Webinar BDO Interzero

Free webinar about BDO at Interzero Academy!

Webinar BDO Interzero

Free webinar about BDO at Interzero Academy!

We cordially invite you to watch the free training entitled “Everything you should know about BDO” available on our Interzero Academy educational platform. The exact thematic scope at the link:

How to watch the training?
All you need to do is:

    1. You will log in or register on the Interzero Academy website.

    2. You will find the course “Everything you should know about BDO” or click HERE.

    3. You will click “Watch a free webinar” and then “Sign up for training”.

    4. Click on “Watch Free Webinar” again, then “See What’s Included”.

    5. You will be redirected directly to the video.

The reporting period for the WWTP area is in full swing, and the BDO still raises many doubts, both as to its operation and the necessity of registration itself. Therefore, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the basic information about this system.

Interzero Forbes 2023

Interzero among the winners of Forbes' Diamonds 2023

Interzero Forbes 2023

Interzero among the winners of Forbes’ Diamonds 2023

We are pleased to announce that Interzero Organizacja Odzysku Opakowan SA was ranked 84th in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and 341st on the nationwide list of companies with revenues from PLN 50 to 250 million according to the FORBES Diamonds ranking!

It is one of the most prestigious rankings among private companies operating in Poland. As indicated by the editors of the monthly, the aim of the ranking is to identify the most dynamically developing enterprises in a given region, which have achieved the highest average annual increase in value. This list is prepared on the basis of the company valuation method, taking into account financial results and the value of assets.

Thank you very much for this award. Thanks to it, we are able to visually confirm our progress over the years and authenticate our position among reliable business partners.