Interzero among the winners of Forbes’ Diamonds 2023

We are pleased to announce that Interzero Organizacja Odzysku Opakowan SA was ranked 84th in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and 341st on the nationwide list of companies with revenues from PLN 50 to 250 million according to the FORBES Diamonds ranking!

It is one of the most prestigious rankings among private companies operating in Poland. As indicated by the editors of the monthly, the aim of the ranking is to identify the most dynamically developing enterprises in a given region, which have achieved the highest average annual increase in value. This list is prepared on the basis of the company valuation method, taking into account financial results and the value of assets.

Thank you very much for this award. Thanks to it, we are able to visually confirm our progress over the years and authenticate our position among reliable business partners.

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