Waste collection from companies throughout Poland

We know how important it is to collect waste from your company efficiently and without any problems. To meet the expectations of our customers, we offer collection of waste from business activities throughout Poland. We also help optimize waste management and implement solutions that contribute to more effective recovery of raw materials and greater savings in the company.

Collection of waste of any fraction and quantity

We have been providing collection, disposal and disposal services for many years waste generated by entrepreneurs. We serve customers from all over Poland and for each of them we prepare an individual offer for the collection and possible management of waste. We collect waste classified in all groups and subgroups of the waste catalogue , regardless of their quantity and code.

We offer our clients:

  • attractive prices for waste collection,
  • waste collection services throughout Poland,
  • flexible waste collection dates,
  • a wide range of additional environmental services for your company.

When collecting waste throughout Poland, we operate in accordance with applicable law and within the scope of our waste transport permits. Depending on the customer’s needs, we also provide waste bins and containers of various capacities, adapted for storage and removal of particular types of waste.

Thanks to our knowledge of the industry and many years of experience in collecting various types of waste, we can provide competitive rates both for waste collection itself and for additional services, such as their subsequent management. We also offer the purchase of excess DPR and EDPR documents , which helps entrepreneurs offset the costs of waste management.

Interzero waste outsourcing – get to know our services

Interzero’s waste logistics services include the collection and disposal of all types of waste generated as a result of running a business . We also collect municipal waste generated in enterprises, which may come from both the company’s employees and its customers (e.g. in the case of gas stations).

made of all materials: paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, metal, wood

clean and mixed rubble, selectively collected construction waste, mixed construction waste

i.e. biodegradable waste i material category 3

both solid and liquid waste of all codes

i.e. sludge, solvents, expired finished products, construction chemicals (loose and dry waste), slag and ashes

plant protection products, paints and varnishes, solvents, oils, emulsions, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators

sorted into fractions and mixed waste

non-infectious (e.g. medicines, tools, dressings, disposable items) and infectious (containing pathogenic microorganisms)

We collect waste from companies using vehicles adapted for this purpose, the load capacity of which takes into account the amount of waste declared by the customer.

Do you want to order waste collection from your company? Go to the contact form and receive an individual offer!

Comprehensive waste management thanks to the Interzero Waste Platform

You will achieve the best results of optimizing waste management in your company by combining waste collection via Interzero with our innovative online waste management platform .

With the help of the Interzero Waste Platform:

  • you can order waste collection with 1 click,
  • you will automatically generate a Waste Transfer Card,
  • you will receive a notification about the upcoming waste collection date…

and many others!

Order waste collection from your company's headquarters

You can also order waste collection from your company using the contact form or e-mail. Write to us and get the best offer for waste disposal!


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