Deposit on beverage packaging. What does the draft law establishing a deposit system in Poland look like?

The Sejm passed an act amending the Act on packaging and packaging waste management and certain other acts, which establishes the legal framework for the operation of the deposit system in Poland.

The Act assumes that all commercial entities offering products in packaging covered by the deposit system will be obliged to collect a deposit. However, each retail and wholesale entity with a sales area exceeding 200 m2, which will offer users products in packaging covered by the deposit system, will be obliged to collect empty packaging and packaging waste and to return the deposit.

Achieving the objectives of the Act requires an effective collection system based on a deposit system that will support entrepreneurs. The deposit-refund system will be created by an entity referred to in the Act as the “representing entity”, which will be established by entrepreneurs introducing packaged drinks covered by the deposit-refund system or by employers’ associations and chambers of commerce representing them. This entity will not only create the system, but will also be responsible for its operation. Entrepreneurs who do not establish such an entity will be able to join the created deposit system on equal terms. The Act allows for the operation of more than one deposit system.

More in the latest issue of Źródło magazine.

If you are a manufacturer, seller or distributor and join the deposit system, Interzero can support you in fulfilling your obligations related to it. More information can be found HERE and HERE .

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