Chemical recycling

Transforming waste into valuable raw materials - OMV and Interzero will build the largest chemical recycling sorting plant in Europe!

Transforming waste into valuable raw materials – OMV and Interzero will build the largest chemical recycling sorting plant in Europe!

OMV, an energy, fuels and raw materials, chemicals and materials company based in Vienna, announced an investment decision to build an innovative sorting plant developed by Interzero * to produce raw materials for chemical recycling.

In total, OMV will invest over EUR 170 million in the construction of this state-of-the-art facility in Walldürn in southern Germany. OMV will hold 89.9 percent of the joint venture and 10.1 percent of the shares will be held by Interzero.

Production at the new plant is expected to start in 2026. The new plant will create approximately 120 new jobs. The cornerstone laying ceremony is scheduled for November 20, 2023, when guests from the world of politics are expected.

The sorting plant will be the first sorting plant of its kind producing raw materials for OMV chemical recycling on a large industrial scale. ReOil® technology developed and patented by OMV is a chemical recycling innovation that converts plastic waste that cannot be mechanically recycled into pyrolysis oil – a valuable raw material. The input to the sorting plant generally consists of a mixture of plastics that have not been suitable for recycling until now, especially those separately collected from the yellow bag and yellow bin recycling system in Germany.

Interzero operates five light packaging sorting plants in Germany and sorts approximately one third of Germany’s light packaging waste, amounting to over 800,000 tonnes per year. This means that the company currently has the largest sorting capacity in Europe and is a technology leader.

The collaboration between OMV and Interzero will ensure a supply of sustainable and high-quality raw materials for OMV’s chemical recycling, helping to close the plastic loop. The innovative, state-of-the-art sorting plant created by Interzero will be capable of processing 260,000 tons of mixed plastic waste per year, providing raw material for the production of primary polyolefins. This innovative sorting process will enable the recovery of a polyolefin-rich fraction from the waste stream that currently goes to thermal recycling. When it comes to the waste hierarchy, the focus is on plastic waste that is not suitable for mechanical recycling. Thanks to this, chemical recycling will not compete with mechanical recycling.

*Acting as ALBA Recycling in the sorting plant

Please read the press release in English HERE

Interzero at the POLECO 2023 Fair

Interzero at the POLECO 2023 Fair

Read the summary of our presence at the POLECO 2023 Fair, which took place on October 17-19 at the MTP pavilions in Poznań.

During this year’s Fair, Interzero presented Sielaff bottle dispensers, of which it is the exclusive distributor in Poland. Due to the establishment of a deposit system for single- and reusable beverage packaging in Poland, these devices may provide support in units obliged to collect packaging. We presented two models at POLECOe bottle dispenser from the SiCompact – 2020 XL and Eco M series. The devices allow for efficient and effective collection of returnable packaging, and thanks to their compact dimensions, they are perfect for facilities of various sizes. The devices enjoyed great interest, both from commercial entities (commercial chains, production plants) and local governments (municipalities), and even sports clubs.

If you want to know more about upcoming changes to the regulations, check out our page dedicated to the deposit system. The full range of Sielaff bottle dispensers is available at: our website:

Moreover, at our stand you could see the innovative Oklin GG-02 device. This small composter, which will fit in every office, was awarded the MTP Gold Medal. The award was received by the Director of the Commercial Department, Agata Ryś, and the Vice-President of the Management Board of Interzero, Paweł Lesiak. We also presented PEL BriteBin solar bins, which, thanks to the possibility of installing a Wi-Fi modem and customizing the branding of the device, can diversify spaces in municipalities and cities.

Thank you for visiting our stand and we invite you to see the photo report from this event.

pioiro interzero system kaucyjny

Join us in the packaging revolution. Create a deposit system with Interzero and PIOIRO

Join us in the packaging revolution. Create a deposit system with Interzero and PIOIRO

Interzero, together with the Polish Chamber of Recovery and Recycling of Packaging, invites all entrepreneurs covered by the provisions of the Act to jointly build a deposit system in Poland. We have extensive experience and know-how in the operation of deposit systems in EU countries (including the deposit system in Germany), the necessary knowledge and practice in the operation of the waste management system and ready-made IT solutions enabling efficient operation of the deposit system (including in terms of records and reporting), as well as the possibility of offering bottle dispensers with full service and support.

A broad point of view that takes into account the needs of the manufacturer, distributor and consumer allows us to ensure comprehensive implementation of statutory obligations and provide a solution that improves selective waste collection under the deposit system.

As part of the cooperation, Interzero will take over key tasks related to the construction and operation of the deposit system, and PIOIRO will act as an organization associating packaging producers and waste management entities. Thanks to this, we will be able to focus on providing comprehensive solutions that will meet new regulations and market expectations.

Discover the offer for beverage producers, retail chains and representative entities. More details on the website HERE and HERE .

The deposit system comes into force. Summary of the Interzero Environmental Conference

monika grom na konferencji srodowiskowej
Paweł Lesiak na konferencji srodowiskowej
interzero kś

What was the focus of this year’s Interzero Environmental Conference?

Changes in business and the environment

The market situation in the environmental protection and related sectors is dynamic and subject to regulations, including a number of directives. Existing legal changes concern especially areas such as packaging reduction, waste prevention and the use of recyclates in packaging. Therefore, continuous education and expansion of knowledge in these areas are crucial for enterprises. Having up-to-date knowledge of legal regulations and other aspects related to ecology and sustainable development is an indispensable element of business management, both in the context of production, promotion and sales.

According to Monika Grom, vice-president of the management board of Interzero, the need to have knowledge about innovative approaches to waste management and exchange experiences with experts and stakeholders cannot be underestimated. Therefore, Interzero emphasizes the importance of providing practical tips, providing reliable knowledge and facilitating the implementation of necessary changes. An example of such activities is the recently organized Environmental Conference 2023. The deposit system is a challenge for all those who introduce beverages into the packaging loop, but at the same time it offers an excellent opportunity to transform the way waste is managed and use a closed loop model. As experts participating in the conference emphasize, we are ready to implement a deposit system

You should talk to entrepreneurs

The Environmental Conference has been held regularly for many years and this year’s tenth anniversary edition was a continuation of this series. The conference organizers create a platform that allows participants to exchange knowledge and discuss legal issues related to environmental protection. In the current edition, given the numerous legal changes and regulations that need to be assimilated in a short period of time, special emphasis has been placed on providing participants with clear knowledge and specific solutions.

Together with the Polish Chamber of Recovery and Recycling of Packaging (PIOIRO), we are preparing to support entrepreneurs in adapting to new legal regulations. More information can be found on the PIOIRO website . As Interzero, we are the only official distributor of Sielaff brand bottle dispensers and we are already testing them in the retail chain in Warsaw and Łódź to show entrepreneurs and consumers in advance that we are prepared for these changes – summed up Paweł Lesiak, vice-president of the management board of Interzero.

About the Environmental Conference

The Interzero Environmental Conference is an annual gathering of stakeholders and experts in the field of environmental protection. It is a two-day event full of inspiring lectures, during which participants have the opportunity to expand their knowledge about applicable legal regulations and other issues related to ecology and sustainable development. Participation in the conference also offers an opportunity to learn about innovative and proven solutions in the field of waste management and to exchange experiences with other event participants.

Please read the full summary at the link HERE

system kaucyjny webinar

Deposit system - new obligations of entrepreneurs introducing packaged beverages and running commercial units resulting from changes to the provisions of the Act on packaging and packaging waste management

system kaucyjny webinar

Take part in the training – Deposit system – new obligations of entrepreneurs introducing packaged drinks and running commercial units resulting from changes to the provisions of the Act on packaging and packaging waste management

We cordially invite you to the webinar entitled “Refund system – new obligations of entrepreneurs introducing packaged beverages and running commercial units resulting from changes to the provisions of the Act on packaging and packaging waste management”, which will be held on October 26, 2023 (Thursday).

The online training will be conducted by: Paweł Sosnowski, Management Board Representative for environmental regulations at Interzero.

The scope of the webinar:

  1. The scope of entrepreneurs subject to the obligations arising from the establishment of the deposit system,
  2. The scope of packaging covered by the deposit system,
  3. Levels of collection of packaging waste and packaging,
  4. Labeling of packages covered by a deposit,
  5. Deposit amount,
  6. Minimum requirements for created deposit systems,
  7. Representing Entity – entity responsible for creating the deposit system. Requirements for establishment of the representing entity and the scope of its activities,
  8. Permission to create a deposit system,
  9. Operators of commercial entities – the requirement to join the deposit system and the resulting obligations,
  10. Records and reporting,
  11. Product fee.

A detailed thematic scope and the registration page can be found at the link HERE

Registration for the webinar lasts until: October 26, 2023 at 8:00.

We invite you!

Warsztaty w Łazienkach Królewskich

"Faction action, or the puzzle of a very round idea" - a report from our workshops in the Royal Łazienki Park

Warsztaty w Łazienkach Królewskich

“Faction action, or the puzzle of a very round idea” – a report from our workshops in the Royal Łazienki Park

What does precompost and regranulate smell like? Where to throw away spices, medicines or a broken iron? How to repair the lid? What does the seedling symbol on the packaging mean? These and many other questions were answered during our workshops.

During our workshops, parents and children together solved 12 puzzles revolving around the idea of ​​a circular world. Together they moved between specially prepared stations with individual tasks, matched various elements, practiced careful observation and verified their knowledge in the field of selective collection. Finally, we joined forces to discover the story of the circular economy. We have learned that garbage is not unnecessary waste, but important, often strategic raw materials that should circulate in the system and be used again and again to create new items.

Each participant of the “Faction Action, or the puzzle of a very round idea” workshop received a gift – our original educational game .

The workshops were conducted as part of the Re:generacja program, supporting the renewal of the Łazienki Królewskie ecosystem and implemented by UNEP/GRID Warsaw and Interzero Packaging Recovery Organization. This is one of the public educational campaigns, financed from funds donated to build ecological awareness in society by the company’s clients. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with other activities of the Ecological Education Team, such as Eco without edges , EkoPaka , or Punkt Zwrotny .

Want to know more? Contact us at

biuro zero waste interzero

Sustainable office space? It's possible with the Zero Waste Office service!

Sustainable office space? It’s possible with the Zero Waste Office service!

Are you a manager or owner of commercial real estate? You are a specialist for Environmental Protection, Green Officer or Sustainable Manager and you want to introduce a change in the office that will have a positive impact on the working environment and the natural environment?

You should get to know our Zero Waste Office service!

What is it about?

The Zero Waste Office provides comprehensive support that will allow you to create an ecological and environmentally friendly workplace. Our offer includes an audit during which we will thoroughly analyze the functioning and structure of your office. We will also review internal documentation and provide you with a specific report containing recommendations and ready-made solutions to help you move towards a more sustainable future . Additionally, we offer educational and communication activities aimed at your employees, as well as access to consultations with our experts to support you at every stage of the process.

By choosing the Zero Waste Office service, you will receive comprehensive support in the green transformation and in achieving environmental goals. We will adjust the scope of activities to your expectations, the nature of the work and the size of the company.

Details of the offer can be found at the link:

A new initiative by Interzero and Mama Projekt - the Turning Point educational center in fashion and the fight against greenwashing

photo Mikołaj Tym

A new initiative by Interzero and Mama Projekt – the Turning Point educational center in fashion and the fight against greenwashing

We live fast, we produce fast, we consume fast. Fast fashion wins hearts and achieves high profits, regardless of the social and environmental consequences. Every year, 92 million tons of textile waste goes to landfills, and only 1% is recycled. At the same time, for young people, appearance and fashion are a means of expressing themselves and building their identity. How to find your way in a world where producers often pull the wool over our eyes with ecological slogans and countless marketing techniques bombard us with their messages? EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny comes to the rescue – the place where change begins.

About fast fashion at FSO

The main theme of the Turning Point is the impact of fast fashion and packaging on the natural environment. The topics and methods of conducting innovative educational activities have been tailored to the interests of young people. Thanks to an engaging narrative, learning through discovery and solving puzzles, teenagers gain practical knowledge of ecology.

– The opening of the ecological education center in the former FSO car factory is a symbol of the green transformation taking place around us. As the Interzero Group, we focus on our pro-environmental activities, primarily on limiting the waste of natural resources, closing the raw material cycle and waste management. Our ambition related to ecological education is to talk about civilization challenges in an accessible, engaging and interesting way. The Turning Point, of which we are a patron and partner, is an example of this. I am very glad that we could get involved in this initiative – says Monika Grom, vice-president of the Interzero Group in Poland.

Mysterious rooms

There are four themed rooms in the Turning Point. One of them was substantively developed by Interzero experts. After entering it, visitors receive a message from the future and a garbage sorting task. The main goal of this part of the story is to present the impact of proper waste segregation on recycling and closing the circulation of packaging and raw materials.

– At the Turning Point, we create fashion for ecology. We do this through activating teaching methods that have proven successful in previous projects implemented together with Mama Projekt, such as the Ekoeksperymentarium exhibition or online games. This time we are setting off into the near future, showing today the reasons why textiles will be covered by the selective waste collection system from 2025. We want to educate through experience and thus change behavior, stimulating reflection and responsible attitudes, which is why the slogan of the Turning Point is “You are the change” – says Katarzyna Kacz, manager of educational projects for children and youth at the Interzero Group.

In each of the four thematic rooms of the Turning Point, groups of students look for answers to questions related to the environmental consequences of the activities of the clothing industry. After completing all the tasks, they meet with the animator in a special dialogue zone, where they discuss the conclusions from this journey through the world of fashion and packaging.

– Reports claim that young people have heard about climate change, but do not have sufficient knowledge and tools to understand its consequences, which is why they often adopt a passive attitude towards this phenomenon. “If I have to die anyway, let it be in fashionable shoes,” one teenager told us during interviews. This was the impulse to create an alternative form of ecological education. Game play, cooperation, good graphics, multimedia and expert knowledge provided in an interactive form are the ingredients of the recipe for Turning Point. We have been designing innovative tools for ecological education for 10 years, and creating an interactive EcoCentrum was Mama Projekt’s biggest dream. Come by and see for yourself how it turned out – invites Małgosia Żmijska from the Mama Projekt collective.

EkoCentrum Punkt Zwrotny is located at ul. Jagiellońska 88, in the former FSO gate (currently FSO Park). Registration for free workshops is available via the website . On weekends, it will host less waste workshops, inspiring meetings and clothes exchanges. It is also possible to rent the EkoCentrum space.

It’s time for the Turning Point! 🚀🌱 Welcome!

We are cleaning Poniatówka - Interzero at the finale of the World Cleanup Day campaign

We are cleaning Poniatówka – Interzero at the finale of the World Cleanup Day campaign

World Cleanup Day is a cyclical event that we have been celebrating globally since 2008. For five years, Let’s Do It World, the world’s largest pro-ecological social movement, has been responsible for its organization. The organization is accredited by the United Nations Program for… Environmental Protection (UNEP) and the United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA). As part of the event, citizens of 190 countries around the world unite and clean up their local neighborhoods for a better and cleaner future for the entire planet.

The Polish final of the campaign took place on September 23, co-organized by the Planet Heroes foundation. Interzero appeared at the event as a partner of the campaign – our employees not only supported the cleaning of Warsaw’s Poniatówka, but also prepared an educational field game about sorting waste. Additionally, the meeting participants were treated to our original memo game ‘Akcja-frakcja’, which will help them consolidate the acquired knowledge about which fractions particular waste should go to.

Let’s play and learn together how to segregate waste properly.

poleco 2023 interzero

Visit us at the POLECO 2023 Fair in Poznań!

Visit us at the POLECO 2023 Fair in Poznań!

We cordially invite you to the Interzero stand ( Pavilion 5, Stand 49 ) at the POLECO International Environmental Protection Fair, which will take place between October 17 and 19, 2023 at the Poznań International Fair. As part of the event, we will present selected eco-devices supporting the circular economy (including: Sielaff bottle dispensers, the PEL BriteBin solar bin and the Oklin composting machine) and the Interzero Waste Platform. We encourage you to visit our stand – our experts will be at your disposal.

The full range of our eco-devices is available at:

This year’s fair will feature exhibitors from Poland, Austria, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Sweden. The organizers have prepared a wide range of lectures on waste management, waste processing, new technologies and water management. The full agenda of the event is available at:

Admission to the event for industry professionals is free – we encourage you to register at the following address:

See you at the Interzero stand!