Nowy raport „Między plusem a minusem”

New report "Between plus and minus"

New Interzero report “Between plus and minus”

On the occasion of Battery Day, as part of the Eco no edges campaign, we are publishing a research report “Between plus and minus – what do Poles know about batteries and how do they deal with their segregation?” . The results are surprising. Despite being aware of the obligation to selectively collect waste, many of us still do not fulfill it. Poles perceive batteries as harmful both during production and storage. They also considered recycling dangerous for the environment. Despite many fears about batteries, we do not think about the power source in our devices.

Never before in history have we produced and consumed so many batteries. According to McKinsey & Company forecasts, their market will grow at a rate of 25% annually, and in the case of lithium-ion cells it may reach 30% annual growth by 2030. This demand is fueled, among others, by: through the development of portable digital technologies, energy banks and electromobility. With this dynamic progress in the battery industry, the question arises about the future of the management of this new waste.

In our latest study entitled ” Between plus and minus” we asked about Poles’ habits regarding selective waste collection, including hazardous waste. We also wanted to know their motivations and beliefs regarding battery recycling. What is positive is the fact that in the declarations a significant part of the respondents know how to properly deal with used batteries. However, serious doubts arise when it comes to more specific questions. What draws attention is the lack of knowledge about the benefits of recycling batteries and concerns about the harmfulness of this process. The fragility of supply chains and limited resources of raw materials in the European Union mean that we should treat used batteries and accumulators as strategic resources. The lithium, nickel, manganese and graphite present in the cells are of critical importance. Obtaining these elements, regardless of the sources, is expensive and risky, and replacing them in technologies at this stage of development seems simply impossible. The importance of recycling in this context is therefore both an action to protect the environment and ensure Europe’s raw material security.

The report “Between plus and minus” also surprises the group of young adults who turned out to be less prone to ecological behavior than older ones. Respondents under 35 years of age not only segregate waste less often, but also more often doubt the sense of processing secondary raw materials. The answers of this group should particularly stimulate reflection on the effectiveness of current educational and legislative activities.

You can find out more in the press release HERE.

Podsumowanie raportu Interzero

odpady w fotografii projekt MuFo i Interzero

How do we perceive...waste? Słów kilka o projekcie „Obieg zamknięty. Odpady w fotografii”

How do we perceive… waste? A few words about the “Closed circuit. “Waste in photography”

Waste is substances or objects that people dispose of because they consider them unnecessary, used or dangerous. These may include, for example, food leftovers, packaging, used batteries, chemicals or used electronic equipment. The emotions they arouse in people can be diverse and depend on many factors, such as ecological awareness, level of education or culture.

Today we are talking about the inevitable need for change and the effects of human activity in the areas of energy, agriculture, production, consumption and waste management. Each of these topics is urgent, and our time is becoming increasingly limited.

As environmental educators , we face serious challenges. We must not only convey knowledge, but also influence the emotions of our recipients. This requires reflection, understanding and care for the participants of the educational process. Our work must be effective. Building social awareness is a process in which it is worth experimenting and engaging various groups of people and various topics.

As Interzero, representing the business sector, we decided to implement a project with the Museum of Photography in Krakow “Closed circuit. “Waste in photography”. The project included a series of meetings that would result in the creation of photographs and texts freely referring to the topic of waste.

We would like to thank Maria Masternak and Anna Sidorska from the Museum of Photography in Krakow, the workshop leaders Rafał Siderski and Krzysztof Story, all participants and our Project Manager Monika Krysztofińska.

We are extremely impressed with the results of this project. We are glad that the issue of waste is important not only for us, but also for a wider group of communities who believe that by working together, we can achieve a lot of good.

More information about the project can be found in the publication on Eko Bez Kantów : HERE

Photo Mateusz Woźniak, Magdalena Niezabitowska Krogulec, Tomasz Orłowski, Marta Wróblewska

webinar looping made4loop zbigniew skowronek

Take part in the Made4Loop training - cups and boxes that stay in circulation! Interzero's response to the obligations imposed by the SUP Directive

Take part in the Made4Loop training – cups and boxes that stay in circulation! Interzero’s response to the obligations imposed by the SUP Directive

We cordially invite you to the webinar entitled: “Made4Loop – cups and boxes that stay in circulation! Interzero’s response to the obligations imposed by the SUP Directive, which will take place on February 22, 2024 (Thursday).

The online training will be conducted by: Zbigniew Skowronek , Management Board Representative for New Solutions at Interzero

The scope of the webinar:

  1. New obligations for entrepreneurs arising from the SUP Directive,
  2. Consumer fee for cups and boxes,
  3. Obligation to provide an alternative to disposable packaging from July 1, 2024,
  4. What is looping? Definition, target groups,
  5. Made4Loop

More details and the registration page can be found at the link HERE

Registration for the webinar lasts until February 22, 2024 at 8:00.

We invite you!

Diamenty Forbes 2024 Interzero Advisory na 77 miejscu w mazowieckim

Interzero among the winners of Forbes Diamonds 2024!

Diamenty Forbes 2024 Interzero Advisory na 77 miejscu w mazowieckim

Interzero among the winners of Forbes Diamonds 2024!

We are pleased to announce that in the Forbes Diamonds 2024 ranking: revenues from PLN 5 to 50 million, the company of the Interzero group in Poland – Interzero Advisory sp. z o.o. about. – was ranked 77th in the Masovian Voivodeship and 311th on the nationwide list!

Forbes Monthly Diamonds is one of the leading rankings among private companies operating in Poland, the aim of which is to identify enterprises with the most dynamic growth in a given region and which have achieved the highest average annual increase in value. The list is based on the Swiss company valuation method, which takes into account, among others, financial results or asset values.

Thank you very much for this prestigious distinction; this is proof of continuous development and the result of the hard work of our employees, as well as an important indicator of our strengthening market position.

The full list is available on the official website of the project.

Czy brak odpadów może stać się problemem? Wypowiedź Anny Grom i Pawła Lesiaka dla Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Could lack of waste become a problem? Statement by Anna Grom and Paweł Lesiak for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Czy brak odpadów może stać się problemem? Wypowiedź Anny Grom i Pawła Lesiaka dla Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Could lack of waste become a problem? Statement by Anna Grom and Paweł Lesiak for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Without effective recycling, we will not meet our obligations related to closing the raw material cycle, which may result in high penalties. However, we can take appropriate action today, instead of idly waiting for changes.

Representatives of the Interzero Management Board: Anna Grom and Paweł Lesiak commented on this topic in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna .

“Suspending or closing processing plants is an increasingly common scenario also in Germany and Italy, i.e. in countries where financial outlays on the collection, sorting, transport and processing systems have been for years and still are much higher than in Poland,” he says. Anna Grom.

“The situation clearly got out of control, because no one probably expected that the EU would massively import recyclate from the other side of the world, the composition and quality of which we know nothing about. It’s high time to limit the import of untested and often falsely marked secondary raw materials. They displace better quality but more expensive raw materials processed on site from the market. Closing the borders like this can be good for everyone.” – says Paweł Lesiak.

“I would suggest conducting a current and thorough environmental audit , which will clearly determine what specific types and weights of packaging we introduce to the market. This year’s experience has shown that even large entities, due to the lack of reliable verification, can overestimate the weight of packaging by up to 40%. – adds Paweł Lesiak.

We encourage you to read the entire material “When lack of waste becomes a problem – will we face millions of fines?” at the link: HERE

biuro nieczynne interzero

On January 26, Interzero offices CLOSED

biuro nieczynne interzero

On January 26, 2024, Interzero offices are closed.

In connection with the resolution of the Management Boards of the Interzero group companies in Poland, on January 26 this year. all Interzero offices are closed.

We will respond to all messages upon our return.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Markus Müller-Drexel CEO Interzero

The Interzero Group mourns Markus Müller-Drexel

Markus Müller-Drexel CEO Interzero

The Interzero Group mourns Markus Müller-Drexel

The Interzero Group in Poland regrets the death of Markus Müller-Drexel, CEO of Interzero. We are all deeply saddened by the loss of this outstanding leader who has been with Interzero for almost 30 years.

More information in the press release in English. German: HERE

Ekoeksperymentarium w Wałbrzychu - Interzero

Ecoeksperymentarium exhibition now in Wałbrzych!

Ecoeksperymentarium exhibition now in Wałbrzych!

An interactive educational exhibition on ecological topics is on tour again! He starts 2024 by visiting Wałbrzych. The exhibition in partnership with Interzero will be available at the Unique Ceramics Center (Mała Galeria) at Piotra Wysocki 29 from January 12 to March 30, 2024.

Opening hours

For organized groups: Tue-Fri. 10:00 – 16:00 – REGISTRATION LINK HERE .

For individuals: Tue-Fri. 16:00 – 18:00 and on weekends from 10:00 – 18:00

Why is it worth it?

This is a great opportunity to learn more about the climate and pro-ecological attitudes. The exhibition is built on the plan of a house – in the living room you will learn how to save energy, in the bathroom you will take care of using every drop of water, and in the kitchen you will learn how to cook in zero waste style. It is a great opportunity for both young and adults to gain knowledge and spend time in an interesting and useful way.

Admission to the exhibition is free! You’re welcome.

Details here:

interzero liderem na rynku odzysku opakowań

Interzero #1 on the packaging recovery market!

interzero liderem na rynku odzysku opakowań
interzero liderem na rynku odzysku opakowań
interzero liderem na rynku odzysku opakowań

Interzero #1 on the packaging recovery market!

Once again, Interzero Packaging Recovery Organization SA is a leader among packaging recovery organizations. According to data from the IOŚ-PIB (2023) report “Packaging and packaging waste management in Poland in 2021”, Interzero in 2021 showed a total 2 million tons (2,092.01 thousand Mg) of packaging, which is 31% of total packaging turnover for that year.

Moreover, Interzero achieved the highest shares for aluminum packaging (39.67%), glass (38.54%), wood (31.89%) and metal (28.18%) , as well as the second highest result for plastic packaging. plastics (28.27%) and paper and cardboard (29.56%) .

This incredible success is an expression of the great trust that our clients, contractors, co-workers and partners have placed in us for years, as well as the result of our many years of experience, supported by the hard work of the entire Interzero team.

Thank you for being with us!

Data for 2021 in a nutshell:
📍 Nearly 10 million tons (9,917.57 thousand Mg) of single-use and reusable packaging were produced in Poland by 1,872 entities introducing packaging.
📍 The share of single-use packaging was 85%, and disposable packaging made of paper and cardboard alone accounts for over half of all produced – (4,537.53 thousand Mg).
📍23 Packaging recovery organizations have taken over the responsibilities of the introducers in achieving the required recycling levels for waste
packaging and totaled 6.7 million tons (6,704.62 thousand Mg) of packaging.
– 2.2 million tons (2,214.82 thousand Mg) paper and cardboard packaging,
– nearly 1.6 million tons (1,595.42 thousand Mg) of wooden packaging,
– 1.4 million tons (1,426.63 thousand Mg) glass packaging,
– 1.1 million tons (1,166.23 thousand Mg) – plastic packaging,
– nearly 0.2 million tons (197.80 thousand Mg) of metal packaging and 0.1 million tons (103.92 thousand Mg) of aluminum packaging.
📍 11 economic organizations represented entrepreneurs introducing products in multi-material packaging or hazardous substances in packaging, including plant protection products.
📍 6.4 million tons (6,390.18 thousand Mg) of packaging waste was recycled, of which 19% was household waste.
📍 56% total recycling level for packaging waste was achieved by Recovery Organizations.
📍Recovery processes were carried out in the country:
– 0.5 million tons (525.48 thousand Mg) of plastic packaging waste,
– 1.2 million tons (1,228.40 thousand Mg) of paper and cardboard,
– nearly 0.9 million tons (858.27 thousand Mg) of glass packaging waste,
– 0.2 million tons (245.03 thousand Mg) wood packaging waste,
– 88.24 thousand Mg metal packaging waste and 0.19 thous. Mg. aluminum.
📍1.1 million tons (1,142.58 thousand Mg) of packaging waste were recovered outside the country.
📍32,895 entrepreneurs independently implemented their obligations regarding recycling levels, of which 22,244 did not benefit from de minimis aid.
📍Over PLN 13.2 million (PLN 13,223.48 thousand) was spent on public educational campaigns.


The entire report is available HERE .

Konferencja Środowiskowa Interzero 2024  znak nieskonczonosci

Ticket sales for the Interzero 2024 Environmental Conference have started!

Ticket sales for the Interzero 2024 Environmental Conference have started!

We live in times where change is the order of the day. Trends that were popular yesterday become standard today, and these standards may give way to new innovations or changes in law tomorrow.

We are all witnessing economic changes to which we must adapt, but one thing is certain. In order to operate effectively on the market, in accordance with constantly updated regulations and at the same time meet customer expectations, it is necessary not only to monitor current trends and changes, but also to implement them.

That’s why we organize the Interzero Environmental Conference every year – to meet in a larger group and discuss what the future will bring for the environmental protection industry and how we can prepare for it.

Interzero Environmental Conference 2024 – Where and about what?

This year we will meet for the first time in Sopot, at the Sheraton Hotel. The event will take place on September 18-20, 2024. The motto of this year’s edition is the Pillars of Circularity . We will focus on issues related to environmental, social and corporate governance, but not only that. We will also talk about the most important legal changes: the SUP Directive, PPWR, the deposit system , ROP.

We cordially invite you to visit the website of the Environmental Conference: HERE.

See the summary of last year’s edition of the Environmental Conference HERE

We will publish more details soon!