życzenia wielkanocne


życzenia wielkanocne


On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, we would like to extend our best wishes full of joy, health and prosperity.

We believe that this upcoming time will be an opportunity for you to rest, reflect and spend time with your loved ones and friends. Let the Easter traditions and customs that accompany us remind you of the values that are most important in life – love, family warmth and kindness!

Team Interzero

Inclusiveness in the Metaverse? Meet the ecological shop with a mission!


Inclusiveness in the Metaverse? Meet the ecological shop with a mission!

Rotunda. Eco without edges is an innovative, public educational campaign of Interzero, promoting the idea of a circular economy.

It is a concept of a store embedded in the Metaverse to teach the public which packaging is more environmentally friendly. It is a project created in cooperation with Pracownia A8 Architektura.

The main assumption of the project was to create a virtual space that will function as a sustainable store of the future. Its body is built on the basis of a circle, symbolizing a closed circuit. Inside, we will find shelves on which we place examples of products available on the market that have ecological packaging.

A walk around Okrąglak is not only packaging, but also all the ideas that guided us when creating this place, ready to be implemented in the real world – such as providing customers with a station for refilling containers with their favorite product, ensuring access to fresh, seasonal products and adapting shop for people with disabilities.

webinar interzero gospodarka odpadami

Take part in the training - Waste management - practical advice for entrepreneurs

webinar interzero gospodarka odpadami

Take part in the training – Waste management – practical advice for entrepreneurs

We cordially invite you to the webinar entitled “Waste management – practical advice for entrepreneurs”, which will take place on March 30, 2023 (Thursday).

The online training will be conducted by: Przemysław Kuna , Managing Director at Interzero.

The scope of the webinar:

  1. Introduction to waste management
  2. Administrative decisions
  3. Registration obligations
  4. Waste records
  5. Reporting

A detailed thematic scope and the registration page can be found at the link HERE

Registration for the webinar lasts until: March 30, 2023, 8:00 am.

We invite you!



oferta pracy

Work with us at Interzero!

oferta pracy

Work with us at Interzero!

We are an industry leader that continues to develop customized integrated environmental services. If you want to gain experience in a company with an established position on the market, focused on your development and consistent achievement of goals – join us!

We are currently looking for people for the following positions:

Assistant Environmental Education Projects

Warsaw | Hybrid work

Link to the offer: https://www.pracuj.pl/praca/asystent-ka-ds-projektow-edukacji-ekologiij-warszawa-wiertnicza-165,oferta,1002460250

Assistant administration

Warsaw | Stationary work

Link to the offer: https://www.pracuj.pl/praca/asystent-ka-ds-administracji-warszawa-wiertnicza-165,oferta,1002447686

Join our team or give the announcement to a loved one!

targi pracy AGH Interzero

Interzero at the AGH Job Fair in Krakow

targi pracy AGH Interzero

Interzero at the AGH Job Fair in Krakow

On March 21-22, 2023, the spring edition of the AGH Job Fair will take place. We will be there on the first day!

Meet us and see what working at Interzero looks like . We will tell you who we are looking for, what our expectations are for candidates and what the recruitment process looks like. Who knows, perhaps you would also like to hear about professional development opportunities?

We cordially invite you to our stand no. 10.

We are looking for young, ambitious people who want to change the world for the better with us.

At Interzero, we care about #Solutions Without Wasting in the field of waste management, environmental consulting and education. If you are interested in environmental protection, ecology and/or waste management, you are thinking about working in the area of consulting, sales or customer service, come to our stand and learn more!

The Job Fair is a great opportunity for students to get to know the labor market, and perhaps get acquainted with their future employer! You can’t miss there.

Details of our participation in the fair HERE

See you in Krakow on the first Day of Spring!

Interzero Paweł Lesiak na Forum ekonomicznym

Interzero at the 8th European Congress of Local Governments in Mikołajki

Interzero Paweł Lesiak na Forum ekonomicznym

Interzero at the 8th European Congress of Local Governments in Mikołajki

Paweł Lesiak, Vice-President of the Management Board of Interzero, was a panellist during the 8th European Congress of Local Governments, which took place in Mikołajki on March 6-7, 2023. In an interview with him, “The future of waste management. How to maximize the effects?” They took part:

Bogusław Fijas – Mayor of the Ostróda commune,

Krzysztof Karolczyk – Manager for Project Development Fortum Power and Heat Polska

Bartosz Sierzęga – Director, Environmental Protection Agency

Szymon Sikorski – Proxy, University of Agriculture. Hugo Kołłątaj in Krakow

The panel was moderated by Jeremi Jędrzejkowski – Managing Editor, Republic of Poland

During the debate, issues related to the municipal waste management system were discussed, including the ever-increasing costs of waste segregation and the construction of waste incineration plants in cities. In the opinion of Interzero, ROP is not a comprehensive solution to problems related to waste management for local governments. Financing under the ROP of packaging waste will cover only about 30% of all waste generated in communes. A better solution is to involve commercial entities in cooperation. However, this requires more stable legal provisions that will enable the development of such cooperation.

The motto of this year’s meeting was “New solidarity for a new era” . The European Local Government Congress is a platform and a place for exchanging views with local government officials, national administration, non-governmental organizations and business representatives. As Interzero, we are happy to share our knowledge with people who have a real impact on the development of Polish waste management.

interzero dzien kobiet

International Women's Day

interzero dzien kobiet

International Women’s Day

Women fulfill many roles every day: they are mothers, friends, carers, but also doctors, programmers, farmers and lawyers. Their role in advancing the world is enormous and cannot be underestimated. On this special day, which is Women’s Day, we want to focus on the problem of gender equality, which is still present today.

At Interzero, we believe in a fair and accessible future. Each of us has the right skills, strengths and experience, which together create a unique value.

Together we can be a change.

We invite you to watch the film, which in a few sentences will summarize what values we believe in at Interzero. Link here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjeZf1gj2IY

Happy Women’s Day!

Interzero ekoeksperymantarium

Ekoeksperymentarium exhibition now in Bielsko-Biała!

Interzero ekoeksperymantarium

Ekoeksperymentarium exhibition now in Bielsko-Biała!

The exhibition about ecology, of which we are a partner, now goes to the south of Poland, i.e. to Bielsko-Biała! From March 10 to May 5, the exhibition will be open to visitors in the building Punkt 11, ul. November 11, 24.

Why is it worth it?

This is a great opportunity to learn more about the climate and pro-ecological attitudes. The exhibition is built on the plan of a house – in the living room you will learn how to save energy, in the bathroom you will take care of using every drop of water, and in the kitchen you will learn how to cook in zero waste style. It is a great opportunity for both young and adults to gain knowledge and spend time in an interesting and useful way.

Admission to the exhibition is free! You’re welcome.

Details here: https://ekoeksperymentarium.pl/

audyty interzero

Do you need an environmental audit? It's so easy with Interzero!

audyty interzero

Do you need an environmental audit? It’s so easy with Interzero!

Discover another of our services – environmental audits . We will check the condition of your company in terms of meeting legal requirements related to environmental protection. You can book an audit online today via our website: https://audyty.interzero.pl/

We perform audits in the field of:

  • waste management,
  • impact on the cleanness of the atmosphere,
  • impact on the water and ground environment,
  • introducing products in packaging to the domestic market,
  • placing certain products on the domestic market.

We identify the company’s environmental obligations, assess the degree of compliance with environmental law, and indicate specific corrective or corrective actions.

Get an objective opinion on your projects and develop your business stress-free.

Przemysław Kuna

The most common mistakes made in the implementation of obligations arising from environmental protection regulations

Przemysław Kuna

The most common mistakes in the implementation of obligations arising from environmental protection regulations – an article in the journal Chemia i Biznes

In the latest issue of the magazine Chemia i Biznes, a statement by Przemysław Kuna, Managing Director at Interzero, regarding the most common mistakes made by entrepreneurs in the scope of obligations arising from environmental protection regulations.

Most enterprises operating in Poland are related to the production and provision of services that generate the so-called environmental waste. Environmental awareness in our country is growing, but business owners do not always know what specific obligations apply to them as part of their business.

The biggest area causing problems for entrepreneurs is waste management. The problem starts with choosing the right receiving entity, and ends with the decision, entry in the BDO and the storage itself. Waste, packaging and air emissions are key areas that should be formally regulated.

We encourage you to read the entire article HERE .