Product fee in Poland

Are you a manufacturer, importer or distributor? Do you have an online store? Or maybe you run a restaurant or auto trade? You must settle packaging and products introduced to the market and pay the mandatory product fee. Or… you can delegate your responsibility to Interzero and avoid the high product fee for packaging, tires, oils and lubricants, and batteries and accumulators.

Obligations of those introducing products in packaging

Pursuant to the Act of June 13, 2013 on packaging and packaging waste management, entrepreneurs introducing packaged products and packaging to the Polish market are obliged to:

  1. ensuring recycling of packaging waste generated from introduced packaging,
  2. conducting public educational campaigns aimed at raising the ecological awareness of society.

Obligations of those who introduce oils, tires, batteries and accumulators

The obligations of entities placing tires, oils and lubricant products on the market are regulated by the Act of May 11, 2001. on the obligations of entrepreneurs regarding the management of certain waste and on the product fee. Pursuant to its provisions, those introducing products are obliged to:

  1. ensuring the recovery and recycling of waste of the same type as waste generated from introduced products,
  2. achieving minimum statutory levels of recovery and recycling of this waste.

The list of obligations of entrepreneurs introducing batteries and accumulators is slightly different. In accordance with the provisions of the Act of April 24, 2009 on batteries and accumulators, they are obliged to:

  1. organizing and financing the collection, processing, recycling and disposal of used batteries and accumulators ,
  2. financing public educational campaigns aimed at raising society’s ecological awareness.

How to fulfill the recycling obligation?

Anyone introducing packaged products, packaging, tires, oils and lubricants, batteries and accumulators can decide how they will fulfill their obligations.

1. Independently recovering and recycling packaging waste and waste generated from introduced products

The disadvantage of this solution is the need to independently monitor dynamically changing legal regulations in the field of environmental protection and full legal and financial responsibility for the proper implementation of obligations.

2. By paying the product fee to the Marshal's Office

A convenient, but very expensive solution – the product fee for packaging and products significantly exceeds the cost of cooperation with the Interzero recovery organization. Taking into account that both of the above-mentioned methods are troublesome and expensive (they require knowledge of numerous regulations, organizing your own collection and segregation system or paying high fees to the Office), the best solution for most entrepreneurs is to use the services of a professional recovery organization.

3. By transferring the obligation of recovery and recycling to the Interzero Recovery Organization

An entrepreneur who introduces packaged products, packaging, tires, oils and lubricants, as well as batteries and accumulators to the Polish market can use the services of Interzero recovery organization. The transfer of duties takes place by concluding a contract and paying a fixed, low amount, which is incomparably smaller than the amount of the product fee .

Check how much you will save on product fees!

Transferring the recovery and recycling obligation to Interzero will relieve your budget of the significant expense of the packaging fee. The amount of savings will depend mainly on the weights and types of packaging and products introduced to the market in a given calendar year.

Do you want to know how much you can save by avoiding the product fee?
Check how much you will save with Interzero!

Why is it worth delegating environmental responsibilities to Interzero Packaging Recovery Organization SA?

Not having to settle a product fee is just one of the many benefits of working with Interzero. By giving us your responsibility:

  • you save money by avoiding high product fees,
  • you don’t have to organize public educational campaigns – we do it for you! Moreover, we help build a positive and ecological image of your company and support local communities on your behalf,
  • you fulfill your legal obligations in an easy, quick and financially advantageous way,
  • you gain peace of mind and time – you don’t have to keep track of dynamic legislative changes yourself – we do it for you,
  • you actually contribute to improving the environment – you can be sure that packaging and waste from the introduced products have been recovered while maintaining the highest standards. Every year you receive from us confirmation of the fulfillment of obligations and implementation of educational campaigns on your behalf,
  • you entrust your business in reliable hands! Every year, Interzero is subject to inspections verifying the functioning and activities of the Packaging Recovery Organization in Poland. We have successfully passed the assessment of both the Marshal’s Office (2023) and the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection (2020).

Moreover, with our help you will settle any reporting arrears owed to the Marshal’s Office. If you have not yet settled the mandatory product fee, we will help you identify all your obligations and implement them efficiently.



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