Universal USB-C charger - the new EU standard
Why will the universal USB-C charger be standard for all devices?
The universal USB-C charger will be standard for everyone by the end of 2024. Why? This is a top-down regulation of the European Union, which is primarily intended to guide consumers towards more ecological choices when shopping.
Under EU regulations, all phones, tablets and cameras sold in the EU will have to have a USB Type-C port by the end of 2024, and from spring 2026 the requirement will also be extended to laptops.
In this article you will learn:
- what type of chargers dominate the market and why were there EU demands for devices equipped with a charging port;
- which mobile devices will be affected by these changes and when the new regulations will come into force;
- in what direction is the European Parliament heading regarding the amount of waste and ecology in general.
Universal charger for all devices
The devices covered by the regulations include, among others, mobile phones. , tablets , game consoles , e-readers and others portable devices. All those devices that are charged by wire and operate at up to 100W will have to be equipped with a USB Type-C port – regardless of the manufacturer. This is a groundbreaking decision that aims to simplify the lives of consumers and reduce the negative impact of electrical and electronic waste on the environment. The European Commission and the European Parliament unanimously recognized that this solution will have a positive impact on the ecosphere and will allow for a minimal reduction in consumerism.
Customers can choose whether they want to purchase a new device with or without a charger. This should reduce the accumulation of e-waste in homes, and therefore the throwing of e-waste into inappropriate containers. The EU estimates that broken and unused chargers constitute around 11,000 tonnes of waste. This is a frightening amount – but another question arises – what about chargers with other tips when the EU recommendations regarding USB-C come into force?
Are all manufacturers ready for change?
European Commission research shows that half of all chargers sold in 2018 in EU countries used a USB micro-B connector. Only 29% had a USB-C connector, and 21% had a Lightning connector, used by Apple since 2012. Standardizing chargers to a single standard will make many proprietary charging ports (like Apple’s Lightning) obsolete in Europe. Manufacturers therefore argue that once chargers are standardized to USB-C, all the others that are already in consumers’ homes will go to the trash. Researchers in an issue of the Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business investigated the matter. In fact, as of 2019, only 29% of phones sold in the European Union used USB-C chargers. Therefore, forcing the switch to USB-C would make almost 71% of chargers useless for consumers. Customers who buy newer devices with a USB-C port will no longer be able to reuse their older chargers with a different input.
Customer education – in line with new regulations. What changes will come with the unification of device chargers?
However, if we look at the matter in a broader, long-term perspective, according to analyses by the European Commission, thanks to the unification of the charging standard, European citizens will be able to save up to 250 million euros per year. In addition to economic benefits, the new regulations aim to reduce the amount of electronic waste , which is an important step towards sustainable development. Guidelines on product charging requirements are to appear on device labels. Perhaps in a few years we will be able to use one charger for all the equipment in our home or office? Click here again! You can check how the level of paper recycling is growing in Europe! ♻️ Sources: [1] [2] [3]
How much is the deposit for bottles and cans? Check out the new rules!
We know the deposit amount for bottles and cans - check the current rates
On July 16, 2024, the long-awaited regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on the amount of the deposit for packaging covered by the deposit system was published. How much will the deposit be for beverage bottles and cans?
Deposit for bottles and cans in the Polish deposit system from 2025
In the Polish deposit system, the deposit amount will depend on the type of packaging. According to the latest regulation, from 2025, the deposit rates for bottles and cans will be as follows :
- disposable plastic bottles up to 3 l – PLN 0.50,
- metal cans up to 1 l – PLN 0.50,
- reusable glass bottles up to 1.5 l – PLN 1.00.
The Regulation was issued on the basis of the delegation contained in Article 40m section 2 of the Act on the management of packaging and packaging waste ( OJ 2013 item 888 ). Zgodnie z jej przepisami, wysokość kaucji powinna stanowić zachętę do zwrotu opakowań i odpadów opakowaniowych przez konsumentów, a jednocześnie być ustalona na akceptowalnym społecznie poziomie. Określona w ustawie maksymalna wysokość kaucji może wynosić 2 zł, dlatego Ministerstwo powinno śledzić sytuację w pierwszych miesiącach i latach funkcjonowania systemu kaucyjnego i na bieżąco reagować aktualizując wysokość kaucji. Przywołane rozporządzenie wchodzi w życie 14 dni od ogłoszenia i zacznie obowiązywać w ostatnich dniach lipca 2024. Przypomnijmy, że pierwszy projekt rozporządzenia zakładał przyjęcie jednolitej stawki 0,50 zł dla wszystkich opakowań objętych systemem kaucyjnym. Spotkał się jednak z licznymi sprzeciwami rozlewników i przedstawicieli branży odpadowej, którzy zwracali uwagę, że zaproponowana stawka kaucji za wielorazowe butelki szklane jest niższa niż kaucja obecnie stosowana w prywatnych systemach zwrotu (1 zł).
Changes in the deposit system – what have the last few weeks brought?
The final determination of the deposit amount for individual types of packaging covered by the deposit system is not the only novelty in the Polish deposit system that has been presented to the public in recent weeks.
- Another, third deposit system operator has entered the game. On July 17, 2024, the Minister of Climate and Environment allowed the Entity representing OK Operator Kaucyjny SA to create a deposit system covering single-use plastic bottles and metal beverage cans.
- The deadline for mandatory inclusion of reusable glass bottles in the deposit system has been postponed by one year. As a result, the currently operating private collection systems for such packaging can legally operate until 2026.
- Milk and other dairy product packaging has been excluded from the deposit system , which is in line with the dairy industry’s demands. Initially, the deadline for including them in the deposit system was to be postponed by a year (to 2026), but ultimately the Ministry of Climate and Environment withdrew from this idea altogether.
- The logo of the deposit system was presented , which will be placed on all packaging covered by the Polish deposit system.
Get ready for the deposit system with Sielaff bottle machines
Interzero is the only official distributor in Poland that cooperates with the renowned German manufacturer of bottle vending machines – Sielaff. Thanks to this cooperation, we offer our customers the highest quality devices, designed with durability, efficiency and advanced technology in mind. We offer full support – from consulting and installation of devices, to their servicing and integration with IT systems. Our team of experts ensures that the implementation of bottle vending machines is smooth, and your company gains a modern tool tailored to the needs of customers.
80% of paper recycling in Europe | Latest CEPI data 2023
Paper recycling in Europe is on the rise. Discover key data from the CEPI 2023 report
On July 9, 2024, the latest CEPI report was published, presenting production statistics for the European paper sector for 2023. The data from the report indicate a deepening decline in paper and cardboard production. At the same time, the recycling rate of the raw material is increasing, which reached almost 80% last year.
Decline in paper and cardboard production in Europe reflects global trends
The year 2023 was marked by declines in the paper industry. Paper and cardboard production fell by as much as 13% compared to 2022. It seems that recent years have been a slippery slope for the paper industry – paper consumption (by 13.5% vs. 2022) and pulp production (0-17.5% vs. 2022) are also falling significantly. However, this is not a local problem – in the same period we are observing a global slowdown, which is not as large as in Europe . The EU economy as a whole has lost its dynamics in the face of high living costs (including energy prices), tightening monetary policy and weak external demand. The dynamics of production of individual types of paper and cardboard products in 2023 were very diverse. Compared to the previous year, the amount of cardboard packaging produced fell by 11%, and the amount of newsprint by 20.6%. The largest declines in production, reaching 23.7%, were recorded in the graphic paper category. Sanitary and household paper proved the most resistant to market turmoil – this segment decreased by only 3.4%.
80 percent recycling rate – the paper industry is getting closer to the dream of a circular economy
From the perspective of the paper industry, the data presented in the CEPI report are quite pessimistic. However, representatives of the waste and recycling industry have a breath of optimism – in 2023 . średni wskaźnik recyklingu w państwach EU-27, Norwegii, Szwajcarii i Wielkiej Brytanii wyniósł aż 79,3% (an increase of 8.2 percentage points compared to 2022). Thus, 6 years ahead of schedule, the goal of the signatories of the European Declaration on Paper Recycling, who committed to achieving a 76% paper recycling rate by 2030, has been fulfilled. The record high annual recycling rate indicates the autonomy of the industry and brings it closer to realizing the idea of a circular economy . Interestingly,
The increase recorded in 2023 is due to a significant, 12% decrease in the consumption of paper and cardboard . Oznacza to, że nie tylko przedstawiciele branży, ale też konsumenci stają się coraz bardziej świadomi i zaczynają ograniczać zużycie wyrobów papierniczych oraz opakowań z tektury i papieru.
CEPI 2023 Report Shows Progress in Decarbonising Paper Industry
Despite numerous results below the line, the paper sector also has reasons to be satisfied. For many years The decarbonization of this industry is gradually progressing. In 2023, CO2 emissions fell by another 5.8%, which means that a total reduction of over 46% in carbon dioxide emissions has been achieved since 2005. As we read in the statement by the Director General of CEPI:
“Given the context, the pulp and paper industry in Europe can be proud of what it has achieved in terms of climate action and circularity. In a more favourable and predictable regulatory environment, our prospects can be very positive and our contribution to the EU Green Deal even greater.”
Due to the decarbonization goals set by the European Commission, it is estimated that emissions reduction will proceed even faster in the coming years . However, this is conditional on further increases in investment outlays, which, in the current difficult market situation, is one of the greatest challenges.
Source: European pulp & paper industry. Key statistics 2023, CEPI, https://www.cepi.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Key-Statistics-2023-FINAL.pdf
Less than a month until the 2024 Environmental Conference! Register and get your ticket!
Less than a month until the 2024 Environmental Conference! Register and get your ticket!
We will soon see each other at the Sheraton Sopot, where a unique event from the world of ecology will take place. It is the Interzero Environmental Conference, which this year will be held under the slogan “Pillars of Circularity”. We have the last tickets! Read on and see why it is worth being interested in both the environment and business. Participation in the Conference is possible from PLN 1,299 net. Included in this price: 2 days of lectures, debates led by industry experts and much more.
What tickets are available for the 2024 Environmental Conference in Sopot?
We have 4 ticket levels. Everyone will be able to take part in the events and take advantage of the conveniences that best suit their personal needs. We would like to point out that the cheapest ticket is only PLN 1,299 net – this is the basic package. Thanks to it, you will take part in the 2-day Interzero Environmental Conference, you will receive an e-Certificate of participation, you will be served lunch and coffee, you will receive a welcome package and a complete set of scientific materials from the conference. Later on, it only gets better – the Normal, Silver and of course GOLD VIP packages are waiting for you. What is hidden under this last name? Of course, everything that is included in the basic package, along with access to the SPA and hotel attractions, participation in the event and dinner with conference participants, private accommodation, a parking space and access to the Interzero Academy for 3 months! Check this link and decide which package is best! See you there!
Topics covered at the Interzero Environmental Conference
We will discuss the most important and most troubling topics for entrepreneurs related to law, environmental protection and the omnipresent ESG. This is a chance to gain a new perspective on business, catch up in the legal area and establish invaluable contacts in the industry. During the first day, there will be a panel discussion: “The deposit system – a threat or an opportunity for waste management?” The topic is extremely current, because in 2025 a universal deposit system will be introduced in Poland. How should entrepreneurs deal with it? Will they earn on it or maybe lose? We will try to answer these questions. In addition, there will be speakers from Interzero and friendly companies. We will hear, for example, about electromobility. The second day includes, among others, a panel discussion: “PPWR – how much will it cost us?” During the talks, the challenges in the design, production and recycling of packaging in the face of new regulations will be discussed. Before the discussion, we will have the pleasure of getting to know the speeches on ESG and circularity. The full program can be found on the event website – we invite you!
Will you be with us?
To sum up – the last tickets left for the Interzero Environmental Conference. Knowledge in a nutshell:
- Date: 18-20.09.2024
- Location: Sopot, Sheraton Hotel
- Event name: Interzero Environmental Conference: “Pillars of Circularity”
- Main topics: circularity, deposit system, ESG, business
- Tickets for 2 days full of learning and excitement from 1299 PLN
- Advantages: a solid dose of information from specialists, gaining industry contacts and opportunities for cooperation, and training materials from the conference.
Become a partner of the Interzero Environmental Conference!
If you want to present your company at one of the largest and most important environmental events in the country, you’ve come to the right place. To become a partner or exhibitor of the Interzero 2024 Environmental Conference, just write an email to: konferencja@interzero.pl . Join the best who work for a world without waste. Show your business, your idea, your possibilities.
Join the event today!
Do you want to become our partner?
Write to konferencja@interzero.pl
Raw materials for paper production – what is paper made from in Europe?
What is paper made of – types and species of trees
Softwood (75% of production) and hardwood (25% of production) are used for primary paper production in Poland and throughout Europe. It comes mainly from commercial forests, where planned tree cultivation is carried out for logging. Another source of wood is the so-called maintenance logging of other forests, carried out in order to provide neighboring trees with optimal conditions for growth and crown development.
The most popular species of wood for paper production are:
- spruce – 40.5%,
- pine (so-called paperwood) – 35%,
- birch – 11.4%,
- eucalyptus – 9.1%,
- beech – 1.5%,
- aspen – 1.2%
- other (hornbeam, ash, maple, acacia, oak, alder, poplar, willow, chestnut) – 1.3%.
The decline in paper production in recent years also translates into lower interest in the primary raw material. In 2023, the quantitative consumption of softwood species fell by 1.1%, and hardwood species by 5.7%.
Raw material for paper production "made in Europe"
According to the data included in the CEPI report, as much as 91% of the wood used for paper production in CEPI countries comes from their native forests . This is the highest rate since 2000 and a slight increase compared to 2022 (by 1 percentage point). Another 6.5% is wood imported from EU countries that are not CEPI members. Only 2.5% of the wood comes from outside Europe. This means that Europe is almost self-sufficient in terms of obtaining raw material for paper production . The role of the raw material, recycled paper, should also be emphasized here. In 2023, over 53 million tons of waste paper and other paper waste were recycled in CEPI countries and reused to produce paper products. Cardboard is the leader here – as much as 95% of cardboard and cardboard packaging is made from recycled paper. Check how paper is made in the first and second cycle.
Wood chips – waste as a raw material for paper production
In addition to wood in bales, wood chips are also used for paper production . These are small pieces of wood that are created as post-production waste, including from the furniture, sawmill, packaging and construction joinery industries. The scale of their use may be surprising – in 2023, as much as 21.4% of all wood intended for the paper industry was wood chips . According to the authors of the CEPI report, the use of industrial waste in the form of wood chips for paper production is a significant contribution to the circular economy . Although CEPI traditionally does not consider it recycling, such use of wood chips falls within its definition commonly accepted in the waste industry. Considering the highest paper recycling rate in history (almost 80%), it can be said that CEPI countries have learned their lesson about circularity and are well on their way to creating a circular economy.
Source: European pulp & paper industry. Key statistics 2023, CEPI, https://www.cepi.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Key-Statistics-2023-FINAL.pdf
Interzero stationary training – a lot of substantive and practical knowledge in a nutshell!
What does an Environmental Protection Inspection Inspection involve and how to prepare for it?
The first Interzero stationary training entitled ” Environmental Protection Inspection Control in an Enterprise” is now behind us! The training participants met with our expert Łukasz Pachucki on August 8 at the Interzero branch in Łódź. In a small group of people, they acquired a wide range of topics related to the control of the Environmental Protection Inspection in a company. The open form of the training and the Q&A session allowed them to get to know in depth the specifics of such an inspection, in terms of the operation of their enterprises.
What impressions did the Interzero in-person training leave behind?
“I am very happy that we managed to organize the first stationary training using the potential of our Łódź office. We were able to improve the competences of entrepreneurs in the area of dealing with WIOŚ inspections, which is not an easy task. Participants had the opportunity to learn live and in a very intimate group in detail how such an inspection looks like and what to pay special attention to. In addition, the Q&A session after the meeting and the possibility of sending questions to the instructor by e-mail gave the participants a huge dose of knowledge. Łukasz Pachucki played an incredible role in the success of the training, who, as befits a top-class expert with many years of experience, led the meeting in a perfectly practical and accessible way.” – said Anita Janiec , Head of the Environmental Consulting Team at Interzero.
“The training was valuable and interesting. The whole thing was planned at the right pace – it didn’t take too long but enough to thoroughly discuss all the important issues. The practical examples were valuable and helped to better understand the issues discussed. This made the training not only interesting but also helpful. I recommend it to anyone who wants to increase their knowledge in this area. ” – said training participant Wiktor G, Project Manager at Decathlon.
“Yesterday I had the pleasure of conducting the previously announced training “Control of environmental protection inspections in an enterprise”. I am glad that despite the date falling during the holiday period, we managed to gather a group of listeners interested in the subject, for which I am very grateful. For those of you who would like to participate in our training, but for various reasons it was not possible, I have information that it is not excluded that there will be a possibility of participating in a similar event in the future .” – said the training instructor , Łukasz Pachucki.
More trainings on similar topics coming soon! Save the date!
Already in October, 24.10, there will be an online training on the subject of WIOŚ control in the enterprise! Soon there will be more details on the website and our Linkedin profile . However, if you prefer stationary training, nothing is lost! We will soon announce the next date of the training “Control of environmental protection inspection in the enterprise” in Łódź! If you want to train your employees in other topics related to environmental protection, write to us at: academy@interzero.pl . Check out our offer of online training at Interzero Academy.
Registration with BDO: Is it an obligation for every entrepreneur?
Registration with BDO: Is it an obligation for every entrepreneur?
What is BDO?
BDO ( Database on products, packaging and waste management ) is an IT system used to collect and manage data on waste management. It allows for electronic submission of reports and keeping waste records.
Who must register with BDO?
The obligation to register with BDO applies to both new companies and those that have been operating for many years. Entrepreneurs who must be entered in the register are:
- They produce waste and keep records of it.
- They introduce packaged products, vehicles, tires, lubricating oils, batteries and accumulators to the Polish market.
- They produce or introduce packaging to the Polish market.
- They make intra-Community acquisitions of packaging.
- They introduce electrical and electronic equipment into the country.
- They run a shop or wholesale store and provide customers with plastic bags subject to a recycling fee.
Consequences of not registering with BDO
Failure to register or incorrect registration with BDO may prevent entrepreneurs from fulfilling important environmental obligations and expose them to severe financial penalties. Failure to register may result in imprisonment or a fine of up to PLN 1,000,000.
How to register with BDO?
Get help from the experts at Interzero . Their BDO registration service includes:
- Determining the actual scope of your company’s activities.
- Identification of sections for entry and codes of waste generated.
- Preparation and submission of an application for registration in BDO
Please note that the registration process may take up to 30 days from the date of application, so there is no point in delaying the formalities.
Changes to the deposit system! We know what's going on with VAT, deposit amounts, collection levels and dairy product packaging!
Changes to the deposit system! We know what's going on with VAT, deposit amounts, collection levels and dairy product packaging!
As of July 31, 2024, a regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment came into force regulating the amount of the deposit for all types of packaging that will be included in the deposit system.
We would like to remind you that in accordance with the regulation, the deposit amount for one package will be:
- For single-use plastic beverage bottles with a capacity of up to three litres, including their plastic caps and lids, excluding glass or metal beverage bottles with caps and lids made of plastic – 50 groszy
- For metal cans with a capacity of up to one liter also – 50 groszy
- For reusable glass bottles with a capacity of up to one and a half liters – one zloty.
Read the regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment regarding the amount of the deposit.
What’s new in the draft bill amending the provisions on the UD45 deposit system after the changes resulting from public consultations?
A draft bill amending the deposit system (UD45) has been published on the website of the Government Legislative Centre.
The most important provisions concern:
- closing the deposit circuit, which will help to tighten the system and facilitate monitoring the deposit flow,
- reducing the level of selective collection of packaging and packaging waste to a fixed threshold of 77% in 2025-2028,
- exclusion from the obligation to collect milk packaging and dairy products,
- increasing the role of the minister as a body supervising the activities of operators,
- increase in product fee,
- regulations on VAT,
- introduction of a provision on so-called reverse logistics.
The full document is available on the Government Legislation Center website. We encourage you to read it at the link . The final countdown to the introduction of the deposit system in Poland is already underway! The deadline of January 1, 2025 remains binding.
Stay up to date with information on the deposit system in Poland and follow our LinkedIn profile
Circular solutions are climate solutions - Interzero and its customers are once again postponing Ecological Debt Day
Circular solutions are climate solutions - Interzero and its customers are once again postponing Ecological Debt Day
This year, by August 1, humanity will have used as much from nature as the planet can renew in a whole year – according to calculations by the Global Footprint Network (GFN) for 2024. However, without Interzero’s recycling and innovative circular activities, this day would have been reached even earlier. Together with our customers and our broad portfolio of circular solutions, Interzero has once again managed to delay the global Ecological Debt Day by more than seven minutes. Once again, this is concrete evidence of the positive impact our company’s service portfolio has on the planet. “We want to work with our customers to make a real impact,” says Interzero CEO and owner Dr. Axel Schweitzer.
“With our vision of a world without waste – where available resources are used sustainably and responsibly – we are constantly looking for new ways to push Earth’s Overshoot Day further and further away. Our efforts are yielding tangible successes.”
We encourage you to read the press release in English HERE
Let’s #MoveTheDate!
Carbon footprint measurement during the qualification for the Floorball World Championship with ESD from Interzero
Reducing the environmental impact of the World Floorball Championship Qualifiers (WFCQ)
Introduction: In recent years, the global conversation on sustainability has intensified, prompting organizations around the world to assess their impact on the environment. Leading the way, our team undertook a comprehensive environmental impact assessment of the Men’s Floorball World Championship Qualifiers (WFCQ). Using Interzero’s Environmental Sustainability Dashboard (ESD), we embarked on a journey to assess and reduce the carbon footprint of this major sporting event. Context: The Men’s Floorball World Championship Qualifiers (WFCQ) took place in Škofja Loka, Slovenia, from January 31 to February 4, 2024. It involved 5 teams from Slovenia, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, and Denmark, as well as representatives from the International Floorball Federation (IFF). A total of 216 people, including players and staff, 2,453 visitors, 33 volunteers, and local labor, took part in the tournament.
Challenge: Carbon Footprint of WFCQ Venue
The challenge was clear: how could we ensure that the men’s WFCQ, while still being an exciting display of athleticism and sportsmanship, would also be in line with our commitment to sustainability? Considering the many dimensions involved, including venue operations, transport logistics, communication activities, exhibition preparation, accommodation and catering, the task was daunting. However, armed with a dedicated team and our Environmental Sustainability Dashboard, we rose to the challenge. The WFCQ was held at the Poden Arena, located in Škofja Loka (Slovenia) for the entire duration of the event.
For the purpose of calculating the greenhouse gas emissions associated with a facility, the following impact categories were considered:
- Stationary fuel combustion.
- Overall electricity consumption.
- Heat/cold consumption in the network.
- Water consumption.
- Waste disposal.
Solution: Our methodology was rooted in the principles of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), ensuring that every aspect of the event was meticulously examined for its environmental impact. From quantifying greenhouse gas emissions to assessing waste generation and transportation. Using the Environmental Sustainability Dashboard, we were able to collect and analyze data from a variety of sources, in line with internationally recognized standards such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Results: The results of our analysis were both informative and useful. With a total carbon footprint of 108.1 tonnes of CO2 equivalent, we gained valuable insight into where our efforts could make the most difference. Transportation emerged as the most impactful dimension, accounting for 52% of the event’s carbon footprint, primarily due to air travel. Accommodation and catering followed, each contributing significantly to the overall emissions. Armed with this knowledge, however, we didn’t stop at just assessing. Instead, we proposed targeted strategies to reduce the environmental impact. From promoting sustainable travel options for attendees to optimizing venue energy use and minimizing waste generation, every mitigation measure was guided by our commitment to sustainability. By the end of the Men’s WFCQ, we had not only achieved our goal of quantifying the event’s environmental impact, we had also demonstrated our unwavering commitment to sustainability. Through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, we transformed the sporting event into a beacon of environmental responsibility, setting a new standard for future championships around the world. In summary, the success of our sustainability initiative for the men’s WFCQ is a testament to the power of data-driven decision-making and collective action. Looking to the future, we remain committed to further sustainability efforts, ensuring that future generations can enjoy the thrill of sport without compromising the health of our planet.
What is the Environmental Sustainability Dashboard?
The Environmental Sustainability Dashboard (ESD) is Interzero’s solution to help clients integrate sustainability into their business strategy. ESD consists of several steps, starting from context analysis and ending with the creation of a Sustainability Action Plan. A key element among these steps is the ESD tool, a web-based platform designed to help companies calculate the different environmental, social and governance impacts related to their core business and/or products. The impact assessment takes into account different dimensions, such as emissions, energy, materials, water and waste. A wide range of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can be calculated, such as greenhouse gas emissions or carbon footprint. For each dimension, specific data is required to calculate the appropriate set of results. Both input and output data are selected and generated based on commonly used standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative, and literature. The output information can be used not only for communication purposes, but also for technical assessment and can be integrated by the company into its sustainability report. ESD is suitable for companies of all sizes, whether they offer services or products.