Environmental Reporting – Meet Your Reporting Obligations with Interzero

Periodic preparation of environmental reports and statements is just one of many time-consuming duties that entrepreneurs have. To avoid stress, errors and irregularities, it is worth entrusting this duty to qualified experts from Interzero.

Who is required to submit environmental reports?

In connection with running their business, many entrepreneurs must fulfill reporting obligations in the field of environmental protection. The above-mentioned reporting obligations apply not only to large entities, but also to micro-entrepreneurs and sole proprietorships. Despite this, many companies are still unaware of the need to submit environmental reports and, as a result, do not fulfil their statutory obligations.

Entrepreneur, if you conduct business as a result of which:

  • you introduce gases and/or dust into the air (you have company cars, your own heating in the form of a boiler, you use air conditioning, etc.),
  • you produce waste (other than municipal waste),
  • you introduce packaged products to the domestic market,
  • you introduce electrical and electronic equipment to the domestic market,
  • you import vehicles into the country, and therefore batteries, accumulators, tires, oils and lubricants,
  • you provide your customers with plastic shopping bags,
  • you pack meals and drinks in plastic packaging,

you are probably required to submit at least one environmental report.

Entrust the preparation of environmental reports to Interzero experts!

Did you know that you can delegate your reporting obligations to Interzero environmental experts? As part of our activities, we comprehensively take over from entrepreneurs the tedious and time-consuming tasks related to collecting data, preparing reports and environmental statements and submitting them within the statutory deadline.

As an organization with over 30 years of experience in the industry, we can guarantee full professionalism and the highest quality of services provided . If you have a problem defining your reporting obligations, arrange a consultation with an Interzero expert or commission us to conduct an audit. The audit will allow you to verify the scope of obligations that you should fulfill in connection with your business.

What environmental reports do we prepare for our clients?

We prepare the following environmental protection reports for our clients:

  • reports on waste production and waste management,
  • reports for the use of the environment
  • reports to the National Centre for Emission Balancing and Management (KOBIZE),
  • volatile organic compound (VOC) balances,
  • reports on ODS and FGC (BDS),
  • statements regarding the use of water services,
  • reports on products, packaging and the management of waste generated from them.

Depending on your company’s needs, we can supplement our reporting and reporting services with additional activities , e.g. in the field of waste management, environmental consulting, taking over other environmental obligations of your company or providing products and tools for waste management in the company.

Why is it worth submitting environmental reporting to Interzero?

By entrusting your environmental reporting obligations to Interzero specialists, you are guaranteed:

  • reliably prepared reports and statements,
  • submitting a complete set of documents within the required deadlines,
  • 100% compliance with reporting obligations imposed on your company by law,
  • saving you and your employees time,
  • avoid penalties for failure to fulfil or unreliable fulfilment of reporting obligations.

To use our services, write to us via the contact form below or to the email address provided . In response, you will receive the best offer for your company, in which we will guarantee that you will take over bureaucratic obligations and free you from the need to comply with numerous statutory deadlines.

Make sure you submit your environmental reports on time!

Failure to submit environmental protection reports on time can have unpleasant consequences for your company. Check the deadlines for fulfilling your obligations!

The statutory deadline for submitting KOBiZE reports is February 28 or 29. The report for the previous year must be submitted by this date (i.e. by February 28, 2024 for the entire year 2023, etc.). The process of preparing and submitting the KOBiZE report is quite complicated, so it is worth using the support of Interzero experts who will take over your company’s reporting obligations.

Waste reports to BDO are submitted by 15 March each year for the previous year.

Reports on the use of the environment must be submitted once a year, by the statutory deadline of March 31. A properly prepared report should include information and data on the scope of the use of the environment and the amount of fees due for this. Preparing a report and calculating the environmental fee is time-consuming and causes many difficulties for entrepreneurs, which is why it is worth entrusting it to a specialized entity, such as Interzero.

The annual VOC balance, or Volatile Organic Compounds, must be submitted by February 28, and in leap years – by February 29.

The deadline for submitting ODS and F-GAS reports is February 28 each year for the previous year, and February 29 in leap years. Reports should be submitted via an electronic form in the Reporting Database (BDS), using your company’s individual account. As part of environmental consulting and outsourcing, Interzero offers support in both the registration of the entity and the preparation and timely submission of ODS and FGC reports,

Declarations regarding the use of water services must be submitted quarterly, within 30 days from the day on which the end of each calendar quarter expires.

  • for the second quarter of the year – by April 30,
  • for the second quarter of the year – by July 30,
  • for the third quarter of the year – by October 30,
  • for the fourth quarter of the year – by January 30 of the following year.

The type of declaration you submit depends on the type of water services used by the entity. Interzero’s environmental advisors will help you choose the right form and submit your declarations on time.

The annual report on products, packaging and management of waste generated from them is submitted by 15 March of the current year for the previous year. The report can be submitted only electronically, using an individual account in the BDO system. Our environmental advisors will help you register with BDO , and then prepare and submit an annual report on products and packaging on behalf of your company.




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