Waste management – ​​necessary, but with the right tools, quick and easy

Waste management is often a challenge that keeps entrepreneurs awake at night. It takes a lot of time and can be complicated. Nevertheless, it is a necessity resulting from both legal requirements and the pursuit of sustainable development. It turns out that there are tools that can make this task much easier. One of the most comprehensive solutions is the Interzero Waste Platform.

Need or requirement?

Waste management is extremely important for enterprises that generate significant amounts of waste. The legal orders that are key in this case are the Waste Act of December 14, 2012, the Act on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities of September 13, 1996, and the Act of January 23, 2020. amending the Waste Act and certain other acts, regulation regarding Waste catalogue , as well as the regulation of the Minister of Climate of December 23, 2019. on the types and quantities of waste exempt from keeping waste records.

Violation of regulations regarding proper waste disposal may result in severe sanctions. They are intended for those who neglect their obligations related to waste collection, including collecting waste in illegal landfills or improper waste management, i.e. inconsistent with the permit obtained. The expected administrative penalty ranges from PLN 1,000 to a maximum of PLN 1,000,000.

On the other hand, enterprises increasingly feel their own need to manage waste, due to the growing ecological awareness of society , including customers and business stakeholders. Companies realize the real need for change, which is why they take measures to reduce their impact on the natural environment. Effective waste management therefore becomes not only a legal obligation, but also a strategic choice that allows achieving sustainable development and building a positive company image.

What's the problem?

It turns out that waste management causes many problems for Polish entrepreneurs. There are no universal solutions in this field, but the capabilities and needs of each company are different and depend on a number of factors, including its size and industry. Nevertheless, waste management is associated with a number of common difficulties that affect many enterprises, regardless of their business profile.

One of the main problems is the time-consuming work associated with issuing waste transfer cards. This process requires taking into account many details and is burdened with formalities, which usually turns out to be very time-consuming. An additional burden is the need to regularly and painstakingly keep records through the BDO system. This requires systematic updating of data and appropriate archiving of documentation, which may pose a significant challenge for enterprises.

Monitoring costs and revenues related to waste management is another important problem. Tracking this data, especially in the case of companies operating on multiple levels, often proves to be complicated and time-consuming. Managing different locations and maintaining contact with many waste recipients increases the inconvenience, which makes the search for effective solutions and efficient tools for waste management a priority.

The improvement lies in the Internet

To solve these problems, companies use various methods. They can employ a specialist in waste management, establish an entire department dedicated to this issue or use modern online tools. The choice of the latter solution is not only for financial reasons, but also for qualitative ones. An example is the Interzero Waste Platform. It is an innovative online tool that is a comprehensive solution used by both large corporations and small enterprises, regardless of the industry in which they operate.

The Interzero Waste Platform is an innovative online tool created for effective waste management and storing environmental documentation in companies. Each system developed by Interzero is unique and tailored to the specific needs of each enterprise. For large corporations and chain entities, using the Interzero Waste Platform means simplifying, accelerating and standardizing waste management processes. However, for smaller companies it is an opportunity to reduce burdensome obligations related to waste management, BDO reporting and handling municipal declarations. – explains Aleksandra Mikiel , Operations Director, Interzero.

This is a tool that allows for quick and convenient operation. Using it brings a number of benefits, including reducing waste management costs, increasing profits from the sale of raw materials, automating waste collection and recovery logistics, improving and standardizing waste management processes throughout the company, reducing the risk of errors when entering data into the BDO system, and also the ability to store and manage all environmental documentation in one place.

Convenience of use and time saving

It is worth emphasizing that the Interzero Waste Platform has been integrated with BDO, thanks to which users can use the simple login function without the need for authentication with a trusted profile. During use, the system remains stable and saves data in real time and updates it in BDO. However, the benefits related to the convenience of use do not end there, because the system guarantees automatic creation and approval of KPOs when reporting waste collection, the possibility of correcting KPOs with one click, as well as automation of keeping waste records (KEO).

Remote ordering of waste collection has been simplified to such an extent that the collecting entity receives a notification with complete information regarding the type of waste fraction, type of container and location. Additional telephone or e-mail contact is no longer necessary. The most important thing, however, is that the platform allows you to store and manage all environmental documentation in one place.

Customers from over 1,000 locations throughout Poland benefit from using the Interzero Waste Platform. In total, almost 81,000 KPO items were issued through it. Thanks to the platform, over 2,300 KEOs have been created, with over 190,000 individual entries. The platform can be tested for up to 3 months without additional fees. Thanks to this, companies have the opportunity to try all its functionalities and see that it is the right tool for them.

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