Ecological packaging for your product – Made for Recycling and Bambiboo diapers

Ecological packaging, using biodegradable and recyclable materials, reduces the negative impact on the environment. By choosing ecological packaging, you support sustainable development and care for the future of our planet. Find out more about how you can get the Made for Recycling certificate from Interseroh+ to confirm your ecological solutions!

Eco-friendly packaging is often designed to minimize the amount of waste generated during production, distribution and use. This reduces the amount of waste going to landfills and the natural environment. Packaging that can be easily recycled encourages consumers to properly dispose of waste and reuse it.

Our client knows this Bambiboo, which received as many as 18 points in the packaging evaluation method Made for Recycling conducted by Interseroh+. This classification is based on a scientific assessment method developed by Interseroh+ together with the bifa Environmental Institute and validated by Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV. Packaging that receives 18-20 points on the research scale is awarded a certificate and the Made for Recycling mark.

Bambiboo demonstrates the good recyclability of its packaging by placing the “Made for Recycling” mark on it. In this way, the company provides its customers with real help in sustainable consumption. After all, recycling valuable materials makes an important contribution to protecting the climate and resources!

If you would like to test your product in terms of environmental friendliness of its packaging, please contact us!


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