Deposit system for reusable packaging? It’s possible with the Made4Loop service from Interzero!

The introduction of the Act of April 14, 2023 amending the regulations on the management of certain waste and the product fee results in a significant restriction of the trade in single-use plastic products. This amendment is a consequence of the implementation of the European Union directive of June 5, 2019, referred to as the SUP directive.

From July 1, 2024 entrepreneurs selling drinks in disposable cups will have to provide their customers with alternative packaging that will be more environmentally friendly and help reduce the amount of plastic waste. That’s why Interzero is introducing a new service – Made 4 Loop.

Looping is a unique solution that will help you implement sustainable, reusable and ecological alternatives to disposable cups and food packaging in your company. The Made4Loop model created by Interzero involves the use of reusable cups and packaging that customers rent for a deposit and then return in a deposit system. In this way, the packaging remains in a closed loop and is reused dozens, if not hundreds of times.

Get hassle-free implementation of your legal obligations. Create with us an individual design of cups and boxes tailored to your company’s offer. Reduce your carbon footprint and waste management costs!

You can read more about our new service HERE

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