Support with EPR obligations in Spain: packaging registration and authorized representative
Businesses introducing packaged products, electrical equipment and batteries to the Spanish market must comply with many obligations imposed by the regulations on extended producer responsibility (EPR). This also applies to foreign companies, which the legislator has additionally obliged to establish an authorized representative in Spain. How to comply with the new EPR regulations in Spain?
EPR obligations in Spain that all foreign companies are subject to
The regulations on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Spain were introduced by several legal acts: Law 7/2022 of 8 April 2022 and Royal Decrees 106/2008, 110/2015 and 1055/2022. According to these regulations , all traders who sell packaged products, electrical and electronic equipment and batteries and accumulators to Spain must comply with a number of legal obligations .
The most important responsibilities of the EPR in Spain include:
- obtaining a tax identification number (NIF),
- registration in the Producer Register – Registro de Productores de Producto (Spanish equivalent of BDO) and obtaining an individual EPR number,
- ensuring the management of waste generated from packaging, equipment (WEEE) and batteries introduced to the Spanish market,
- submitting annual reports on the types and quantities of products covered by the EPR that the entrepreneur has introduced to the Spanish market,
- licensing of introduced packaging and equipment
Foreign entrepreneurs cannot perform any of these tasks on their own – EPR regulations oblige them to appoint an authorised company representative in Spain who will take over all the obligations related to extended producer responsibility.
Who is obliged to appoint an authorized representative in Spain?
The obligation to appoint an authorised EPR representative applies to companies not established in Spain that introduce to the Spanish market:
- electrical and electronic equipment (e.g. household appliances, consumer electronics, electronic toys),
- batteries and accumulators (as well as devices containing batteries or accumulators),
- products in packages :
- domestic ( individual in which the product is delivered to consumers),
- commercial (used for storage and packaging in retail and service outlets),
- industrial (collective) .
EPR regulations apply not only to entrepreneurs selling the above-mentioned products through traditional distribution channels (stationary shops, wholesalers). They also cover companies that offer their products through own online stores or sales platforms, e.g. Amazon, Zalando or eBay.
Importantly, Spanish EPR regulations do not provide for quantitative exemptions, which means that even companies that sell just a few such packages or products to Spain must appoint an authorized representative. Signing an agreement with an entity that will take over EPR obligations in Spain is therefore a necessary condition that all entrepreneurs introducing any packaged products, batteries and accumulators, and electrical and electronic equipment to the Spanish market must meet.
Do you already have an authorized representative in Spain? Discover the Interzero offer!
At Interzero, we provide comprehensive support to entrepreneurs in fulfilling their obligations under Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). We offer an authorized representative service in Spain to all companies that introduce packaged products, electrical and electronic equipment, and batteries to the Spanish market.
As an authorized representative of your company in Spain , we will take care of:
- registration of your company in the Spanish Register of Producers,
- recycling and management of waste from packaging, equipment and batteries that you introduce to the Spanish market,
- joining the extended producer responsibility system (EPRS, SCRAP),
- reporting on packaging, equipment and batteries introduced in each calendar year,
- licensing of packaging and equipment and payment of licensing fees on behalf of your company (if necessary),
- representing your company in the scope of EPR obligations before Spanish authorities and offices.
Discover the range of our services and choose Interzero as your authorized representative in Spain!
How do I appoint Interzero as an authorised representative of my company in Spain?
By choosing Interzero services, you will complete all formalities quickly, conveniently and 100% online .
- Create a free account for your company on Interzero España (it only takes 1 minute!).
- Complete the information on the quantity and types of packaging being introduced and calculate the cost of the service.
- Confirm your details and proceed to finalize your order.
- Follow the further instructions that we will send you electronically.
Once the formalities are completed, we will take care of registering your company and fulfilling the remaining obligations arising from the EPR in Spain.
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about the Authorized Representative and EPR regulations in Spain.
For more information click here: EPR Obligations – Interzero Authorized representative in Spain
Who is the Manufacturer's authorized representative in Spain?
The Authorized Representative in Spain is the company’s representative who takes responsibility for fulfilling the Producer’s obligations under the Spanish EPR regulations. If your company is not based in Spain, you can only fulfill your obligations under the EPR through an Authorized Representative!
Who is a Producer under the Spanish Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations?
According to the Spanish EPR regulations, the term Producer should be understood as meaning any entrepreneur who manufactures, sells, packages, imports or carries out intra-Community supply of packaged products, electrical and electronic equipment or batteries and accumulators on the Spanish market.
This applies to both entrepreneurs based in Spain and foreign companies (based in the EU or outside the EU).
Under Spanish regulations on extended producer responsibility, packaging producers are also:
- sellers, courier companies and online sellers who use shipping packaging to deliver the products they sell,
- companies not based in Spain that use packaging to introduce products to the Spanish market,
- e-commerce platforms that introduce products packaged outside Spain to the Spanish market,
- companies that package products directly at the point of sale (e.g. takeaway food),
- entities involved in packaging products intended for introduction to the Spanish market.
How do I know if I need an authorized representative in Spain?
If you are introducing packaged products, electrical and electronic equipment or batteries and accumulators to the Spanish market and you are not based in Spain, you probably need to appoint an authorized representative of your company in Spain. The definition of Producer provided above may be helpful in identifying your obligation.
NOTE: Spanish EPR regulations do not provide for quantitative exemptions. EPR obligations must therefore be fulfilled by all Producers, regardless of the quantity of packaged products, equipment and batteries placed on the market.
Need more information about EPR obligations in Spain and other European countries?Create a free account at Licenzero and learn about your company’s obligations!
Since when has the appointment of an authorised representative in Spain been mandatory?
The obligation to appoint an authorised representative in Spain came into force on 1 January 2023. From now on, all foreign entrepreneurs who introduce packaged products, electrical and electronic equipment or batteries and accumulators to the Spanish market must fulfil their obligations as an introducer through an authorised representative.
Who can be an authorized EPR representative in Spain?
The authorized representative of your company in Spain can be a natural person, a legal person or an organization that meets all of the following conditions :
- has an address (registered office) in Spain,
- is a member of one of the extended producer responsibility systems in Spain (SCRAP),
- is registered in the Spanish Register of Producers ( Registro de Productores de Producto ).
Remember that your company’s authorized representative will perform your duties and represent you before Spanish authorities and offices! For this reason , choose only experienced, proven entities as your authorized representative, who can guarantee the highest quality of services provided!
When do I need to appoint an authorized representative in Spain?
You should appoint an authorised representative for your company before you start your business of introducing packaged products, electrical equipment or batteries and accumulators to the Spanish market. If you currently sell such products to customers in Spain and you are a manufacturer within the meaning of the Spanish EPR regulations, you must appoint an authorised representative as soon as possible
What tasks does an authorized representative in Spain perform?
Your company’s authorized representative in Spain takes responsibility for fulfilling the obligations arising from the Spanish regulations on extended producer responsibility. Their duties therefore include, among others:
- registration of the company in the Register of Producers,
- ongoing monitoring of the company’s compliance with EPR regulations in Spain,
- annual reporting of the types and quantities of packaging, equipment and batteries introduced to the Spanish market,
- organization and coordination of activities related to the management of waste from introduced packaging, equipment and batteries (usually comes down to joining the collective extended producer responsibility system – SCRAP),
- contact with local authorities and offices,
- licensing of introduced packaging and equipment , including payment of a license fee to the relevant authorities (charged after exceeding the limits).
What about foreign companies that do not appoint an authorized representative in Spain?
Any company that fails to meet its obligation to appoint an authorised representative in Spain may be subject to:
- financial penalties , the amount of which depends on, among other things, the amount of packaging, equipment and batteries introduced,
- bans on introducing specific products onto the Spanish market.
Does Interzero offer an authorised representative service in other countries?
Yes . We currently provide authorised representative services in all 27 EU member states, as well as in the UK, Norway and Switzerland . This allows businesses introducing packaging and products covered by EPR regulations to many countries to quickly, conveniently and comprehensively establish an authorised representative in various European markets.
Discover our authorization offer for small and large companies !
Where to Throw Styrofoam? Proper Recycling of Styrofoam

Where to Throw Styrofoam? Proper Recycling of Styrofoam
Recykling nigdy nie był prostszy niż dzisiaj. Opakowania są oznakowane, społeczeństwo jest edukowane, ale jednak nadal zdarzają się nam błędy w segregacji. Z czego to wynika? Problem pojawia się przy odpadach rzadszych i zmieszanych, np. pobudowlanych i remontowych — nie wiemy, gdzie wyrzucić ukruszony beton, resztki kafelków, czy styropian. Segregacja odpadów może być prosta — wystarczy kilka edukacyjnych porad — dlatego z dzisiejszego wpisu dowiesz się, gdzie wyrzucić styropian.
W tym artykule odpowiemy na nurtujące pytania i udowodnimy, że utylizacja odpadów styropianu jest prostsza, niż się wydaje!
- do jakich pojemników wyrzucać odpady styropianowe?
- gdzie wyrzucać styropian po AGD albo RTV?
- czy styropian podlega recyklingowi?
- jak utylizować styropian?
Czyli nasz poradnik w pigułce na temat ilości odpadów styropianowych!
Co to jest styropian i jak się go produkuje?
Styrofoam, or expanded polystyrene (EPS), is a lightweight material made of polystyrene granules. It has excellent insulating properties and is resistant to salts and alkalis. This is why it is often used in construction and packaging of delicate products. — e.g. cups. The production process is multi-stage – polystyrene is dissolved in appropriate solvents, and then a gas (usually pentane) is added, which causes the granules to expand into the familiar polystyrene balls. The finished material is formed into appropriate shapes, cooled, and then cut to size. Why is proper disposal of polystyrene important? As can be seen from the production process, it is not a biodegradable material, so improper disposal of polystyrene can lead to serious contamination of soil and groundwater. The types of polystyrene are often described on the packaging, which is to provide consumers with advice on how to handle polystyrene waste.
Jakie są skutki nieodpowiedniego wyrzucania styropianu do środowiska?
The amount of construction waste after renovations can overwhelm even the most persistent. Many people outsource their construction waste to companies like Interzero – but where do the pieces of polystyrene go and what happens when they end up in the wrong bin? Improper disposal of polystyrene can lead to a number of negative effects on both people and the environment. Firstly, it is not a biodegradable material – polystyrene packaging takes up to 1,000 years to decompose. , and in the meantime, polystyrene contaminates soil and water. What’s more, animals often confuse polystyrene packaging with food, which leads to poisoning and death. In addition, the wrong choice of container is primarily a hindrance to smooth recycling of polystyrene.
Gdzie wyrzucać czysty styropian? Prawidłowa gospodarka odpadami
The Polish waste segregation system is quite transparent, so that waste disposal can proceed smoothly. Most city office websites provide information or have their own waste search engine, allowing you to assign a given type of municipal waste to the appropriate bin. You can also use the Nasze Śmieci website, where you will find a search engine for the segregation rules in a given commune.
Packaging Styrofoam is recycled provided it is clean. This group includes, among others, packaging from household appliances, furniture and electronic devices. Clean Styrofoam should be placed in yellow bags or containers intended for metals and plastics. . When thrown away in this way, it will be recycled, which allows the material to return to circulation. Pure packaging polystyrene is subject to recycling similarly to plastics and plastics.
Gdzie wyrzucić zabrudzony styropian? Do jakich pojemników?
Dirty polystyrene packaging (e.g. used takeaway containers) is not recyclable. This type of waste should be disposed of in black bags or mixed waste containers. Why? Removing greasy stains or organic residues is expensive and time-consuming, making recycling polystyrene unprofitable. This is the only proper disposal of dirty polystyrene.
Gdzie wyrzucić styropian budowlany? Odpady styropianowe
Can you throw away construction polystyrene into mixed or plastics? Unfortunately not. Leftover polystyrene boards should be placed in special containers for construction waste. In the case of larger quantities of such waste, it is worth considering using the services of a company dealing with professional disposal of building materials. Such companies offer transport, appropriate containers and proven methods of processing polystyrene. This allows you to take care of the environment and comply with waste management regulations. However, if we are dealing with a small amount of construction polystyrene, we can take care of its disposal on our own. This waste can be delivered to the local Selective Collection Point of Municipal Waste (PSZOK). It will be properly segregated and forwarded for further processing. This approach allows you to easily dispose of waste in accordance with the principles of segregation and environmental protection.
Jakie są alternatywne sposoby utylizacji styropianu budowlanego? Czy recykling styropianu jest możliwy i opłacalny?
- Reuse if the Styrofoam is properly cut and painted – an example would be siding Styrofoam which can be used as insulation in another building project or for decoration.
- Directly to companies dealing with the disposal of polystyrene. In Poland we have companies that have set themselves the goal of recycling this material.
- Upcycling – instead of throwing away used Styrofoam, we transform it into something new. Home decorations, and for the more creative, even furniture or architectural elements.
Before we decide to throw away the Styrofoam packaging, let’s consider whether we can make use of it.
Segregacja odpadów a środowisko
Proper waste management is closely related to the carbon footprint that remains in the environment. All polystyrene balls, polystyrene boards or dirty polystyrene, remain in the ecosphere. The above alternative ways of disposing of polystyrene are just a few ideas. Municipal waste management has never been at such a high level in history, but without an engaged, conscious society, it is impossible to make positive changes to the environment. That is why we encourage you to consider where a given waste should be disposed of and whether throwing away construction waste without further consideration of its reuse is okay – for ourselves. After all, each of us is responsible for the environment. Do you have larger amounts of polystyrene? We hope that you already know what you can do with it!
What happened in January? Read the summary of the last month at Interzero

Co działo się w styczniu? Przeczytaj podsumowanie ostatniego miesiąca w Interzero
We started the new year with enthusiasm and full commitment – we organized trainings, campaigns , educational workshops and launched a new service. We encourage you to read the summary of January in the Interzero Group in Poland, where we present the key events of recent weeks. .
Kolejne podmioty z obowiązkiem rejestracji w BDO
Od 2025 roku branża beauty jest zobowiązana do przestrzegania nowych regulacji dotyczących ewidencji odpadów niebezpiecznych. Ta istotna zmiana, czyli obowiązek rejestracji w BDO, dotknie tysięcy fryzjerów, kosmetyczek i innych usługodawców z branży beauty. Uruchomiliśmy nowy formularz, który pozwala na kontakt z naszą firmą i przejęcie obowiązku rejestracji w BDO.
Nowy wpis na stronie tłumaczy kogo obowiązują nowe przepisy, jakie kary przysługują w przypadku niedopełnienia obowiązku oraz jakie odpady podlegają ewidencji w BDO.
Nowe badanie Interzero: Przedsiębiorstwa w gospodarce o obiegu zamkniętym: szczegółowa analiza
Did you know that more than 70% of companies want to implement sustainable initiatives? Closing the loop in the economy on a large scale is becoming a fact, as evidenced by the findings presented in the new Interzero study “Businesses in the Circular Economy: A Detailed Analysis”. Thanks to data collected from senior management in six European countries (Italy, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia). we can show that the adaptation of sustainable models in enterprises is a priority and brings numerous business benefits, including: cost reduction or increased innovation, as well as improved reputation. Our report presents the results of a study on sustainable development trends, market expectations and related business decisions of medium and large enterprises in Europe.
„Czekając na system kaucyjny” – druga część raportu „W pułapkach jednorazowości”
W styczniu ukazała się druga część raportu Interzero „W pułapkach jednorazowości”, zatytułowana „Czekając na kaucję”. Z tej analizy wiedzy Polaków o systemie kaucyjnym, wynika, że:
- 23% respondentów nigdy nie słyszało o systemie kaucyjnym
- 41% obawia się, że punkty zwrotu będą zbyt oddalone od ich miejsca zamieszkania
- 40% twierdzi, że do odzyskania kaucji może być potrzebny paragon
Już nawet ten pobieżny wyciąg z danych pozwala zidentyfikować obszary, które wymagają zaadresowania odpowiednią kampanią informacyjną, która przybliży sposób działania systemu kaucyjnego.
Celem serii publikacji „W pułapkach jednorazowości”, opracowanej przez Interzero na podstawie badań ilościowych oraz jakościowych przeprowadzonych przez Opinia24, jest ocena skutków wejścia w życie dyrektywy Single Use Plastics (SUP). Szerzej o tym, mówiła na antenie Czwórki Polskiego Radia Edyta Mantorska, Kierowniczka Zespołu Edukacji Ekologicznej Interzero.
Styczniowy webinar dotyczący zmian w systemie kaucyjnym już za nami!
Webinar dotyczący systemu kaucyjnego, który odbył się 16 stycznia 2025 roku, poprowadzony przez Pawła Sosnowskiego, Pełnomocnika Zarządu ds. Regulacji Środowiskowych w Interzero, dostarczył uczestnikom kluczowych informacji na temat nowelizacji ustawy o gospodarce opakowaniami i odpadami opakowaniowymi.
Podczas szkolenia omówiono szczegóły zmian przepisów, w tym przesunięcie terminu uruchomienia systemów kaucyjnych, zmiany dotyczące napojów objętych systemem, nowe zasady pobierania kaucji oraz wprowadzenie podatku VAT na nieodebraną kaucję.
Wielką wartością wydarzenia była bogata sesja pytań i odpowiedzi, która pozwoliła uczestnikom rozwiać liczne wątpliwości i zdobyć praktyczne informacje dotyczące nowych przepisów. Dzięki aktywności i zaangażowaniu uczestników, Q&A stała się świetną okazją do wyjaśnienia wszelkich niejasności i omówienia problemów, z którymi mogą się spotkać przedsiębiorcy.
We invite you to a free webinar “ Environmental obligations for companies selling to Poland – everything you need to know ” in English, which will take place on February 20, 2025. The training will be led by Przemysław Kuna, Managing Director at Interzero.
4 nowe odcinki podcastu „Eko bez kantów”
Where do the differences between commonly available data on waste management come from? Why is it better to say plastics instead of plastic? What environmental issues did Poles live by in 2024 and what awaits us in 2025? These issues were discussed in the podcast “Eko bez kantów”. We encourage you to listen to the latest episodes on YouTube:
- “ Waste and data – where do the discrepancies come from?”” – Dr. Eng. Beata Waszczyłko-Miłkowska, IOŚ-PIB
- “ Waste management – what do the numbers tell us?” – Dr. Eng. Beata Waszczyłko-Miłkowska, IOŚ-PIB
- “2024 in Ecology. What awaits us in 2025? ” – editors: Jakub Pawłowski, Aleksander Jakub Paszyński, Jakub Wojajczyk and Szymon Majewski
- “ Plastic – we need it, even though we don’t like to admit it ” – Dr. Anna Kozera-Szałkowska, PlasticsEurope Polska
Promocja Early Bird: bilety na Konferencję Środowiskową 2025 taniej tylko do końca lutego
The next edition of the Interzero Environmental Conference will take place on June 3-4 at the Hotel Warszawianka near Serock! This is a unique event that will allow you to familiarize yourself with the latest legal changes in environmental protection. Promotion Early birds only lasts until the end of February, so don’t delay – share this news with others now! It’s also a great opportunity to establish new business contacts. More information about the event can be found at here .
Invitation to Webinar: “Environmental obligations for companies selling to Poland – everything you need to know”
Does your company sell products to Poland? And do you know what environmental obligations this entails? Take part in a free webinar in English!
Why should you participate in the webinar?
During the webinar we will discuss:
- Environmental obligations in Polish law – introduction
- Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Explained
- Licensing obligation for sellers and manufacturers
- Role of Authorized Representative
- Good practices and support for companies
- Q&A session
The meeting will be led by Przemysław Kuna , Managing Director of Interzero.
How do I join a meeting?
To participate in the webinar, simply register HERE.
Registration is open until February 20th at 8:00 a.m.
Sustainable Development Trends – What and How Much Are Businesses Investing in? Research Report
The transition to a circular economy is inevitable – these are the conclusions of the latest Interzero study , Companies in a Circular Economy: A Detailed Analysis . The ecological transformation of companies is not only forced by legal regulations. It is also expected by customers, investors and financial institutions. The best way to choose the right direction of change is to start working with an environmental consulting company.
Sustainable development as a to-do list for most entrepreneurs
The study Enterprises in the Circular Economy: Detailed Analysis shows that the vast majority of enterprises want to implement sustainable initiatives or have already started this process . Such declarations were made by 71.1 to 84.9% of managers representing medium and large companies from 6 European countries. The most active in this area are companies from the FMCG (81%) and electronics (82%) sectors. For this group of enterprises, implementing circular solutions is no longer considered in the context of competitive advantage – it becomes necessary to maintain the current position on the market . The situation is slightly different for enterprises from the construction, retail and logistics sectors, where the pursuit of implementing the idea of the circular economy is declared by just over 60% of respondents. From their perspective, introducing green changes allows them to get ahead of the competition, create and control industry trends, and gain the trust of new groups of customers and investors . How much budget do medium and large companies allocate for sustainable development? What activities do they most often invest in?
Download the research report and discover the latest trends in sustainable development!
Actions vs. reality: the state of implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the medium and large enterprise sector
Despite implementing further sustainable initiatives, the vast majority of surveyed companies are still far from achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda – the non-financial reporting goal, considered to be the “easiest” to implement, was achieved by only 20.5% of those annexed, and the “most difficult” goal of carbon neutrality was achieved by only 15.7% of those surveyed. This state of affairs somehow forces companies to seek advisory support. The surveyed companies almost unanimously expressed their willingness to use the services of an environmental consulting company and entrust it with strategic, managerial and operational tasks.
From the management perspective: reducing waste and increasing efficiency by implementing sustainable solutions
Managers of large and medium-sized companies declared that the introduction of sustainable activities can bring their companies benefits in the form of:
• reducing the amount of waste produced (and consequently reducing waste management costs),
• increasing the efficiency of the company’s operations,
• meeting the growing expectations of customers, financial institutions and investors,
• adapting to trends prevailing in the industry. However, the authors of the study emphasize that in order to achieve real benefits, it is necessary to implement changes based on specific data and measurements. Otherwise, companies risk misdirecting their investments. Only 35.5% of the surveyed companies declared that they were assessing the environmental efficiency of products, services and the entire organization. Some of the surveyed companies stated that they did not have any useful data or research that would allow them to create a strategy for sustainable development of their organization. This data clearly indicates not only the need to conduct research and development work, but also the need for permanent cooperation with an advisory entity such as Interzero, as an experienced partner specializing in sustainable development.
What kind of support are entrepreneurs looking for? Criteria for choosing an environmental consulting firm
Due to the huge impact of sustainable development activities on the perception of the company by all its stakeholders, companies seeking advisory support are guided by many specific criteria.
- One of the most common criteria is the ability to adapt the offered services to the specifics of the business . Many entrepreneurs have experienced difficulties or even the impossibility of implementing ready-made, unmodified solutions into their business models.
- Equally important is the broad offering of a consulting firm. Respondents particularly value the availability of comprehensive, integrated environmental services and the possibility of using consulting in other areas, not necessarily related to sustainable development.
- A key criterion is also the good reputation of the environmental consulting firm .
As environmental consultants, we understand these expectations of entrepreneurs perfectly. At Interzero, we have been developing integrated environmental protection services tailored to the needs of our clients for over 30 years for companies of all sizes and in every industry. We offer comprehensive environmental consulting , training, audits, and we also provide tailor-made solutions in the field of sustainable development, recycling, waste management and waste machines. We support entrepreneurs in fulfilling their legal environmental obligations and implementing a circular economy. Over 9,500 entities have already trusted us – learn about our environmental services and join the group of clients with whom we implement a common vision of a world without waste.
About the Interzero study
Six countries were analysed: Italy, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia. The objectives of the study were to: understand and analyze market trends in the field of sustainability and the circular economy, investigate potential barriers to the implementation of sustainable practices, investigate the main sustainability needs of medium and large enterprises, analyze the readiness of these enterprises to move towards more sustainable business models. The data analyzed in the course of the study came from press releases of enterprises, articles in newspapers and magazines, and reports on sustainability, as well as interviews conducted with top management representing the surveyed enterprises.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Christmas wishes
On the occasion of the upcoming Christmas, we would like to extend to you our heartfelt wishes of prosperity, a unique atmosphere, warmth and an abundance of all goods.
May the joy and peace of Christmas, as well as the sense of private and professional fulfillment, accompany you throughout the New Year.
Best wishes from Interzero Group in Poland
On December 24, Interzero offices will be open until 12:00

Shortened workday on Christmas Eve
Ladies and Gentlemen
We would like to inform you that on December 24, 2024, Interzero offices (Warsaw, Łódź, Kraków) will be open until 12:00.
On New Year’s Eve we will be working regular hours.
Interzero Team
Together we do good, or the Noble Parcel 2024 at Interzero

Together we do good, or the Noble Parcel 2024 at Interzero
Once again, employees of the Interzero Group in Poland got involved in the Szlachetna Paczka project. Thanks to their donations, it was possible to buy gifts and necessary items for a family from Krakow.
We would like to thank the coordinators of this year’s edition – Alicja Kowalska, Edyta Mantorska, Joanna Nowak, Anita Janiec, Klaudia Szymańska and Monika Krysztofińska – for organizing the collection and Jarosław Dymek, Katarzyna Kacprzak, Aleksandra Stolarczyk, Aleksandra Świątek, Paulina Dulak and Joanna Marek for wrapping the gifts. We also owe a big thank you to all Interzero employees for supporting the campaign. Thanks to you, the magic of Christmas will come to another home!
We strongly encourage all those who were unable to participate in Szlachetna Paczka this year to support the organization with donations here . Together we can make the holidays joyful for even more families!
The SUP Directive, or a Half-hearted Revolution
The SUP Directive, or a Half-hearted Revolution
Even though the provisions of the SUP Directive have been in force in Poland for over a year and a half, most Poles have not noticed any significant change in terms of packaging, plastic reduction or the availability of alternatives to disposables – according to the latest data presented in the first part of the report “In the traps of disposableness”, entitled “The curse of disposable plastic”, prepared by Interzero.
The revolution has passed and few people have noticed it – this is how, in a few soldierly words, one could sum up the effects of the entry into force of the so-called Single-Use Plastics Act (hereinafter also referred to as the “SUP Act” – from Single-Use Plastic). Only 13% of respondents declared that they knew what the SUP directive was , what are its assumptions and goals, and what tools will be used to implement them. However, it is not about the awareness of Poles, but about the low effectiveness of the mechanisms implemented in Poland, which were supposed to help prevent waste and reuse products. One of them is the additional fee imposed on plastic packaging, effective from 1 January 2024, which was supposed to encourage us to use reusable packaging for drinks and food, similarly to plastic bags, which we have been paying for for several years. The problem is that
that 42 percent of respondents never even noticed these additional fees . Z kolei aż 56% systematically ignore them because they are usually so low in relation to the amount on the receipt (on average a few dozen groszy, the most – around PLN 2 per item), that they do not encourage giving up the convenience that the vast majority of respondents see in disposable packaging. “You don’t have to wash them, return them to any point or restaurant, or carry them with you in case of spontaneous decisions to order a takeaway meal” – respondents also indicated during in-depth focus studies conducted independently by Opinia24.

Reusable - still few incentives
Unfortunately, from the perspective of respondents, offering an alternative type of packaging in catering establishments is also a fiction. It turns out that this obligation is implemented more in theory than in practice – the vast majority of respondents (79%) have never encountered the possibility of choosing a different, more ecological packaging in a restaurant or when ordering takeaway. Only one in four consumers has ever encountered information about a legally guaranteed (precisely under the SUP directive) alternative in the form of reusable packaging. This was confirmed directly by the respondents themselves – “Only the choice of cutlery, whether you want additional plastic. This is the only choice I have in the application. When I come and take away, no one asks me either. Or whether to give a bag or take it in your hand” – said one of the participants of the qualitative research. – “Usually there is no such option, it is simply one option available in a given place. For example, a “Chinese” has its own containers, a pizzeria – pizza cartons and no one asks if we want something else. I didn’t have a choice,” the second one chimed in. “[…] I’ll be honest, since July 1, I’ve ordered many times, over 15 times or more, and no one either in the restaurant or over the phone has offered me anything like that,” another respondent pointed out.
What do the packaging we throw away say about us?
In the first part of the report “In the traps of reusability”, entitled “The curse of single-use plastic”, we will also read a lot about the eating habits of Poles: what they order most often, where and how they place orders (by phone, apps, in person), what they pay attention to when looking at the packaging offered to them, and what they think about reusable packaging. And these are just some of the conclusions from the qualitative and quantitative studies that were to help diagnose and describe the state of implementation of the directive on single-use plastics in Poland. The qualitative studies included interviews with 24 people, the quantitative CAWI studies were conducted on a nationwide representative sample of 1,000 people. You can read the entire publication here:

About Eco without edges
In “Eko bez kantów” we talk about ecology without bending the truth. We deal with myths, fake news and half-truths. Our goal is to explain why waste should be segregated, not just how to do it properly. “Eko bez kantów” was created from the belief that in a world full of disinformation and greenwashing, a reliable source of reliable information is needed. We cover topics such as sustainable development, recycling, circular economy and legislation related to waste management. We discuss the impact of packaging, batteries and electro-waste on the environment, as well as ways to reuse them as valuable resources.
New EPR regulations in Austria | Authorized representative
Polish entrepreneurs selling products and packaging to Austria should be careful – since 1 January 2023, this country has introduced EPR regulations, which are the equivalent of the Polish EPR. They focus on 2 main issues: licensing of packaging and establishing an authorized representative in Austria. How to fulfill the obligations arising from EPR? We advise.
From 2023 new EPR (VVO) regulations came into force in Austria
At the beginning of 2023, new Extended Producer Responsibility ( EPR) regulations came into force in Austria. They impose a number of environmental obligations on entrepreneurs selling products to Austria, the aim of which is to increase the level of recycling of packaging and product waste and to minimize the impact of entrepreneurs’ activities on the environment.
Are you selling products to Austria? Here are your obligations under the EPR (VVO) regulations
From 1 January 2023, entrepreneurs not established in Austria who introduce certain categories of packaging and products to the Austrian market must meet strict legal requirements . According to the Austrian EPR, every person introducing them is obliged to:
- registration with the Austrian Federal Environmental Agency (equivalent of the Polish entry in the BDO register),
- submitting periodic reports on the quantity or weight of introduced products and packaging,
- participation in the waste collection and recycling system in Austria,
- paying a license fee depending on the type and quantity of packaging or products introduced to the Austrian market.
Importantly, entrepreneurs cannot fulfil these obligations on their own – the lack of a registered office in Austria means that they must appoint an authorised representative in Austria (Bevollmächtigten), who will fulfil the obligations of the introducer on their behalf and be responsible for contacts with local authorities.
Who does the EPR regulation apply to in Austria?
The obligations under the EPR apply to any company not based in Austria that sells the following product categories to Austrian customers :
- packaging, including product packaging, transport packaging and shipping packaging,
- electronic and electrical equipment (EEE),
- batteries and accumulators.
The new regulations apply to both entrepreneurs based in any EU country and those outside the EU. They are mainly aimed at companies that offer their products on sales platforms, e.g. eBay, Amazon, Zalando. The obligations of the introducer specified in the EPR regulations must therefore be fulfilled by:
- importers of packaged products, equipment and batteries and accumulators to the Austrian market,
- entrepreneurs selling packaging, packaged products, equipment and batteries directly to customers in Austria using their own online shops or online sales platforms.
The EPR does not provide for quantitative exemptions – the appointment of an authorised representative in Austria is the obligation of every introducer, even if he sells only a few products or packages covered by the EPR to Austria.
Do you already have an authorized representative in Austria? Sign a contract with Interzero!
The Interzero Group has been providing professional, comprehensive environmental services to clients from every industry for over 30 years. We are present in 10 countries, including Austria, where we take over responsibilities from our clients, including licensing, waste management and recycling.
As an authorized representative of your company, we will take care of:
- registering your company with the appropriate offices,
- licensing of packaging introduced to the Austrian market,
- reporting , i.e. preparation and submission of all reports required by EPR regulations in Austria,
- ensuring the management of waste generated from packaging and products introduced by your company to the Austrian market,
- representing your company before the Austrian authorities in all matters relating to the introduced products or packaging.
By signing one contract, you will transfer to us all your obligations related to the introduction of packaging, electrical and electronic equipment as well as packaging and batteries to the Austrian market.
How do I appoint Interzero as an authorized representative of my company?
- Register on our online portal and complete your company details.
- Choose the scope of duties that we should perform on behalf of your company. Remember that packaging, electrical equipment and batteries can be covered by one contract.
- Indicate the quantities/weights of packaging and products introduced to the Austrian market.
- Follow the further instructions and confirm the contract.
Find out more about the authorised representative service and packaging licensing in Austria .
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about appointing an authorized representative and licensing packaging in Austria.
An authorized representative is a company representative who takes on the responsibilities of introducing packaging and products to the Austrian market.
The obligation to appoint an authorised representative in Austria applies to entrepreneurs who:
- introduce packaging, packaged products, electrical and electronic equipment or batteries and accumulators to the Austrian market , selling them to individual recipients (consumers, natural persons),
and at the same time
- are not based in Austria.
Entrepreneurs introducing packaging and packaged products to the Austrian market are obliged to appoint an authorised representative from 1 January 2023.
Companies that introduce electrical and electronic equipment and batteries and accumulators into the market are required to appoint an authorised representative in Austria from 2018 and 2019 respectively.
The authorized representative of the company in Austria may be any natural or legal person who:
- has its registered office or delivery address in Austria,
- is registered with the BMK (Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie).
The condition for appointing a given entity as an authorized representative of your company is to grant it a power of attorney with a notarized signature.
The task of your company’s authorized representative in Austria is to fulfill all the obligations of the introducer resulting from the VVO (German: Versicherungsverband Österreich) and EPR , i.e. the regulations on extended producer responsibility. The obligations of the introducer fulfilled by the authorized representative in Austria include:
- company registration with the Austrian Federal Environment Agency,
- submitting periodic reports on the quantity or weight of products and packaging introduced to the Austrian market,
- joining one of the waste collection and recycling systems in Austria,
- annual payment of a license fee for introduced packaging and products.
The authorized representative does not cover the license fee – in addition to the fee for appointing an authorized representative, each company is also required to pay a fee for packaging licensing, which the authorized representative only passes on to the appropriate authorities. The full list of obligations for individual product groups can be found in the following legislative acts:
- Packaging and packaged products – Sections 16a to 16d of the Packaging Regulation,
- batteries – § 25a to 25c Bateries-VO,
- waste electrical equipment – Section 13a of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), Sections 21a to 21c EAG-VO.
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations in Austria include:
- packaging and packaged goods,
- electrical and electronic equipment,
- batteries and accumulators.
Yes. According to the EPR regulations in Austria, only an entity with legal personality can be an authorized representative. Branches of companies do not have legal personality.