Waste management – necessary, but with the right tools, quick and easy
Waste management – necessary, but with the right tools, quick and easy
Waste management is often a challenge that keeps entrepreneurs awake at night. It takes a lot of time and can be complicated. Nevertheless, it is a necessity resulting from both legal requirements and the pursuit of sustainable development. It turns out that there are tools that can make this task much easier. One of the most comprehensive solutions is the Interzero Waste Platform.
Need or requirement?
Waste management is extremely important for enterprises that generate significant amounts of waste. The legal orders that are key in this case are the Waste Act of December 14, 2012, the Act on maintaining cleanliness and order in municipalities of September 13, 1996, and the Act of January 23, 2020. amending the Waste Act and certain other acts, regulation regarding Waste catalogue , as well as the regulation of the Minister of Climate of December 23, 2019. on the types and quantities of waste exempt from keeping waste records.
Violation of regulations regarding proper waste disposal may result in severe sanctions. They are intended for those who neglect their obligations related to waste collection, including collecting waste in illegal landfills or improper waste management, i.e. inconsistent with the permit obtained. The expected administrative penalty ranges from PLN 1,000 to a maximum of PLN 1,000,000.
On the other hand, enterprises increasingly feel their own need to manage waste, due to the growing ecological awareness of society , including customers and business stakeholders. Companies realize the real need for change, which is why they take measures to reduce their impact on the natural environment. Effective waste management therefore becomes not only a legal obligation, but also a strategic choice that allows achieving sustainable development and building a positive company image.
What's the problem?
It turns out that waste management causes many problems for Polish entrepreneurs. There are no universal solutions in this field, but the capabilities and needs of each company are different and depend on a number of factors, including its size and industry. Nevertheless, waste management is associated with a number of common difficulties that affect many enterprises, regardless of their business profile.
One of the main problems is the time-consuming work associated with issuing waste transfer cards. This process requires taking into account many details and is burdened with formalities, which usually turns out to be very time-consuming. An additional burden is the need to regularly and painstakingly keep records through the BDO system. This requires systematic updating of data and appropriate archiving of documentation, which may pose a significant challenge for enterprises.
Monitoring costs and revenues related to waste management is another important problem. Tracking this data, especially in the case of companies operating on multiple levels, often proves to be complicated and time-consuming. Managing different locations and maintaining contact with many waste recipients increases the inconvenience, which makes the search for effective solutions and efficient tools for waste management a priority.
The improvement lies in the Internet
To solve these problems, companies use various methods. They can employ a specialist in waste management, establish an entire department dedicated to this issue or use modern online tools. The choice of the latter solution is not only for financial reasons, but also for qualitative ones. An example is the Interzero Waste Platform. It is an innovative online tool that is a comprehensive solution used by both large corporations and small enterprises, regardless of the industry in which they operate.
– The Interzero Waste Platform is an innovative online tool created for effective waste management and storing environmental documentation in companies. Each system developed by Interzero is unique and tailored to the specific needs of each enterprise. For large corporations and chain entities, using the Interzero Waste Platform means simplifying, accelerating and standardizing waste management processes. However, for smaller companies it is an opportunity to reduce burdensome obligations related to waste management, BDO reporting and handling municipal declarations. – explains Aleksandra Mikiel , Operations Director, Interzero.
This is a tool that allows for quick and convenient operation. Using it brings a number of benefits, including reducing waste management costs, increasing profits from the sale of raw materials, automating waste collection and recovery logistics, improving and standardizing waste management processes throughout the company, reducing the risk of errors when entering data into the BDO system, and also the ability to store and manage all environmental documentation in one place.
Convenience of use and time saving
It is worth emphasizing that the Interzero Waste Platform has been integrated with BDO, thanks to which users can use the simple login function without the need for authentication with a trusted profile. During use, the system remains stable and saves data in real time and updates it in BDO. However, the benefits related to the convenience of use do not end there, because the system guarantees automatic creation and approval of KPOs when reporting waste collection, the possibility of correcting KPOs with one click, as well as automation of keeping waste records (KEO).
Remote ordering of waste collection has been simplified to such an extent that the collecting entity receives a notification with complete information regarding the type of waste fraction, type of container and location. Additional telephone or e-mail contact is no longer necessary. The most important thing, however, is that the platform allows you to store and manage all environmental documentation in one place.
Customers from over 1,000 locations throughout Poland benefit from using the Interzero Waste Platform. In total, almost 81,000 KPO items were issued through it. Thanks to the platform, over 2,300 KEOs have been created, with over 190,000 individual entries. The platform can be tested for up to 3 months without additional fees. Thanks to this, companies have the opportunity to try all its functionalities and see that it is the right tool for them.
Selling DPR and EDPR documents can be an additional source of income for your company
Selling DPR and EDPR documents can be an additional source of income for your company
In the changing landscape of environmental obligations and regulations, the issue of packaging waste remains a key issue. The basic element in the management process of this area is reliable documentation – including certificates such as DPR (document confirming the recycling of packaging waste) and EDPR (document confirming the export or intra-Community delivery of this type of waste for recycling).
Each entity that places packaged products on the market is obliged to recycle the resulting waste. This obligation can be fulfilled in three ways: independently, through the Interzero Packaging Recovery Organization (Producer Responsibility Organization) or by paying a high product fee. In the first two cases, proof of recycling at the appropriate level are the documents mentioned: DPR and/or EDPR.
Interzero not only relieves the burden on entrepreneurs in this matter in formal terms, but also financially. We are talking about the sale of DPR and EDPR. Now, your company’s waste management can generate not only costs, but also revenues. If you have already met the obligation to achieve the appropriate recycling levels for a given year, you do not need DPRs and EDPRs or you have free documents, you can sell them to Interzero!
As a Packaging Recovery Organization, we offer comprehensive services in this area – on behalf of our clients, we apply to recyclers or exporters to prepare DPR and EDPR, and then, after their prior verification in terms of quality, we buy excess documents from the companies. Profit from sales can become significant revenue for your company.
Statutory levels of recovery and recycling are specified separately for each type of packaging waste and gradually increase from year to year. Therefore, it is worth reducing the costs of waste management in the company by selling unnecessary documentation. Write to recycling@interzero.pl and find out the best DPR and EDPR repurchase offer for your company or check the details: HERE
If you want to better understand the issue of proper issuance and subsequent use of DPR and EDPR documents, take part in the training available on the Interzero Academy platform: HERE
This is the perfect time to review your recycling strategy and make sure you’re on the best course possible – for the environment and for your business.
Do you need support? We are here for you. Write to us! We will prepare the best offer for the purchase of DPR and EDPR documents for your company
Email: recycling@interzero.pl
Clean out your wardrobe for spring! Weź udział w zbiórce ubrań z Punktem Zwrotnym i Ubrania do oddania
Clean out your wardrobe for spring! Take part in a clothing collection with Turning Point and Clothes to Donate
Let’s do something good together for ourselves and the planet!
Together with the Turning Point and Clothes to be donated by May 24, we collect clothes that will gain a second life instead of ending up in the trash. Look through your wardrobe, see what might be useful to others and do something good for the environment.
How to join the action?
- Go to: https://ubraniedooddania.pl/punktzwrotny
- Prepare clothes and pack them in boxes of min. 10kg.
- Order a free courier to pick up parcels from your home or take them to a PickUp DPD point.
What clothes do we collect?
New and used items suitable for recirculation, without holes, pilling, stains, clean, complete and undamaged:
- all items of women’s, men’s, children’s and baby’s clothing;
- paired shoes;
- accessories: e.g. handbags, backpacks;
- accessories: e.g. hats, scarves;
- home textiles, e.g. blankets, bedding;
- jewelry;
- underwear.
The money for each kilogram of textiles collected will go to the Splot Społeczny Foundation. This is a foundation that has created a center for exchanging items in Warsaw’s Praga district, a place where you can leave what you no longer need and take something that will be useful to you.
On June 4 , let’s meet together at the Turning Point (1:30 p.m.) to summarize this fruitful school year at the EcoCentrum, present plans for further activities and see how many clothes we managed to collect together!
Join the action today!
Eco-experimentarium exhibition in Kielce!
EcoExperimentarium exhibition in Kielce!
The next stop on the route of the interactive EkoExpetymentarium exhibition is Kielce. We cordially invite you to visit the exhibition covered by the Interzero partnership at the Main Gallery of the Design Institute at ul. Zamkowa 3 in Kielce. The exhibition will be available from April 11 to June 23, 2024.
Opening hours
For organized groups: Tue-Thurs. 9:00 – 14:00 – REGISTRATION LINK HERE
For individuals: Tue-Thurs. 14:00 – 17:00 / Fri.-Sun. 9:00 – 17:00
Why is it worth it?
This is a great opportunity to learn more about the climate and pro-ecological attitudes. The exhibition is built on the plan of a house – in the living room you will learn how to save energy, in the bathroom you will take care of using every drop of water, and in the kitchen you will learn how to cook in zero waste style. It is a great opportunity for both young and adults to gain knowledge and spend time in an interesting and useful way.
Admission to the exhibition is free! You’re welcome.
Details here: https://ekoeksperymentarium.pl/
Your child's eco-wardrobe – Workshops with Maria Sadowska
Your child’s eco-wardrobe – Workshops with Maria Sadowska
Circular fashion is an approach to fashion that focuses on reducing waste, sustainable use of resources and minimizing environmental impact. Unlike the traditional “linear” model – where products are made, used and eventually thrown away – in the circular model we aim to extend the life cycle of products by repairing, reusing, processing and recycling.
Circular fashion can also be used in the context of parenting and children’s wardrobe, which is why we are organizing, together with Punkt Zwrotny, a meeting with Maria Sadowska – an expert in sustainable, circular and quality fashion, organizer of circular fairs and workshops, project manager, second-circulation stylist and mother of two children ” circular generation.
As part of the meeting that will take place now April 21 at 10:00 you will learn how:
– build a child’s wardrobe in the second cycle,
– choose children’s clothes made of natural materials / what to pay attention to,
– read clothes labels,
– complete outfits,
– take care of the clothes in the children’s wardrobe,
– watch out for chemicals in clothes
– and where to look for second-hand clothes of very good quality.
The meeting will also be an opportunity to exchange clothes. We encourage you to bring both your own and your children’s clothes. Anything that does not find a new owner can be thrown into the Clothes to Donate campaign box.
We invite you to the event with your children – animators will be waiting for them, who will ensure good fun and give the workshop participants a moment to breathe.
Introducing fashion circularity into a children’s wardrobe can bring many benefits, both for the environment and for the parents’ wallet. Moreover, it teaches children the value of a balanced life and care for the environment from an early age.
Sign up for the event HERE
You can learn more about our cooperation with Point Turning Point and the project concept HERE
Take part in the training "Non-financial reporting and sustainable development of the enterprise"
Take part in the training entitled: “Non-financial reporting and sustainable development of the enterprise”
We cordially invite you to the webinar entitled “Non-financial reporting and sustainable development of the enterprise”, which will take place on April 25, 2024 (Thursday).
The online training will be conducted by: Przemysław Kuna , Managing Director at Interzero
The scope of the webinar:
- The context of ESG changes and implications
- Environmental Sustainability Dashboard – Interzero tool
- The company’s involvement in the reporting process
More details and the registration page can be found at the link HERE
Registration for the webinar lasts until: April 25, 2024 at 8:00.
We invite you!
UPDATE of May 8, 2024
Online training about Interzero’s Environmental Sustainability Dashboard, supporting non-financial reporting and corporate sustainability can be replayed on Interzero Academy. Link to the website: https://academy.interzero.pl/sklep/raportowanie-niefinansowe-i-zrownowatyny-rozwoj-przedsiebiorstwa/.
Have a happy and sunny Easter
Have a happy and sunny Easter
On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, we would like to extend our best wishes full of joy, health and prosperity.
We believe that this upcoming time will be an opportunity for you to rest, reflect and spend time with your loved ones and friends. Let the Easter traditions and customs accompanying us remind us of the values that are most important in life – love, peace and kindness!
Team Interzero
Get to know the faces of waste – Cooperation between Interzero and the Wrocław Literature House
Get to know the faces of waste – Cooperation between Interzero and the Wrocław Literature House
The media increasingly raises the issue of waste, sometimes sparking heated discussions. Listening to the opinions of both Polish women and men, it turns out that many people express reluctance to segregate waste, question the effectiveness of recycling and doubt the possibility of introducing significant changes. People often wonder what impact they can really have and whether changes in their behavior have a wider impact.
Poland officially has one of the lowest rates of municipal waste generation per capita in Europe, but what does the situation actually look like in the long term? We encourage you to attend the events below to reflect on this together.
Faces of Disaster #11. A landscape with a view of waste – we invite you to listen to the conversation
At the April meeting as part of the “Facing a Disaster” series, we will consider the state of waste management in Poland, who is responsible for waste and why we are talking about a waste crisis today. However, the most important goal of the discussion will be to try to answer the question of how to talk about waste and what language to use to inspire people to change attitudes, habits and take action to protect the environment in which we all live.
The conversation will be attended by Katarzyna Błachowicz (expert in recycling, waste, sustainable development and circular economy) and Dr. hab. Tomasz Piekot (linguist, communicator from the University of Wrocław). The meeting will be led by Patryk Strzałkowski (journalist of Gazeta.pl).
Time: Wednesday, April 3, at 19.00
Place: Proza Club | Wrocław House of Literature (Przejście Garncarskie 2)
Free entrance
The meeting will be broadcast online. You will be able to watch them on the Facebook pages of the Wrocławski Dom Literatury , Wrocław UNESCO City of Literature , Interzero Polska , Eko bez kantów and Klub Proza . Join the event today! Click here
“Faces of Disaster” is a series of discussions around the most urgent issues related to ecological disasters, where books are always the starting point. The aim of the project is to expand knowledge about climate change and human impact on the environment, raise ecological awareness and initiate conversations on activities related to the environment and climate protection. Invited authors, publicists, sociologists, activists, experts and observers of changes in the field of environmental protection give lectures, among others: on: depletion of drinking water resources and water conflicts, migration crises, appropriation of land, energy and raw materials, overproduction, food crisis and excessive consumption, as well as social and communication exclusion. The “Faces of Disaster” series is under the honorary patronage of the Mayor of Wrocław, Jacek Sutryk.

Katarzyna Błachowicz is the Vice-President of the Management Board of Centrum Cooperacji Recyklingu – not for profit system Sp. z o. o., a company coordinating the activities of the Waste Management and Recycling Cluster – National Key Cluster (since 2018). Coordinates, initiates, organizes and supports within the Cluster, among others: activities to develop innovation, competitiveness and, above all, mutual business cooperation between companies and scientific institutions related to waste management and recycling. It coordinates the activities of the Recycling Academy, which provides comprehensive education for employees, management staff and other interested persons of companies and institutions related to the waste management, recycling and circular economy industries, as well as public education in this area.

Ph.D. Tomasz Piekot is a linguist and communicaologist, interpersonal and social communication trainer, and academic teacher. Head and co-founder of the Simple Polish Workshop at the University of Wrocław. Author of books on effective writing. Editor of the scientific journal “Faces of Communication”.

Patryk Strzałkowski has been a journalist at Gazeta.pl since 2015, where he is responsible for the inter-editorial Green Desk and the Zielona.Gazeta.pl website. He specializes in climate and environment as well as foreign topics. Author, among others, the Fridays for Climate series, reports from the Middle East and other parts of the world. Host of the program Morning conversation of Gazeta.pl (formerly Zielony Poranek). A graduate of journalism at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Polish School of Reportage. Member of the Oxford Climate Journalism Network. Winner of the “Journalist for the Planet” award granted as part of the Radio ZET award. Andrzej Woyciechowski in 2023.
Faces of Garbage – we invite you to workshops for children with Kama Morawska
During the workshops, we will consider the words used to refer to garbage, as well as how language affects our perception of reality. We will try to find the differences in the meaning of the words: RAW MATERIALS, WASTE processing, DON’T HAVE GARBAGE. Participants will also create a collage from unnecessary and unwanted books, newspapers, maps and papers promoting a zero-waste approach to used items.
Time: April 7, at 11.00–12.30
Place: Proza Club | Wrocław House of Literature (Przejście Garncarskie 2)
We invite children aged 6–12 to participate.
Registration for the event is required at info@literatura.wroclaw.pl (registration is first come first served).
The workshops will be led by Kama Morawska , a doctor of philosophy and author of the philosophical workshops for children “Images of Philosophy”, which she has been running at Tajne Komplety since 2014. She wrote a philosophy book for children “Philosophy at hand, so practice philosophy.” She is constantly keenly interested in how and what little people think.
Join the event on FB HERE
Please visit the website of the Wrocławski Dom Literatury for more information
Debate "Are we ready to implement the deposit system in Poland?" PAP Media Room
Debate “ Are we ready to implement the deposit system in Poland?” PAP Media Room
Yesterday, March 13 at 1:00 p.m. there was a debate “Are we ready to implement the deposit system in Poland?” organized by PAP Biznes . Paweł Sosnowski, the Management Board’s representative for Interzero, took part in the event on behalf of Interzero. environmental regulations.
The draft law on the deposit system, adopted at the end of the last term, will enter into force on January 1, 2025. Its provisions raised many objections from the industry, which demanded a postponement of the date of entry into force of the new regulations and a revision of the project. The debate focused on finding answers to key questions about the system:
- What are the goals of introducing a deposit system in Poland
- Basic advantages and disadvantages of the solutions adopted by the legislator in the deposit deposit system
- Main proposals for amending the Act on the deposit system
- Position of the Ministry of Climate and Environment on the solutions adopted in the draft act
- Experiences of other European countries implementing similar solutions
- Is the industry ready for the implementation of the Act from January 1, 2025?
- Operational tasks required for the system to operate, broken down by key stakeholder groups
- Is the depository system managed by one or several operators?
- Recommendations regarding actions aimed at the rapid dissemination of the deposit system
Will it be possible to launch deposit systems in 2025?
“I think so. We know that the deposit system will be in force in Poland from 2025, and the act was published in September last year, so those who intend to create these deposit systems have been working on it for some time. Of course, time is short, these systems will probably not be launched on January 1, but they will probably be launched in the following months.” – said Paweł Sosnowski
“The changes to the Act are going in the right direction. These are not revolutionary changes, but supplement these provisions with necessary corrections that were expected by entrepreneurs. The changes that were proposed did not include a coordinator of deposit systems – the so-called an umbrella institution that would synchronize the operation of several deposit systems, following the example of the German institution established by entrepreneurs. There are no proposals for improving the collection of waste from commercial units, i.e. reducing the administrative requirements related to the transport of packaging waste. It would also reduce the carbon footprint because waste from stores could be collected in the same vehicles as products are delivered.” – comments Paweł Sosnowski
The packaging revolution is fast approaching. There are only a few months left to adapt to the new legal realities. If you place drinks on the market in packaging covered by the deposit system, you can fulfill your statutory obligations yourself by calculating and paying the product fee or by joining the deposit system, in which the representing entity will be responsible for fulfilling the statutory obligations.
The Polish Chamber of Recovery and Recycling of Packaging (PIOIRO) will establish a representative entity and entrust Interzero with tasks related to the construction and operation of the deposit system. Trust the experts and join us. More information HERE
The recording of the debate is available at the link HERE
Photos: PAP MediaRoom
Entrepreneur! Remember to submit an annual report on CO2 emissions for 2023

Entrepreneur! Remember to submit an annual report on CO2 emissions for 2023
We would like to remind you that until March 31, 2024 the operator of the installation or aircraft operator is obliged to submit to the National Center for Emission Balancing and Management (KOBiZE) a verified annual report for 2023, i.e. an annual report on the volume of emissions together with a verification report. Within the same deadline, the operator of the installation or aircraft operator shall submit a copy of the report and a copy of the report to the authority competent to issue the permit.
The documents should be prepared on forms in Excel format developed on the basis of forms and guidelines published by the European Commission, available on the website of the National Center at www.kobize.pl in the “Materials for download” tab.
More information HERE
For our clients who use the environment and whose activities cause emissions, Interzero prepares and enters into the National Database, by the end of February each year, a report containing the information specified in Art. 6 sec. 2 points 1-10 of the Act of 17 July 2009. on the system for managing emissions of greenhouse gases and other substances, relating to the previous calendar year.
Do you need more information about air emissions and your responsibilities? Take advantage of training at Interzero Academy.
- TRAINING | The most common errors in emission and waste reporting
- TRAINING | Obligations of entrepreneurs regarding air emissions
More training here: https://academy.interzero.pl/
If you are not sure whether your company properly fulfills its environmental obligations, use an Environmental Audit conducted by our experts!