autoryzowany przedstawiciel w Austrii

New EPR regulations in Austria | Authorized representative

EPR regulations in Austria: mandatory licensing of packaging and appointment of an authorised representative from 2023

Polish entrepreneurs selling products and packaging to Austria should be careful – since 1 January 2023, this country has introduced EPR regulations, which are the equivalent of the Polish EPR. They focus on 2 main issues: licensing of packaging and establishing an authorized representative in Austria. How to fulfill the obligations arising from EPR? We advise.

From 2023 new EPR (VVO) regulations came into force in Austria

At the beginning of 2023, new Extended Producer Responsibility ( EPR) regulations came into force in Austria. They impose a number of environmental obligations on entrepreneurs selling products to Austria, the aim of which is to increase the level of recycling of packaging and product waste and to minimize the impact of entrepreneurs’ activities on the environment.

Are you selling products to Austria? Here are your obligations under the EPR (VVO) regulations

From 1 January 2023, entrepreneurs not established in Austria who introduce certain categories of packaging and products to the Austrian market must meet strict legal requirements . According to the Austrian EPR, every person introducing them is obliged to:

  • registration with the Austrian Federal Environmental Agency (equivalent of the Polish entry in the BDO register),
  • submitting periodic reports on the quantity or weight of introduced products and packaging,
  • participation in the waste collection and recycling system in Austria,
  • paying a license fee depending on the type and quantity of packaging or products introduced to the Austrian market.

Importantly, entrepreneurs cannot fulfil these obligations on their own – the lack of a registered office in Austria means that they must appoint an authorised representative in Austria (Bevollmächtigten), who will fulfil the obligations of the introducer on their behalf and be responsible for contacts with local authorities.

Who does the EPR regulation apply to in Austria?

The obligations under the EPR apply to any company not based in Austria that sells the following product categories to Austrian customers :

  • packaging, including product packaging, transport packaging and shipping packaging,
  • electronic and electrical equipment (EEE),
  • batteries and accumulators.

The new regulations apply to both entrepreneurs based in any EU country and those outside the EU. They are mainly aimed at companies that offer their products on sales platforms, e.g. eBay, Amazon, Zalando. The obligations of the introducer specified in the EPR regulations must therefore be fulfilled by:

  • importers of packaged products, equipment and batteries and accumulators to the Austrian market,
  • entrepreneurs selling packaging, packaged products, equipment and batteries directly to customers in Austria using their own online shops or online sales platforms.

The EPR does not provide for quantitative exemptions – the appointment of an authorised representative in Austria is the obligation of every introducer, even if he sells only a few products or packages covered by the EPR to Austria.

Do you already have an authorized representative in Austria? Sign a contract with Interzero!

The Interzero Group has been providing professional, comprehensive environmental services to clients from every industry for over 30 years. We are present in 10 countries, including Austria, where we take over responsibilities from our clients, including licensing, waste management and recycling.

As an authorized representative of your company, we will take care of:

  • registering your company with the appropriate offices,
  • licensing of packaging introduced to the Austrian market,
  • reporting , i.e. preparation and submission of all reports required by EPR regulations in Austria,
  • ensuring the management of waste generated from packaging and products introduced by your company to the Austrian market,
  • representing your company before the Austrian authorities in all matters relating to the introduced products or packaging.

By signing one contract, you will transfer to us all your obligations related to the introduction of packaging, electrical and electronic equipment as well as packaging and batteries to the Austrian market.

How do I appoint Interzero as an authorized representative of my company?

  1. Register on our online portal and complete your company details.
  2. Choose the scope of duties that we should perform on behalf of your company. Remember that packaging, electrical equipment and batteries can be covered by one contract.
  3. Indicate the quantities/weights of packaging and products introduced to the Austrian market.
  4. Follow the further instructions and confirm the contract.

Find out more about the authorised representative service and packaging licensing in Austria .


Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about appointing an authorized representative and licensing packaging in Austria.

An authorized representative is a company representative who takes on the responsibilities of introducing packaging and products to the Austrian market.

The obligation to appoint an authorised representative in Austria applies to entrepreneurs who:

  • introduce packaging, packaged products, electrical and electronic equipment or batteries and accumulators to the Austrian market , selling them to individual recipients (consumers, natural persons),

and at the same time

  • are not based in Austria.

Entrepreneurs introducing packaging and packaged products to the Austrian market are obliged to appoint an authorised representative from 1 January 2023.

Companies that introduce electrical and electronic equipment and batteries and accumulators into the market are required to appoint an authorised representative in Austria from 2018 and 2019 respectively.

The authorized representative of the company in Austria may be any natural or legal person who:

  • has its registered office or delivery address in Austria,
  • is registered with the BMK (Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie).

The condition for appointing a given entity as an authorized representative of your company is to grant it a power of attorney with a notarized signature.

The task of your company’s authorized representative in Austria is to fulfill all the obligations of the introducer resulting from the VVO (German: Versicherungsverband Österreich) and EPR , i.e. the regulations on extended producer responsibility. The obligations of the introducer fulfilled by the authorized representative in Austria include:

  • company registration with the Austrian Federal Environment Agency,
  • submitting periodic reports on the quantity or weight of products and packaging introduced to the Austrian market,
  • joining one of the waste collection and recycling systems in Austria,
  • annual payment of a license fee for introduced packaging and products.

The authorized representative does not cover the license fee – in addition to the fee for appointing an authorized representative, each company is also required to pay a fee for packaging licensing, which the authorized representative only passes on to the appropriate authorities. The full list of obligations for individual product groups can be found in the following legislative acts:

  • Packaging and packaged products – Sections 16a to 16d of the Packaging Regulation,
  • batteries – § 25a to 25c Bateries-VO,
  • waste electrical equipment – Section 13a of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), Sections 21a to 21c EAG-VO.

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations in Austria include:

  • packaging and packaged goods,
  • electrical and electronic equipment,
  • batteries and accumulators.

Yes. According to the EPR regulations in Austria, only an entity with legal personality can be an authorized representative. Branches of companies do not have legal personality.

odpady budowlane i rozbiórkowe - zmiany od 2025 r.

Construction waste segregation – changes from January 2025

Segregacja odpadów budowlanych – zmiany w legislacji od stycznia 2025 r.

From January, changes in the way construction and demolition waste is segregated

From 2025 segregation of construction and demolition waste at the place of its generation will not be mandatory. The abolition of the obligation to segregate at source (which has not even entered into force yet) is provided for in the draft amendment to the Waste Act, which the Council of Ministers adopted during the session of 29 October 2024.

Abolition of the obligation to separate construction and demolition waste at source

The most important provisions of the amendment are the abolition of the obligation to segregate , i.e. selective collection of construction and demolition waste at the place of its generation and the definition of responsibility for segregating waste fractions. Every entrepreneur generating construction and demolition waste will be obliged to segregate at least 6 fractions at the place of generation:

  • wood waste,
  • metal waste,
  • glass waste,
  • plastic waste,
  • plaster waste,
  • mineral waste, including concrete, bricks, tiles, ceramics and stones.

The draft amendment to the Waste Act was created in response to interpretation doubts and potential problems with the organization and costs of selective collection reported by representatives of the construction industry. The previous version of the regulations, which were to enter into force on January 1, 2025, did not clearly state who is responsible for selective collection and collection of construction and demolition waste. The need to sort them into 6 fractions at the place of generation would also cause a sharp increase in the costs of removing such waste, which in turn could contribute to their illegal storage and disposal directly into the environment .

The waste producer will be able to order segregation

According to the provisions of the act amending the act on waste, an entrepreneur generating construction and demolition waste will be able to transfer it to another authorized entity, which will take over the obligation to separate it into at least 6 fractions outside the place of generation. Importantly, transferring waste to another entity does not completely release the producer of construction and demolition waste from the responsibility for fulfilling the obligation to separate it. If this obligation is not fulfilled due to the fault of the entity that took over the waste, both entities (the producer and the recipient) will be jointly and severally liable for it. The new regulations are to enter into force on 1 January 2025.

Handling construction and demolition waste according to the hierarchy

In the justification for the draft act, its authors emphasized the need for entrepreneurs to comply with the so-called waste management hierarchy:

entities providing services in the field of construction, demolition, renovation of facilities (construction contractors) are obliged to prevent waste generation. [i]

First of all, actions should be taken to prevent the generation of construction and demolition waste. Selective waste collection should only take place when the materials are no longer suitable for reuse . The segregation itself is to ensure suitability for preparation for reuse, recycling and other recovery. Regardless of the place of sorting (at the place of generation or outside the place of generation), individual fractions of construction and demolition waste should then be transferred to specialized entities that will deal with their further management. For this purpose, it is often necessary to order professional collection of construction and demolition waste from a specified address offered by, among others, a waste collection company such as Interzero. [i]

kobieta klikająca w ekran butelkomatu, webinar interzero o systemie kaucyjnym

Take part in the training "Deposit system - changes in regulations introduced by the amendment to the Act on the management of packaging and packaging waste"

Take part in the training "Deposit system - changes in regulations introduced by the amendment to the Act on the management of packaging and packaging waste"

Amendment to the Act on the Management of Packaging and Packaging Waste

Act of June 13, 2013 on the management of packaging and packaging waste introduced provisions on the inclusion of certain beverage packaging in the deposit system. Deposit systems were to be launched, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, from January 2025. However, for their proper functioning, it turned out to be necessary, in accordance with the postulates submitted, among others, by entrepreneurs introducing beverages in packages, to introduce a number of additional changes to the Act.

What will we talk about during the training?

The training will discuss changes to the provisions of the Act of 13 June 2013 on the management of packaging and packaging waste introduced by the amending act adopted in December 2024, including, among others, the postponement of the launch of deposit systems and the related consequences, changes in the scope of beverages covered by the deposit system, changes in the method of collecting deposits, and the inclusion of uncollected deposits in VAT.

Detailed topic scope:

  1. Clarification of the regulations regarding obtaining permits to create deposit-refund systems.
  2. Exclusion of milk and dairy product packaging from deposit-refund systems.
  3. Introduction of the obligation to collect a deposit at each stage of sale of packaged beverages.
  4. Enabling sellers to conduct so-called reverse logistics.
  5. Obligation to collect reusable glass packaging by those running commercial establishments with an area not exceeding 200 m2.
  6. Subjecting an uncollected deposit to VAT.
  7. Postponement of the launch of deposit systems

The training will be led by: Paweł Sosnowski , Management Board Representative for environmental regulations at Interzero

Link to registration HERE

Who should participate?

The webinar is primarily aimed at:

  • Entrepreneurs introducing packaged beverages
  • Specialists in environmental protection
  • People responsible for managing packaging waste in retail chains
  • For all those interested in the latest legal regulations regarding packaging management

We cordially invite you to participate in the webinar! Registration for the webinar lasts until: January 16, 2025, 8:00 AM.

Sign up today!

What happened in November? Read the summary of the last month at Interzero

What happened in November? Read the summary of the last month at Interzero

Presentations at industry events, training and campaigns, and educational workshops – although the end of the year is approaching and the atmosphere of the holidays is already in the air, we are still working intensively at Interzero. We kindly invite you to read the summary of November in the Interzero Group in Poland, in which we will briefly present the most important events of the past month.

Interzero's Environmental Sustainability Dashboard with international GRI Assurance certification

Interzero’s Environmental Sustainability Dashboard is now licensed by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)! This is another step for us to make ESG reporting easy and accessible for every company. At the same time, we want our tool to be reliable. Through the GRI Licensing Software & Tools Program, GRI ensures that our Environmental Sustainability Dashboard accurately and efficiently incorporates GRI standards, based on best practices. Key benefits of our program include accurate sustainability reporting, helping to meet legal requirements, and attracting stakeholders – through reliable and transparent reporting. We are almost certain that even companies that will not be subject to ESG reporting will have to keep records if they want to cooperate with larger entities.

Business and carbon neutrality – Interzero in external debates

This month, Interzero had the pleasure of being a guest at the ITTF Warsaw international trade fair, one of the largest events in the tourism industry, where partners involved in the development and promotion of this sector meet. Our representative, Interzero Managing Director Przemysław Kuna took part in the panel entitled “The impact of supplier selection on the carbon neutrality of business travel. How does sustainable development policy affect business travel management”. Przemysław postulated not to cross out industry entities that have not yet taken an interest in ESG. The speakers talked not only about business travel, but also about fleet electrification and infrastructure in Poland.

In addition, Przemysław also took part in the Rzeczpospolita ej debate: “How to reconcile fire with water, or the needs of business and cities towards ROP during the mobilization of work on the act” , which took place in the editorial office of the daily as part of the “Fight for climate” series. Our expert took a specific position – as Interzero, we support a free-market and transparent model of extended producer responsibility. Everyone wants to know what they are paying for and why so much. We do not want entrepreneurs to become just an object on which further financial obligations can be imposed. We encourage you to read the article summarizing the debate here .

On-site training – WIOŚ inspection is no longer scary!

At the end of November, Łukasz Pachucki conducted the second in-person training at our headquarters in Łódź, this time under the slogan “Environmental Protection Inspection Control in an Enterprise”. We are very happy that we managed to implement this project in smaller groups. The exchange of knowledge, experience and the opportunity to ask any questions to an expert allows for an in-depth study of the subject. The companies whose employees came to the training already know every step of the inspection, and thanks to the Q&A session and the possibility of consulting our expert after the training, they have prepared guidelines and plans to ensure that the inspection of the Environmental Protection Inspectorate goes smoothly. We would like to thank the instructor for the substantive workshop and all participants for their trust – we hope to see you at the next in-person training!

At the intersection of culture and sustainable development – workshops and campaigns

On the initiative of the Interzero Ecological Education Team, in cooperation with the Bęc Zmiana Foundation, on 23 November, the “Waste Architecture” workshop was held in one of Warsaw’s theatres . The meeting focused on, among other things, new legal regulations concerning waste. They are inextricably linked to the creation of appropriate urban, residential and communication space. Through the prism of their own experiences from many industries, participants created ideas for new solutions that could, for example, help consumers to actively participate in the deposit system. Architects Michał Sikorski and Petro Vladimirov, as well as artist Zofia Strumiłło-Sukiennik, were invited to the workshop. The choice was not accidental – each of the presenters tackles the subject of waste in a different way. The workshops were part of the “Happiness Research Laboratory. Life after Comfort-Century”, an artistic and research project.

On November 29, the Krakow Museum of Photography hosted the debate “Look! Does it work?”, during which we focused on the topic of social campaigns about waste. It was a continuation of Interzero’s cooperation with this cultural institution. The pretext for the conversation was Interzero’s research “Between plus and minus” and “Getting into trouble”, which indicate that young adults are less involved in environmental issues. The speakers included: Alicja Waszkiewicz-Raviv, who deals with visual communication and campaign effectiveness, Dominika Lenkowska-Piechocka, founder of the agency Who Will Save The Planet, and Edyta Mantorska – head of the Ecological Education Team at Interzero. The debate was preceded by a workshop for young people.

We ended the month with a partnership with BWA Wrocław on the “Limited Exhibition” project. At Plac Kościuszki 9-10 in the capital of Lower Silesia, seven sculptures by Kasia Fudakowski will be on display until February 16. One of the main themes of the exhibition is the topic of limited resources in the context of production; the artist was inspired to create the exhibition by considering how “culture and art are inextricably linked to the energy resources available on Earth and the structures of power that dispose of these resources”. The artist gave control over the exhibition to the audience while limiting the energy that powers it. The question is therefore whether every visitor will be able to see the exhibition in the same form. The Interzero Ecological Education Team, in cooperation with the institution, prepared a December educational program that fully addresses the topic of electronic waste.

Body, mind and ecology - or how to recharge your batteries with Interzero

November ended the social campaign “Charge Your Batteries” that had been ongoing since September as part of the Eko Bez Kantów project under the substantive patronage of the Małgosia Braunek Foundation, Be and in cooperation with the Mindy application. During the project, a series of free webinars took place, where participants had the opportunity to meet online with independent experts. We talked about ecopsychology, the benefits of forest bathing, somatic practices that relieve stress and a healthy diet for the body and the planet. In addition, participants of the campaign could gain premium access to the Mindy application by publishing photos on their social media in which they get rid of batteries with the hashtag #chargeyourbatteries.

November was a month full of educational, as well as socio-cultural events. We would like to thank all Interzero employees involved in the above-mentioned activities, as well as partners for inviting us to cooperate – joint intersectional workshops and debates are something that always brings people closer and provides more opportunities for development and broader education of society about the essence of sustainable development.

Adoption of ESG reporting – see details

Sejm uchwalił dyrektywę CSRD – co to oznacza w praktyce

Nowa era zrównoważonego rozwoju w Polsce – uchwalenie raportowania ESG

On November 21, the Sejm adopted an amendment to the act on reporting obligations in the field of sustainable development. The obligation to submit an ESG report for 2024 will cover over 3,000 companies in Poland. Already in 2026, regulations will cover small and medium-sized enterprises listed on regulated markets. Is Polish business ready for this?

Co nowe regulacje oznaczają dla polskich przedsiębiorstw?

The introduction of mandatory ESG reporting in Poland will have a significant impact on companies that meet the criteria set out in the EU CSRD directive. As in other European Union countries, these companies will be required to prepare annual sustainability reports . Raporty te będą musiały spełniać wymogi prawne oraz standardy zamieszczone w rozporządzeniu UE. Dokumentacja ESG zostanie zrównana pod względem formalnym z raportami finansowymi, a jej treść będzie musiała być zatwierdzana przez niezależnych biegłych rewidentów. Niedopełnienie obowiązku sporządzenia raportu może wiązać się z poważnymi konsekwencjami, w tym odpowiedzialnością karną.

Co z firmami, na które nie zostanie nałożony obowiązek raportowania?

Companies that will not be directly subject to the ESG reporting obligation will also feel the effects of the adoption of the EU regulation. Why? We suspect that many of them will have to collect and analyze data on environmental impact anyway. These will probably be necessary documents for contractors or companies belonging to the same capital group, which will be subject to the reporting requirement. It is possible that partners will be required to support in providing appropriate data. That is why we encourage representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises to take an interest in the topic of ESG now. If they do not implement an appropriate operational strategy, the business may suffer seriously in a few years. Customers are also more willing to turn to products and services of transparent suppliers.

Praktyczny przewodnik po ESG dla każdej firmy

The Interzero team, knowing that both small and larger companies will need expert help to implement ESG, has prepared an e-book for you. This is a document that contains all the necessary information. It is written in simple, accessible language. In it, we explain what the CSRD directive is, introduce a reporting schedule, show how to communicate on the topic of sustainable development, and present the operational steps that should be taken to prepare your business for ESG. Fill out the form on our website and you will get completely free access to it. Your education is one of the most important factors in the development of the company you run.

Podsumowanie i harmonogram

The news about the adoption of reporting is just the tip of the iceberg. We know how much the Polish business model will change now and we want our clients to be prepared for it. As a company, we believe in technology and innovation. That is why we want to guide all interested parties through the ESG topic smoothly and calmly. We remind you that reporting will be mandatory:

  • from 2025 – for large enterprises (over 250 employees and/or EUR 50 million in turnover and/or EUR 25 million in total assets),
  • from 2026 – for SMEs listed on the stock exchange.

Environmental Sustainability Dashboard – a tool for non-financial ESG reporting – our proprietary consulting solution. The tool will streamline data collection and monitoring processes – thanks to which you can precisely track ESG indicators. This is a solution for companies that want to be ready for mandatory reporting. Customers get access to an online platform and full advice on assessing the impact on the environment.

60,4% odpadów opakowaniowych poddano recyklingowi w 2022 r. | Interzero Polska

The recycling rate of packaging waste in 2022 was 60.4%

The recycling rate of packaging waste in 2022 was 60.4%

According to a report published by the Institute of Environmental Protection – National Research Institute, the level of packaging waste recycling was 60.4% in 2022. More than half of the recycled packaging waste (56%) was paper and cardboard waste. The highest recycling levels were also recorded for this fraction, amounting to 89.1% or 83.9%, depending on the methodology used.

Poziom recyklingu odpadów opakowaniowych w Polsce w 2022 r
Poziom recyklingu odpadów opakowaniowych w Polsce w 2022 r

Only and as much as 60.4% of packaging waste recycling

According to the calculations of IOŚ-PIB experts, in 2022, products packaged in 6,740 thousand tons of packaging were introduced to the market. Data from 532 installations were taken into account, which in 2022 received a total of 4,023.8 thousand tons of waste. Over 10% of this mass were so-called non-target materials (materials that are not processed in a given recycling process into products, materials or substances that are not waste). After correction, the total the mass of packaging waste recycled amounted to 3,608.9 thousand tons , including:

  • 2,022.5 thousand tonnes of paper and cardboard packaging waste.
  • 565.1 thousand tons of plastic packaging waste,
  • 635 thousand tons of glass packaging waste,
  • 268.9 thousand tons of wood packaging waste,
  • 117.4 thousand tons of metal packaging waste.

According to the methodology adopted by the authors of the report, the recycling level of all packaging waste was 60.4%, which is 1.4% more than the minimum provided for in the Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of December 19, 2021 on the annual recycling levels of packaging waste in individual years until 2030.

Recycling levels: achieved according to those introducing them, not achieved according to IOŚ-PIB

The recycling levels of all packaging waste were calculated in 2 variants. The first one was based on data from the introducers (entities that have entrusted statutory obligations to organizations) and independent (entities responsible on their own). These data show that the recycling levels of individual packaging waste for 2022 were as follows:

  • metals – 93.9%,
  • wood – 20.9%,
  • plastics – 40.7%,
  • glass – 65.3%,
  • paper and cardboard – 89.1%.

Under this variant, the minimum annual recycling rates for packaging waste have been achieved for all types of packaging from which this waste originates.

The second variant of calculations presented in the report was based on the IOŚ-PIB methodology. The calculated recycling levels of almost all packaging waste (except plastics) are at a lower level:

  • metals – 36.6%,
  • wood – 16.7%,
  • plastics – 45.8%,
  • glass – 45%,
  • paper and cardboard – 83.9%.

According to calculations based on the IOŚ-PIB methodology, in 2022 the entities introducing the waste did not achieve the minimum recycling levels for packaging waste made of ferrous metals and aluminium (amounting to 55% and 51%, respectively) and from wood (amounting to %).

Regardless of the variant , the lowest recycling rate was recorded for wood waste .

BDO register as a source of data for the IOŚ-PIB report

The source of the data presented in the report is the BDO register. The calculations do not include so-called free riders, i.e. producers or distributors who introduce plastic packaging or products in packaging into circulation and do not report them to the producer’s responsibility organization or a public authority, or do not take financial or financial and organizational responsibility in any other way for the management of plastic packaging waste, or report smaller quantities than they actually introduce into circulation.

The analysis prepared by IOŚ-PIB takes into account waste with the following codes:

  • 15 01 01 – paper and cardboard packaging,
  • 15 01 02 – plastic packaging,
  • 15 01 03 – wooden packaging,
  • 15 01 04 – metal packaging,
  • 15 01 05 – multi-material packaging,
  • 15 01 06 – mixed packaging waste,
  • 15 01 07 – glass packaging.

The actual amount of packaging waste generated in Poland and recycled was calculated as follows – by adding the mass of waste recycled in Poland and recycled abroad, and reducing the result by the mass of waste imported to Poland for recycling.

Source: [1]

darmowy przewodnik po csrd

Use the practical guide - Sustainability Reporting: Towards CSRD implementation

Use the practical guide - Sustainability Reporting: Towards CSRD implementation

How does the Corporate Reporting Directive (CSRD) impact your organisation's operations?

January 5, 2023 The European Commission (EC) has published the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) following the review process of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). The CSRD is a key element of the EU package on sustainable development measures, including sustainable finance aspects, which provide a comprehensive set of measures to improve the flow of capital towards sustainable activities across the EU. The CSRD therefore aims to improve sustainability reporting in order to harness the potential of the European Single Market and contribute to the transition towards a fully sustainable and inclusive economic and financial system, in line with the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals . United Nations.

The content of the document covers the following areas:

  • Introduction to CSRD,
  • Reporting schedule,
  • Interzero support in ESG reporting,
  • Communicating Sustainability,
  • Operational steps,
  • Environmental, social, governance, digital and security factors.

Take advantage of the free Interzero guide!

To download the document, fill out the form:

poradnik po dyrektywie CSRD

    Interzero Advisory Spółka z o.o dołącza do zrzeszonych członków Izby Gospodarki Elektronicznej!

    We are launching the “Recharge your batteries” campaign

    We are launching the “Recharge your batteries” campaign

    By taking care of the environment, are we also taking care of ourselves? Our social campaign “Recharge your batteries” aims to show that well-being and ecology are inextricably linked. World Well-being Day and Battery Recycling Day, celebrated on 8 and 9 September respectively, are a great opportunity to draw attention to how taking care of the environment and mental health can support each other.

    Conclusions from the report "Between Plus and Minus"

    Our report, published in February 2024, reveals that young adults aged 18-35 are less likely to separate waste and more likely to doubt the point of recycling. As many as 31% of 18-24 year olds believe that batteries cannot be recycled. Furthermore, the younger generation is less knowledgeable about how to properly dispose of used batteries than older generations.

    We wanted our activities to arouse the interest of young adults, which is why we combined the topic of batteries, understood as a source of power for various devices, with our internal batteries, i.e. with mental well-being, which is particularly important these days. In our social campaign “Charge your batteries” we want to support recipients in building ecological awareness, showing that by doing something good for the planet, we are also doing something good for ourselves – explains Monika Grom, Vice President of Interzero

    How living in harmony with nature can improve mental health? About ecopsychology

    Ecopsychology, a trend that combines issues from ecology and psychology, shows that contact with nature significantly improves our well-being, reduces stress levels and increases happiness. Pro-ecological actions and mental well-being are interconnected vessels – the awareness that we contribute to environmental protection gives us a sense of agency, control and meaning, which translates into better well-being.

    In the last few years, there has been a clear increase in interest in the topic of building health in a holistic approach. We understand that everything inside and outside of us is interconnected and affects each other. Following this path, one of the basic pillars of health is regular contact with nature. This is one of the areas covered by ecopsychology, a science that is gaining increasing interest. Thanks to it, we increasingly appreciate the beneficial effects of nature on our mental condition, we are even more willing to use its soothing properties, and regular contact with it allows us to relax more deeply and rebuild our internal resources. – says Orina Krajewska, President of the Management Board of the Małgosia Braunek Be Foundation, the substantive partner of the campaign

    How to participate in the campaign?

    The “Charge Your Batteries” campaign aims to encourage young adults to take pro-ecological actions related to recycling batteries and to show that ecology and mental well-being are closely linked. Together with the Małgosia Braunek Foundation, we have prepared a series of four free webinars that will help you find harmony between mental health and caring for the planet. The meetings do not require registration – just join us.

    • September 12 “100% Battery. A Conversation About Ecopsychology – a new trend combining psychology and ecology in the service of the inner balance of modern man”, Orina Krajewska and Dr. Julia E. Wahl.
    • October 3 “About the benefits of forest bathing, how to charge your batteries green on a daily basis?” , Katarzyna Grabka.
    • October 23 “Release the tension – somatic practices that regulate stress and soothe the nervous system. What does science say about the effectiveness and benefits of using Somatic Experiencing® techniques and how to practice on your own?” , Sandra Klos.
    • November 21, “Recharge your body – a diet that nourishes the body and the planet” , Dr. Alicja Baska, med.

    Get a personalized code for a monthly subscription to Mindy Premium, our digital partner. To participate, post a photo or video on your social media (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok) of yourself properly disposing of your old batteries using the hashtag #naladujswojebaterie . Enjoy peace of mind and body with Mindy for a whole month!

    About the social campaign "Recharge your batteries"

    The “Charge Your Batteries” social campaign runs from September 8 to the end of November 2024.

    More about the campaign: Charge your batteries – Eko Bez Kantów (

    Campaign promo spot:

    “Charge Your Batteries” is an element of Interzero’s public educational campaign “Eco without edges” which introduces Poles to the topic of selective waste collection, recycling and issues related to the circular economy.

    Interzero Advisory Spółka z o.o dołącza do zrzeszonych członków Izby Gospodarki Elektronicznej!

    Interzero joins the associated members of the Chamber of Electronic Economy!

    Interzero Advisory Spółka z o.o dołącza do zrzeszonych członków Izby Gospodarki Elektronicznej!

    Interzero Advisory Spółka z o. o. joins the associated members of the Chamber of Electronic Economy!

    The development of the Polish digital economy plays one of the most important roles in shaping the future of the country. We are on a timeline in the era of globalization and the fastest technological progress to date – the ability to innovate and use modern digital tools is becoming the foundation of competitiveness not only in the domestic but also international arena. The digital economy contributes to GDP growth and creates new jobs, supports the development of startups and promotes efficiency and sustainable development in various sectors. In Poland, where traditional industries still play an important role, the development of the digital economy is particularly important to meet the challenges of the future. Looking further into the future, our challenges will be to reduce dependence on raw materials and to become more resilient to global economic shocks.

    What does the Chamber of Electronic Economy do?

    The Chamber of Electronic Economy works for companies related to the electronic economy sector in Poland, with particular emphasis on those that belong to the e-Chamber. Its main goal is to support the development of the Polish digital industry through cooperation, knowledge sharing, legislative initiatives and effective representation of the interests of its members in contacts with Polish government institutions, the European Union and non-governmental organizations on the national and international arena.

    Common goals, missions and views – why did Interzero become a member of the Chamber of Electronic Economy?

    Interzero has been making it easier to manage companies, businesses and environmental initiatives for decades. We are an industry leader – supporting sustainable development by combining environmental protection with business needs – and these are constantly changing. There is no denying that the law in the field of ecology is also a field that is developing rapidly – our experts are on site to help understand and implement all official documents and new government directives without major problems. Our mission is to provide comprehensive and integrated environmental solutions in the field of new technologies and more. We do not take the easy way out – our choices when it comes to the world of e-commerce are supported by numerous studies. We take into account both the branches of marketing, economics, ecology and logistics.

    Sustainable development: environmental protection and business

    Sustainable development is already an essential element of modern business. Today, small, large and medium-sized companies face the challenge of reconciling environmental protection with the rapidly changing needs of the consumer market. At Interzero, we understand that caring for the ecosphere is no longer just a legal obligation – it is putting the reputation of the entire brand, the bond between employees, and the profitability of the business at stake. Implementing innovative ecological solutions allows not only to minimize the negative impact on the environment, but also to increase operational efficiency and reduce costs. Recycling, outsourcing, waste management and much more – it all happens in the digital world!

    We will definitely take advantage of the benefits that will be available to us through membership in the e-Chamber. We can’t wait for the latest industry news, knowledge exchange with other institutions and the challenges that will face us in the coming years! Networking has never been as powerful as it is today – together we will create reliable e-commerce that meets social and business needs.

    Uniwersalna ładowarka USB-C - nowy standard unijny

    Universal USB-C charger - the new EU standard

    Uniwersalna ładowarka USB-C - nowy standard unijny

    Why will the universal USB-C charger be standard for all devices?

    The universal USB-C charger will be standard for everyone by the end of 2024. Why? This is a top-down regulation of the European Union, which is primarily intended to guide consumers towards more ecological choices when shopping.

    Under EU regulations, all phones, tablets and cameras sold in the EU will have to have a USB Type-C port by the end of 2024, and from spring 2026 the requirement will also be extended to laptops.

    In this article you will learn:

    • what type of chargers dominate the market and why were there EU demands for devices equipped with a charging port;
    • which mobile devices will be affected by these changes and when the new regulations will come into force;
    • in what direction is the European Parliament heading regarding the amount of waste and ecology in general.

    Universal charger for all devices

    The devices covered by the regulations include, among others, mobile phones. , tablets , game consoles , e-readers and others portable devices. All those devices that are charged by wire and operate at up to 100W will have to be equipped with a USB Type-C port – regardless of the manufacturer. This is a groundbreaking decision that aims to simplify the lives of consumers and reduce the negative impact of electrical and electronic waste on the environment. The European Commission and the European Parliament unanimously recognized that this solution will have a positive impact on the ecosphere and will allow for a minimal reduction in consumerism.

    Customers can choose whether they want to purchase a new device with or without a charger. This should reduce the accumulation of e-waste in homes, and therefore the throwing of e-waste into inappropriate containers. The EU estimates that broken and unused chargers constitute around 11,000 tonnes of waste. This is a frightening amount – but another question arises – what about chargers with other tips when the EU recommendations regarding USB-C come into force?

    Are all manufacturers ready for change?

    European Commission research shows that half of all chargers sold in 2018 in EU countries used a USB micro-B connector. Only 29% had a USB-C connector, and 21% had a Lightning connector, used by Apple since 2012. Standardizing chargers to a single standard will make many proprietary charging ports (like Apple’s Lightning) obsolete in Europe. Manufacturers therefore argue that once chargers are standardized to USB-C, all the others that are already in consumers’ homes will go to the trash. Researchers in an issue of the Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business investigated the matter. In fact, as of 2019, only 29% of phones sold in the European Union used USB-C chargers. Therefore, forcing the switch to USB-C would make almost 71% of chargers useless for consumers. Customers who buy newer devices with a USB-C port will no longer be able to reuse their older chargers with a different input.

    Customer education – in line with new regulations. What changes will come with the unification of device chargers?

    However, if we look at the matter in a broader, long-term perspective, according to analyses by the European Commission, thanks to the unification of the charging standard, European citizens will be able to save up to 250 million euros per year. In addition to economic benefits, the new regulations aim to reduce the amount of electronic waste , which is an important step towards sustainable development. Guidelines on product charging requirements are to appear on device labels. Perhaps in a few years we will be able to use one charger for all the equipment in our home or office? Click here again! You can check how the level of paper recycling is growing in Europe! ♻️ Sources: [1] [2] [3]