Who is an authorized representative and who is obliged to appoint one?

Every entrepreneur placing electrical and electronic equipment on the market must meet a number of obligations arising from the WEEE Act. Polish companies can do it themselves or through recovery organizations. However, foreign companies may be obliged to establish an authorized representative in Poland who will perform the duties of the introducer on their behalf.

Who appoints an authorized representative?

Manufacturers established in another EU Member State who:

  • they produce equipment or place it on the market under their own name or trademark in the territory of the Member State concerned,
  • resell equipment produced by other entities in a given Member State under their own name or trademark,
  • in the course of a commercial activity, equipment from a non-EU country or another Member State is made available for distribution, consumption or use for the first time on the market of that Member State, either in return for payment or free of charge

MAY designate an authorized representative who will be responsible for performing within the territory of the country the obligations specified in the Act in relation to equipment placed on the market by this manufacturer.

However, manufacturers established in another Member State or in a non-EU country and selling devices remotely in that country (e.g. via an online store or sales platform) MUST appoint an authorized representative.

As Interzero, we can take over your obligations to the extent resulting from the Act on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Our experts will get acquainted with the specificity of your business and determine the type and status of implementation of the introducer’s duties, and then offer you the most advantageous offer.

For more information, please visit the Authorized Representative in Poland website

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