przemyslaw kuna przygody przedsiebiorców

Millions of fines for waste? Is it possible?

Unfortunately yes. This is a way to tighten sanctions for not keeping records of waste or commissioning its transport to persons operating in the so-called shadow economy.

On April 7, Przemysław Kuna , Managing Director at Interzero, took part in the episode of the Przygody Przedsiębiorczości podcast on waste management in the company.

Topics covered during the interview:

– What is ROP (Extended Producer Responsibility),

– What is BDO (Waste Database),

– What is the level of awareness among Polish entrepreneurs,

– What are the consequences of non-compliance with ROP rules,

– What do official controls look like and how to protect yourself against penalties,

– What is waste management and what is it for,

And what can be expected in the future in terms of waste and environmental protection.

We encourage you to watch the whole interview on the Adventures of Entrepreneurs channel HERE

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