We know the deposit amount for bottles and cans - check the current rates
On July 16, 2024, the long-awaited regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment on the amount of the deposit for packaging covered by the deposit system was published. How much will the deposit be for beverage bottles and cans?
Deposit for bottles and cans in the Polish deposit system from 2025
In the Polish deposit system, the deposit amount will depend on the type of packaging. According to the latest regulation, from 2025, the deposit rates for bottles and cans will be as follows :
- disposable plastic bottles up to 3 l – PLN 0.50,
- metal cans up to 1 l – PLN 0.50,
- reusable glass bottles up to 1.5 l – PLN 1.00.
The Regulation was issued on the basis of the delegation contained in Article 40m section 2 of the Act on the management of packaging and packaging waste ( OJ 2013 item 888 ). Zgodnie z jej przepisami, wysokość kaucji powinna stanowić zachętę do zwrotu opakowań i odpadów opakowaniowych przez konsumentów, a jednocześnie być ustalona na akceptowalnym społecznie poziomie. Określona w ustawie maksymalna wysokość kaucji może wynosić 2 zł, dlatego Ministerstwo powinno śledzić sytuację w pierwszych miesiącach i latach funkcjonowania systemu kaucyjnego i na bieżąco reagować aktualizując wysokość kaucji. Przywołane rozporządzenie wchodzi w życie 14 dni od ogłoszenia i zacznie obowiązywać w ostatnich dniach lipca 2024. Przypomnijmy, że pierwszy projekt rozporządzenia zakładał przyjęcie jednolitej stawki 0,50 zł dla wszystkich opakowań objętych systemem kaucyjnym. Spotkał się jednak z licznymi sprzeciwami rozlewników i przedstawicieli branży odpadowej, którzy zwracali uwagę, że zaproponowana stawka kaucji za wielorazowe butelki szklane jest niższa niż kaucja obecnie stosowana w prywatnych systemach zwrotu (1 zł).
Changes in the deposit system – what have the last few weeks brought?
The final determination of the deposit amount for individual types of packaging covered by the deposit system is not the only novelty in the Polish deposit system that has been presented to the public in recent weeks.
- Another, third deposit system operator has entered the game. On July 17, 2024, the Minister of Climate and Environment allowed the Entity representing OK Operator Kaucyjny SA to create a deposit system covering single-use plastic bottles and metal beverage cans.
- The deadline for mandatory inclusion of reusable glass bottles in the deposit system has been postponed by one year. As a result, the currently operating private collection systems for such packaging can legally operate until 2026.
- Milk and other dairy product packaging has been excluded from the deposit system , which is in line with the dairy industry’s demands. Initially, the deadline for including them in the deposit system was to be postponed by a year (to 2026), but ultimately the Ministry of Climate and Environment withdrew from this idea altogether.
- The logo of the deposit system was presented , which will be placed on all packaging covered by the Polish deposit system.
Get ready for the deposit system with Sielaff bottle machines
Interzero is the only official distributor in Poland that cooperates with the renowned German manufacturer of bottle vending machines – Sielaff. Thanks to this cooperation, we offer our customers the highest quality devices, designed with durability, efficiency and advanced technology in mind. We offer full support – from consulting and installation of devices, to their servicing and integration with IT systems. Our team of experts ensures that the implementation of bottle vending machines is smooth, and your company gains a modern tool tailored to the needs of customers.