Od 2025 roku branża beauty może otrzymać kary za brak wpisu do BDO!

From 2025, the beauty industry must comply with new regulations regarding the recording of hazardous waste.

With the new year, a new regulation came into force (Journal of Laws 2024, item 1644), in which 5 hazardous waste codes were removed from the list of waste codes exempt from the register, including 2 strictly related to the beauty industry. Unfortunately, the current exemption, which was eagerly used by entities generating small amounts of hazardous waste, will disappear. How to prepare for new obligations related to environmental protection?

Rejestracja w BDO – wsparcie Interzero

Registration with BDO is a change for tens of thousands of hairdressers, beauticians and other service providers from the beauty industry who have so far produced< 200 kg/year of waste with code 15 01 10*. The BDO system is the Database on Products and Packaging and on Waste Management – a system that allows for electronic implementation of registration, record-keeping and reporting obligations in Poland. Are you not sure whether your business also has to register with BDO? Or maybe you do not want to deal with it and prefer that specialists take over the matter? On our website you will find a form – you can contact experts from our company who will take over this obligation. We act quickly because we have been doing it for years – and you gain valuable time that can be devoted to other areas of running a business. If you need more information about the BDO system, watch our free webinar .

Kary za brak wpisu do BDO – chroń swój biznes

Do you value your hard-earned money? This is another reason to make sure you are registered in the BDO. Let’s start with the mildest penalty – that for not filing a BDO report. If an entity required to prepare an annual report on waste generated and waste management fails to file this report, it is subject to a fine – from PLN 20 to PLN 5,000. The penalty for not filing a BDO entry, on the other hand, ranges from PLN 5,000 to PLN 1,000,000. However, these are not the only concerns of entrepreneurs. Managing waste in a manner inconsistent with the information contained in the entry in the register is punishable by arrest or a fine – as is filing an application inconsistent with the actual state of affairs. It is also worth knowing what types of waste there are and which of them are generated by our company. Mixing hazardous waste of different types or mixing hazardous waste with non-hazardous waste is punishable by an administrative fine from PLN 5,000 to PLN 1,000,000.

Czym są odpady niebezpieczne w sferze biznesów beauty?

To odpady stanowiące szczególne zagrożenie dla zdrowia ludzi i zwierząt oraz środowiska naturalnego. Ich unieszkodliwianie odbywać się może jedynie w specjalnie do tego przystosowanych zakładach oraz pod restrykcyjną kontrolą. Kod 15 01 10* to opakowania zawierające pozostałości substancji niebezpiecznych lub nimi zanieczyszczone. Konkretne przykłady? Puszki po farbach, utleniaczach, rozjaśniaczach, opakowania po acetonach, cleanerach, opakowania po produktach zawierających wysokie stężenie kwasów, czy opakowania po klejach.

Szukasz firmy, która przeprowadzi Twój biznes przez wpis do BDO? Wypełnij nasz formularz – skontaktujemy się z Tobą!

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