kobize interzero

Entrepreneur! Remember to submit an annual report on CO2 emissions for 2023

We would like to remind you that until March 31, 2024 the operator of the installation or aircraft operator is obliged to submit to the National Center for Emission Balancing and Management (KOBiZE) a verified annual report for 2023, i.e. an annual report on the volume of emissions together with a verification report. Within the same deadline, the operator of the installation or aircraft operator shall submit a copy of the report and a copy of the report to the authority competent to issue the permit.

The documents should be prepared on forms in Excel format developed on the basis of forms and guidelines published by the European Commission, available on the website of the National Center at www.kobize.pl in the “Materials for download” tab.

More information HERE

For our clients who use the environment and whose activities cause emissions, Interzero prepares and enters into the National Database, by the end of February each year, a report containing the information specified in Art. 6 sec. 2 points 1-10 of the Act of 17 July 2009. on the system for managing emissions of greenhouse gases and other substances, relating to the previous calendar year.

Do you need more information about air emissions and your responsibilities? Take advantage of training at Interzero Academy.

More training here: https://academy.interzero.pl/

If you are not sure whether your company properly fulfills its environmental obligations, use an Environmental Audit conducted by our experts!

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