Debate “ Are we ready to implement the deposit system in Poland?” PAP Media Room

Yesterday, March 13 at 1:00 p.m. there was a debate “Are we ready to implement the deposit system in Poland?” organized by PAP Biznes . Paweł Sosnowski, the Management Board’s representative for Interzero, took part in the event on behalf of Interzero. environmental regulations.

The draft law on the deposit system, adopted at the end of the last term, will enter into force on January 1, 2025. Its provisions raised many objections from the industry, which demanded a postponement of the date of entry into force of the new regulations and a revision of the project. The debate focused on finding answers to key questions about the system:

  • What are the goals of introducing a deposit system in Poland
  • Basic advantages and disadvantages of the solutions adopted by the legislator in the deposit deposit system
  • Main proposals for amending the Act on the deposit system
  • Position of the Ministry of Climate and Environment on the solutions adopted in the draft act
  • Experiences of other European countries implementing similar solutions
  • Is the industry ready for the implementation of the Act from January 1, 2025?
  • Operational tasks required for the system to operate, broken down by key stakeholder groups
  • Is the depository system managed by one or several operators?
  • Recommendations regarding actions aimed at the rapid dissemination of the deposit system

Will it be possible to launch deposit systems in 2025?

“I think so. We know that the deposit system will be in force in Poland from 2025, and the act was published in September last year, so those who intend to create these deposit systems have been working on it for some time. Of course, time is short, these systems will probably not be launched on January 1, but they will probably be launched in the following months.” – said Paweł Sosnowski

“The changes to the Act are going in the right direction. These are not revolutionary changes, but supplement these provisions with necessary corrections that were expected by entrepreneurs. The changes that were proposed did not include a coordinator of deposit systems – the so-called an umbrella institution that would synchronize the operation of several deposit systems, following the example of the German institution established by entrepreneurs. There are no proposals for improving the collection of waste from commercial units, i.e. reducing the administrative requirements related to the transport of packaging waste. It would also reduce the carbon footprint because waste from stores could be collected in the same vehicles as products are delivered.” – comments Paweł Sosnowski

The packaging revolution is fast approaching. There are only a few months left to adapt to the new legal realities. If you place drinks on the market in packaging covered by the deposit system, you can fulfill your statutory obligations yourself by calculating and paying the product fee or by joining the deposit system, in which the representing entity will be responsible for fulfilling the statutory obligations.

The Polish Chamber of Recovery and Recycling of Packaging (PIOIRO) will establish a representative entity and entrust Interzero with tasks related to the construction and operation of the deposit system. Trust the experts and join us. More information HERE

The recording of the debate is available at the link HERE

Photos: PAP MediaRoom

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