Czy brak odpadów może stać się problemem? Wypowiedź Anny Grom i Pawła Lesiaka dla Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Could lack of waste become a problem? Statement by Anna Grom and Paweł Lesiak for Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

Without effective recycling, we will not meet our obligations related to closing the raw material cycle, which may result in high penalties. However, we can take appropriate action today, instead of idly waiting for changes.

Representatives of the Interzero Management Board: Anna Grom and Paweł Lesiak commented on this topic in Dziennik Gazeta Prawna .

“Suspending or closing processing plants is an increasingly common scenario also in Germany and Italy, i.e. in countries where financial outlays on the collection, sorting, transport and processing systems have been for years and still are much higher than in Poland,” he says. Anna Grom.

“The situation clearly got out of control, because no one probably expected that the EU would massively import recyclate from the other side of the world, the composition and quality of which we know nothing about. It’s high time to limit the import of untested and often falsely marked secondary raw materials. They displace better quality but more expensive raw materials processed on site from the market. Closing the borders like this can be good for everyone.” – says Paweł Lesiak.

“I would suggest conducting a current and thorough environmental audit , which will clearly determine what specific types and weights of packaging we introduce to the market. This year’s experience has shown that even large entities, due to the lack of reliable verification, can overestimate the weight of packaging by up to 40%. – adds Paweł Lesiak.

We encourage you to read the entire material “When lack of waste becomes a problem – will we face millions of fines?” at the link: HERE

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