Businesses in the Circular Economy: A Detailed Analysis
The pursuit of sustainable development is not only a moral responsibility, but also the key to long-term success for businesses. In times of climate crisis and growing customer and investor expectations, companies must take active steps to reduce their impact on the environment. The transformation towards a circular economy (CE) is becoming a priority, offering numerous business benefits such as cost reduction, reputation improvement and increased innovation. These are the conclusions of our latest study ” Circular Economy Businesses: A Detailed Analysis” .
Do you know that...
…. znacząca większość przedsiębiorstw chce wdrażać zrównoważone inicjatywy lub już rozpoczęła ten proces? Takie deklaracje złożyło od 71,1 do 84,9% managerów reprezentujących średnie i duże firmy z 6 europejskich krajów. Wzrost społecznej świadomości dotyczącej stylu życia i wzorców konsumpcji sprawia, że przedsiębiorcy, instytucje i organy państwa zaczynają dostrzegać konieczność nieuchronnej zmiany strategii i obrania nowego
More than 4 in 10 companies (41.8% of managers surveyed by Interzero) will invest up to €150,000 in sustainability over the next three years (23.9% up to €50,000 and 17.9% up to €150,000). More than half (53.9%) will spend more than €150,000, and more than 2 in 10 (24%) more than €500,000.
What motivates companies to implement sustainable solutions?
Process efficiency is the main driver of implementing sustainable initiatives, followed by communication considerations and the company’s image in the eyes of stakeholders. Taking these motivations into account, the rest of the analysis focused on a group of companies selected due to the type of sustainable initiatives they undertake. For this purpose, an in-depth analysis was carried out, which showed that the most widespread practice is the verification of compliance of the conducted activities with environmental protection regulations (72% of companies).
How do we minimize the negative impact on the environment?
Understood in this way, limiting the impact of a company’s activities on the environment is a valuable competitive advantage. Among the actions taken to achieve this goal, respondents most often declared reducing emissions, optimizing waste management, avoiding plastic, eco-designing packaging and developing an effective ESG strategy.
Interzero Research: Status, Needs and Trends in the Circular Economy
Interzero supports companies in adapting to sustainable business models through comprehensive consulting and innovative environmental solutions. Our report presents the results of a study on sustainable development trends, market expectations and related business decisions of medium and large enterprises in Europe. Six countries were analysed: Italy, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia.
The aim of our study was to:
- Understanding and analyzing market trends in the circular economy and sustainable development
- to investigate possible barriers to the application of best practices in the individual countries covered by the study
- to investigate the main sustainability needs of medium and large companies in the countries covered by the study and to analyse their readiness to adopt sustainable business models
- creating a reference point for the state of development of ecological transformation in business models at the European level by summarizing data obtained from all analyzed countries
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