We are they

Our “we are one” corporate culture stands for respect, communication and responsibility. These values unite us – regardless of what work we do at Interzero, and regardless of our background, beliefs or choice of partner. Even just looking at Interzero in Germany, we find employees from 41 countries aged 16 to 67. We also work to ensure equal opportunities for our employees. We appreciate diversity, take an interest in our colleagues and learn from each other. Our competency model reflects a shared understanding of values and is a guide for all employees. It is also the starting point for stimulating commitment to the implementation of the zero-waste vision on a daily basis: we do not rest on our laurels, but try to find the right ways to fulfill this vision.

mężczyzna przygotowuje materiały: karteczki z piktogramami do akcji na rzecz zrównoważponego rozwoju
zdjęcie Christine Kleinhammes - Starszego Menedżera ds. projektów rozwoju biznesu

“Each of us can contribute to a sustainable corporate culture. As Sustainability Ambassadors, our employees can present their own ideas and sustainable projects that contribute to the success of the company. A wide-ranging team promotes these initiatives at Interzero: this keeps communication channels open and help us present sustainability as an ongoing process.”

Christine Kleinhammes

Senior Manager business development projects

Employee initiatives for sustainable development

miejska kampania rowerowa - pracownicy Interzero zachęcają mieszkańców do jazdy rowerem na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju

Together we can achieve more. That’s why our employees actively contribute to making Interzero a more sustainable company. Since 2016, our Sustainability Ambassadors have regularly organized Sustainable Development Week, involving employees in joint cleaning, sharing economy actions and commute programs that reduce CO 2 emissions. The city bike campaign is also very popular. Its aim is to cycle as many kilometers as possible in three weeks to contribute to climate protection and to raise awareness about the need to expand urban cycling infrastructure. In 2017, Interzero employees covered almost 7,500 kilometers on bicycles. This has reduced CO 2 emissions by approximately 1 tonne and saved €675 that would otherwise have been spent on fuel.

Go beyond the scheme: two steps

Companies have a key role to play in stopping global warming. What actions should they take to reduce global warming? The strategy adopted as part of the initiative “The road to economy <2°” is: “We achieve more when we work together.” With an interdisciplinary approach, it unites diverse industries, specializations and perspectives to make progress towards a common goal. Interzero, together with about 40 other companies, is an active participant in this pioneering project which was launched by the 2° Foundation and WWF Germany.

grupa ludzi pracuje przy ustaleniu strategii zrównoważonego rozwoju i zaprojektowaniu rozwiązań na rzecz ochrony klimatu

Ideas for a sustainable economy

logoCentrum Zrównoważonego Zarządzania Korporacyjnego

As experts in the field of circular economy, we share our specialist knowledge by building a dialogue with researchers, business and the public. One such activity is the Center for Sustainable Corporate Governance, a joint initiative of the business and R&D sectors based at Witten/Herdecke University in Germany. We support the working group on recycling, as well as the development of the “More Sustainable Business Food” standard.

We also support the following projects:

  • Environmental education projects in cooperation with clients (McCormick, Dell, Mlekovita) (Poland)
  • Eco garden at the Integration School in Warsaw (Poland)
  • KidS (Köln)
  • Jugend am Werk (Austria)
  • Wiener Tafel (Austria)
  • Verein Albatros eV (Wiesbaden, Germany)

  • kids (Germany)
  • Aktion Friedensdorf eV (Germany)
  • Erzbischöfliches Kinder- und Jugendheim St. Kilian (Germany)
  • Sponsorship for Geyserhaus (Germany)
  • Red Cross – honorary blood donation (Germany)
  • DKMS (Germany)




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