About us - introduction to Interzero

Closing loops, preventing waste and conserving resources. Since 1991, we have developed tailor-made, integrated environmental services for clients in every industry.

Pioneers of sustainable development: when it comes to creating closed product, material and logistics loops, Interzero is one of the leading service providers on the market. We work with clients from all over Europe to create smart, end-to-end solutions and products. We focus on striving to achieve sustainable development of the company that brings benefits to the environment, economy and the entire society.

Interzero in a nutshell: data and figures

Since our company’s founding in 1991 , we have provided tailor-made integrated services to over 50,000 customers in all industrial sectors with annual sales of one billion euros (2021). Our workforce consists of 2,000 people employed in 40 locations in 10 countries. We focus our recycling know-how on a shared vision of a waste-free future .

In four companies: Interzero, Interzero Packaging Recovery Organization SA, Interzero Polska sp. z o. o., Interzero Packaging Recovery Organization and Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recovery Organization SA

and Interzero Advisory sp. z o. o. has implemented ISO 14001 , ISO 14001:2015 (Consulting in the field of environmental protection and health and safety, intermediation in waste trade) and Environmental Policy.


employed people


billion euros of annual turnover


years of experience






satisfied customers

What can we offer you

  • Customized solutions for environmental protection
  • Innovative approaches to recycling
  • A wide range of services
  • Tailored sustainability strategy
  • Over 30 years in the industry
  • Award-winning recyclables

Our areas of activity

znak recyklingu - symbol usług recyklingowych oferowanych przez Interzero

Recycling solutions

Recycling raw materials conserves resources and gives companies the opportunity to rethink products. We organize the return and recycling of packaging and prepare raw materials in market quality in accordance with customer requirements.

pojemnik na odpady - symbol usług gospodarowania odpadami oferowanych przez Interzero

Waste management solutions

Individual solutions bring maximum success – also in the field of disposal and waste management of companies. We use an innovative approach to make this process sustainable, comprehensive and effective.

symbol rozwiązań okrężnych oferowanych przez Interzero w ramach tworzenia gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym

Roundabout solutions

We help our customers take responsibility for their products – with tailor-made circular and reverse logistics systems, new business models and the optimal combination of our services.

piktogram z 2 budynkami symbolizujący rozwiązania Interzero w zakresie gospodarki odpadami w budynkach

Plant/facility solutions

We enable efficient and effective management of waste and buildings in the form of individual solutions. In this way, we help our clients to develop their properties in accordance with the principles of the circular economy.

kula ziemska -

International solutions

In order to implement comprehensive circular economy management, we work at an international level, offer sound advice on environmental protection and optimize waste disposal solutions.

History – key moments

2022: Setting a goal for the future and founding Interzero: The owners of the ALBA Group, which also includes Interseroh, are restructuring the group of companies. They create agile units that respond to market requirements and individual business models. In this way, Dr. Axel Schweitzer is involved in, among other things, Asian business and plastic recycling activities. By introducing the Interzero brand, it emphasizes the company’s international vision of a “world without waste”.

2021: Launch of the new Interseroh+ system – with an innovative concept that goes far beyond packaging licensing. The aim is to close the material loop in a “recycling alliance” with industry and trade, thereby jointly creating a circular economy that benefits companies as well as protecting resources and the climate.

2019 : Just in time for the entry into force of the German Packaging Act on January 1, 2019: Following the successful launch of the Lizenzero packaging licensing webshop in summer 2018, the Interzero Dual System (DSI) is now available for distributors of various packaging sizes with tailor-made solutions their needs.

Interzero is also expanding its range of services internationally and is present with environmental services in Austria , Slovenia , Poland , Croatia , the Czech Republic and Italy .

2018 : For the eleventh time in a row , the Fraunhofer UMSICHT Institute has proven the positive effects of recycling valuable materials. In addition, from 2018, companies can optimize the recyclability of their packaging based on a new, scientifically justified method – the “Made for Recycling” quality mark – created for recycling. In addition, in 2018 Interzero and Saubermacher AG established the joint venture SIMPLi RETURN GmbH , the first lithium-ion battery collection and recycling system.

2017 : The online store brandused.com goes live: it is a place where used, refurbished IT equipment or new, unused technical products from corporate sales or warehouse clearance are sold to end customers to give the equipment a second life.

2016: Interzero celebrates 25 years of success. Thanks to the trust placed in us by our customers from Poland and abroad, we have so far returned 15 million tons of used packaging to the circulation of raw materials, thus preserving valuable primary resources.

2011: Paint pots for toom Baumarkt are the first product on the market to be made from procyclen, a recycled plastic developed by Interzero. The material used to make the containers consisted of almost 100% plastic waste collected from various recycling systems in Germany.

2009: Circular Plastic Recycling: Interzero develops “Recycled-Resource”, an award-winning method of recycling plastic.

2008 : Interzero becomes part of the ALBA Group, a recycling leader and supplier of raw materials, adding its compressed know-how to the company’s portfolio.

2007: Year of RTE Mastercases: Interzero develops innovative Mastercase solutions for reusable shipping cases.

2006: Interzero becomes the first company on the market to obtain a nationwide license for the German “dual system” for its recycling services. The resulting market competition could significantly increase the recycling rate of packaging waste.

2000: With Repasack, Interzero offers a unique pan-European Kraft bag collection and recycling system. The company is also involved in education for environmental protection by initiating the award-winning “Eco Dragon” project involving the collection of empty printer toners in schools and nurseries.

1997: Interzero services go international with the foundation of the subsidiary EVA Erfassen und Verwerten von Altstoffen GmbH (today: Interzero Austria GmbH) as an integrated service provider in Austria. In the following years, there is a steady expansion in countries such as Slovenia, Poland, Croatia and Bosnia.

1991 : This is where it all began. Initially, the company’s activities focused on recycling packaging waste. At that time, Interzero began to expand its portfolio as a global provider of integrated environmental services, setting global standards for solutions aimed at preventing waste, modern sorting and innovative recycling.

Our Code of Conduct

1. Code of Conduct within the Compliance Management System

Personal integrity and sound judgment are essential to the successful delivery of our services. In order to achieve this goal, it is essential that each employee (hereinafter collectively referred to as “employee” for simplicity) is aware of the relevant rules applicable in our company and is aware of the impact of a given action or decision.

Therefore, this Code of Conduct is considered the main guideline for proper conduct in all business matters related to our company. The requirements for legally sound conduct are stated in a binding manner and are intended to provide guidance to all employees as to whether an action or decision is acceptable or not. Our corporate values are also part of our Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct is supplemented by individual guidelines and specifications on important, specific issues.

To continue to be successful, we have established a compliance management system within our company that supports all of us in meeting corporate and legal requirements.

2. Principles and social responsibility

For us, the issue of social responsibility and credibility is the commitment to sustainable economic activity, ensuring social and ecological standards and caring for society as a whole. Therefore, clear rules and standards apply in this regard.

2.1 Human rights and child labour

We respect internationally recognized human rights and support their observance. We will not tolerate any behavior that ignores them.

In our company, we do not accept illegal employment of children and youth.

2.2 Equal opportunities and non-discrimination

We promote equal opportunities and avoid discrimination when hiring employees, as well as when promoting or awarding training and continuing education. We treat all employees equally, regardless of gender, age, skin color, culture, ethnicity, sexual identity or orientation, disability or religious affiliation.

2.3 Compliance with law and public order

We expect all employees to comply with applicable laws and regulations. All senior staff/management staff in our company are required to familiarize themselves with the core values. In this regard, they act as role models and instruct employees to act in accordance with the law and regulations.

2.4 Compliance with social norms

We work with management to ensure that all employees are treated with dignity and respect. All employees should be able to work in a work environment free from physical violence and sexual, psychological or verbal harassment. We investigate signs of violations respecting the interests of victims and potential witnesses, regardless of the rank and the person concerned.

We expect our employees to stand for democratic principles.

We comply with the law to ensure fair working conditions and pay, working hours and protection of privacy.

As part of professional training, we promote the improvement of employees’ professional qualifications through appropriate training and lifelong learning.

We also expect our business partners to adhere to equivalent social standards in these areas: Human Rights, Compliance, Protection of Children and Youth, Fair Treatment of Employees, Equal Opportunity, Occupational Health and Safety, Compensation and Social Benefits.

2.5 Health and Safety

Occupational safety and health protection are an essential part of all operational processes in our company.

In all workplaces, we take the necessary measures to prevent accidents and damage to health and to ensure compliance with health and safety regulations. Every managerial staff is obliged to support their employees in this respect.

We expect our subcontractors and all companies cooperating with us to comply with comparable standards.

2.6 Environmental protection / Sustainability

As a company operating in the field of waste management and recycling, environmental and climate protection as well as the efficient use of resources are of great importance to us.

We attach great importance to avoiding or reducing environmental pollution by reducing energy and water consumption, emissions and waste.

We focus on the use of eco-efficient technologies and materials for environmental protection, we focus on saving and the possibility of reusing materials.

We support sustainable business activities and environmentally conscious activities of our management and employees.

Every employee has a duty to treat natural resources with care and to contribute to the protection of the environment and climate through their individual conduct.

Through our sustainability reporting, we provide comprehensive information on our social and environmental performance. This enables customers, employees, suppliers and other stakeholders to understand the impact that our company’s activities have on society and the environment.

2.7 Quality management

Our quality management system ensures that the products and services we develop and sell meet our customers’ requirements in every respect. Therefore, each employee is responsible for the satisfaction of their external and internal customers.

Along with environmental management and occupational health and safety, quality management is regularly certified by an external company as part of our integrated management system according to European ISO standards.

3. Behavior in the company

3.1 Behavior with each other

We attach great importance to ensuring that all employees treat each other in a trustworthy, open and respectful manner. We actively fight against discrimination, harassment and other derogatory behavior towards employees.

3.2 Corporate Values

We act in accordance with our values such as respect, mutual exchange of experiences and responsibility (“we are one”).

Meet each other with RESPECT

We meet curiosity and interest and acknowledge our differences. During the meeting, we pay attention to manners and tone and assume good intentions. We recognize and value the performance and performance of (others).


We actively network and take the time to make personal connections. In interaction, it is important for us to listen and ask questions. We ensure that knowledge and information are transferred and obtained in a targeted, timely and recipient-oriented manner. We are open to changes, we set priorities and develop ideas.

Accepting shared RESPONSIBILITY

We abide by agreements and commitments and fulfill our assigned role. We follow a common direction and actively change through commitment and awareness of solutions. As part of active support and care, we treat our own and external resources with care.

Values such as respect, exchange of experience and responsibility form the framework and support for our cooperation. The behavior of colleagues and managers is more probable and predictable. Everyone can and should contribute to promoting joint cooperation.

3.3 We support CHANGE

Thanks to a stronger network of contacts, respectful and responsible interaction with each other and with company resources and us as people, we can deal with everyday matters, projects, as well as conflicts and make decisions more effectively.

We improve our operations thanks to a sense of ownership, easier sharing and diversity of our most talented employees who are fearless and have the courage to develop and try new ideas.

3.4 Avoiding Conflicts of Interest

In our company, business decisions are made in accordance with the company’s interests.

We avoid situations where our personal or financial interests could conflict with the company.

If conflict situations nevertheless arise, they must be resolved in accordance with the law and applicable company guidelines.

3.5 Handling Company Assets

We treat and use company property properly and carefully and protect it from loss, theft and misuse. We use tangible and intangible company property only for company purposes and not for personal use, unless expressly permitted.

Our employees, together with their superiors, are responsible for ensuring that the type and scope of a business trip is always commensurate with the purpose of the trip. We always plan our trips in terms of time and cost, and follow the company’s travel guidelines.

4. Conduct in Business Transactions

4.1 Preventing corruption

Our company stands for technological competence, innovative strength, customer orientation and motivated and responsible employees. This is the basis of our high reputation and our sustainable competitive economic success.

Corruption is a threat to these guarantees of success and is not tolerated. “Bribes” and other unfair influences on business decisions are not tolerated as a means to obtain business. We prefer to resign from the transaction, from the order than to break the law.

Every employee of our company is called upon to actively participate in the effective prevention of corruption in their area of responsibility.

4.2 Gifts, Invitations and Other Benefits

You should avoid accepting or giving gifts and benefits (gifts, invitations and other benefits) in a direct factual or temporal connection with a business decision.

Even the appearance of dishonest influence on business decisions should be avoided.

In order to achieve the highest possible level of security in this regard, our company has “anti-corruption guidelines”, which, among other things, regulate the possibility of accepting and granting business benefits and gifts (e.g. invitations, hospitality, invitations to events, etc.). We expect our employees and business partners to meet the requirements set out in these guidelines.

4.3 Donations and Sponsorships

We see ourselves as an active member of society and therefore engage in various ways. We make donations and other forms of social involvement without any expectations.

It is not allowed to make donations to political parties, foundations or institutions affiliated with political parties.

Sponsorship activities are only possible after prior legal scrutiny, taking into account relevant results and considerations and in accordance with the company’s internal guidelines.

4.4 Dealing with authorities and public bodies

We always act honestly, transparently and in accordance with applicable law when dealing with the authorities.

In the event of inquiries from authorities or other departments that go beyond routine matters, we always inform the responsible manager and, if necessary, the legal department in order to coordinate further actions.

4.5 Fair competition and antitrust law

We are committed to fair competition and compliance with applicable laws.

Antitrust violations threaten our success and will not be tolerated.

Our company’s management and employees do not enter into any agreements with competitors, suppliers and other companies that could illegally influence the competitive situation.

When in doubt, the legal department should be involved in the decision.

4.6 Preventing Money Laundering

We comply with legal obligations to prevent money laundering and do not participate in money laundering activities. All employees are encouraged to investigate and verify unusual financial transactions with the Legal Department. if there are any doubts, in particular about checking cash transactions that may raise suspicion of money laundering.

4.7 Protection of Intellectual Property

With regard to the protection of intellectual property, we comply with applicable laws. Intellectual property is protected by law (e.g. copyright, trademark or patent law) or as a trade secret.

That’s what we’re sticking to. However, the legal situation often depends on the specifics of the case. In case of doubt, we include the legal department in the assessment.

4.8 Financial Integrity

Our business transactions and business records must be correct and orderly. We record and document all commercial transactions, assets and liabilities as required by law.

Documents relevant to financial accounting must not be provided with intentionally false or misleading entries. Any form of balance sheet manipulation is prohibited.

5. Confidentiality and Communication

5.1 Confidentiality

Our company’s trade secrets are protected and treated strictly confidentially.

Trade secrets include all documents that are not appropriate or intended to be disseminated externally, such as contracts, draft contracts, planning data, financial data, personnel information, intellectual property and all other commercial information (confidential information).

We share confidential information internally only with employees who are involved in the business of the company.

In the case of digital, confidential information, special protection mechanisms should be used.

When sending e-mails, we make sure that confidential texts and attachments are sent only to authorized persons.

We do not share confidential and sensitive company information on social networking sites.

Disclosure of confidential information to third parties is only considered if it is in the interest of the company and does not violate legal or contractual provisions. Before disclosing such confidential information to third parties, the conclusion of a confidentiality agreement should be checked in any case. If in doubt, seek advice from the Legal Department.

5.2 Communication with the public

We respect the right to freedom of speech and the protection of personal rights and privacy.

Every employee should be aware that they can be seen as part and representative of our company also in the private sphere. Therefore, all employees are called upon to uphold the company’s reputation and position through their conduct and public appearances.

5.3 Marketing and Advertising/Reporting Statements

We always provide true information in marketing and advertising about our services. False statements and misleading information can damage both our customers and our reputation. We attach great importance to open and truthful reporting and disclosure of information about the company’s business transactions to investors, employees, customers, business partners, public and government institutions.

5.4 Data Protection

When collecting, storing, processing or transferring personal information (e.g. name, address, telephone number, date of birth, etc.) of employees, customers or other third parties, we exercise the utmost care and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. If in doubt, seek advice from the company’s data protection officer.

5.5 Transparency of Information

We ensure fast and efficient exchange of information within the company. Information is provided in a correct and complete manner to other authorized persons. Business-relevant knowledge is not unfairly concealed, falsified or selectively shared.

6. Implementation and contact persons

We actively promote the communication of the principles underlying this Code of Conduct.

We encourage our employees to openly solve problems and issues. Employees who raise concerns about company procedures in good faith are therefore not disadvantaged.

Our management team has a special role model role and is the first point of contact for questions about understanding the regulations. As part of its management responsibilities, it prevents unacceptable behavior or takes appropriate measures to prevent infringements in its area of responsibility.

Employees and business partners may contact an external lawyer and ombudsman at the address below if they have any questions regarding this Code of Conduct or if they have any indication of a violation of law or guidelines.

All information will be kept confidential by your lawyer and ombudsman.

You can contact him at the following contact details:

Inspector of compliance, legal services


7. Decision making aids

If you are unsure whether a decision on a particular matter is in line with company policy, the following questions may help:

• Is my decision legal and in line with company policies?

• Can I make a decision in the company’s best interest, free from competing personal interests?

• Can I reconcile this decision with my conscience?

• Can I easily disclose this decision to the outside world?

• Will this decision also be subject to third party review?

• Does my decision preserve the company’s good reputation?

If you can answer “Yes” to all of the questions, your decision is probably justified. In case of any doubts, please contact the listed contact persons.

Status: 05/2020

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