Changes in BDO – new regulations for 2025
From January 2025, important changes to waste management rules and the functioning of the BDO system will come into force. Their goal is to increase control over waste management, further increase the levels and effectiveness of recycling, and protect the environment. See what will change in BDO in 2025 and check if the new regulations will also apply to your company!
BDO fees up in 2025 – 100% and 166% increase
The change that will affect all entrepreneurs entered in the BDO register is the increase in the annual and registration fee . It is dictated by, among other things, the growing costs of maintaining, running and developing BDO.
From 2025 BDO fee rates will be:
- PLN 200 for micro-entrepreneurs (increase from PLN 100),
- PLN 800 for other entrepreneurs (increase from PLN 300).
Let us remind you that the deadline for paying the annual fee for a given calendar year expires at the end of February – in 2025 it will be February 28. The annual fee must be paid in the new amount by that date.
New regulations for hazardous waste management in 2025
From 2025 an obligation to keep records of all hazardous waste generated by entrepreneurs will be introduced. This means that the previously applicable exemptions, which were eagerly used by entities generating small amounts of hazardous waste, will disappear . The obligation to keep records will cover hazardous waste with the following codes:
- 3 02 08* Other engine, gear and lubricating oils,
- 15 01 10* Packaging containing residues of or contaminated with hazardous substances,
- ex 15 01 11* Metal packaging containing hazardous porous reinforcements other than those of asbestos, including empty pressure containers,
- 16 02 13* Discarded equipment containing hazardous components other than those mentioned in 16 02 09 to 16 02 12,
- 16 06 03* Batteries containing mercury.
Do you produce such hazardous waste? Check if you need to register your company with BDO in 2025! Check if you need to register your company with BDO in 2025!
Further changes to the obligation to segregate construction and demolition waste in 2025
From January 2025, the obligation to segregate construction and demolition waste into 6 fractions will come into force . However, the latest change is the departure from the requirement to ensure the segregation of R&D waste at the place of its generation – the entrepreneur will be able to transfer the obligation to segregate it to another entity with appropriate permits and entries in the BDO, provided that an appropriate agreement is signed. In the previous version of the regulations, the legislator obliged every producer of construction and demolition waste to segregate it at source. As a result of the amendment to the Waste Act, the possibility of segregating waste outside the place of its generation was introduced, but without releasing the entrepreneur from the responsibility for ensuring the implementation of this obligation.
Learn about the new rules for managing construction and demolition waste in 2025.
Postponement of the launch of the confirmation module in BDO
In 2025. nie będzie możliwości wystawiania dokumentów DPR i EDPR w systemie BDO . Wprowadzenie Modułu Potwierdzeń, który miał pozwalać na cyfrowe generowanie tych dokumentów, zostało przesunięte na 1 stycznia 2027 r. Od tej daty przedsiębiorcy zyskają możliwość elektronicznego wystawiania DPRów i EDPRów dla opakowań i produktów oraz zaświadczeń dla sprzętu elektrycznego i elektronicznego oraz dla baterii i akumulatorów. W latach 2025-2026 dokumenty potwierdzające recykling nadal będą wystawiane w formie papierowej.
Increase in financial outlays for BDO in 2025-2034
From 2025, the limits for spending funds from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management for purposes related to the functioning of BDO will be raised . This is to ensure further, trouble-free access to BDO, as well as to maintain the current level of cybersecurity and finance the development of the system. Moreover, revenues from registration fees and annual fees for entry into BDO will be a direct income of NFOŚiGW.